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Messages - FuzzyDan

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I had to wait an hour and 23 minutes before I could try and make a reservation. By that time, all but two hotels in downtown were available. Luckily I'm rooming with Tad so that isn't a major issue but while this method is cool and all, it really limits a persons options should someone have to wait that long in line for a reservation.

I think each block of times also has a block of open rooms assigned to it.  Took us awhile to find a room that could accept 4 people, but when it went away, by the time the next housing block opened there was more.

Overall I think it amounts to the same wait and need for luck, it just doesn't crash the poor servers trying to accommodate so many nerds at once.

Bill and I secured a room at the JW.  I will now bask in your envy.

RPGs / D&D Next
« on: August 12, 2014, 02:31:12 PM »
I'm kinda shocked that nobody has discussed it on the forums yet.

Despite people hearing me complain about Next being unnecessary (I still support that 4E was fine for Fantasy Combat Role-playing) throughout reading the playtest materials, I did pick up the PH this week and have been thumbing through it. 

I will say that I hated running 3.5, and became incredibly "MEH" about playing it.  Even with Pathfinder, I was more okay to play, but needing a high-degree of system mastery to read a stat block and run an encounter was still there so I didn't want to run it.  Right now I am leaning on Next being okay for me to play, but depending on how much effort it takes to build and run combat encounters, I'm not sure I want to invest the brainspace into writing campaign notes.

Anyone else's preliminary thoughts on D&DNext?

General Chaos / Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« on: August 11, 2014, 03:36:48 PM »
I will be the official cat herder who tries to get two dozen nerds to walk five blocks while Ross is away

Quoted by Ross.  Must be true.

General Chaos / Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« on: August 11, 2014, 01:56:39 PM »
I'll be there, I can be a foul-talking parrot.

General Chaos / Re: GenCon 2014 and the 5th RPPR Fan Meet-up
« on: August 03, 2014, 10:45:12 PM »
... baaah-dun... Baaah-dun...

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Ross needs to play Diplomacy
« on: July 12, 2014, 03:20:33 AM »
We played Twilight Imperium.  Which is like Diplomacy.  On crack.  In outer space.

So I got a new tablet today...

First thing I do?  Install kindle app and blow my amazon gift card on kindle editions of the DFPRG books.

I demand this idea stay relevant!

After having a brainstorm session with Bill and David, I am liking this game more and more.  The only question I have is where to set the power level.

Please tell me this a thing.

I want it to be a thing.  But I think we are waiting for the end of Better Angels so people are not overwhelmed by commitments.

General Chaos / Re: The Corrupt A Wish Thread
« on: July 19, 2013, 12:53:14 PM »

I wish I had a +5 vorpal holy avenger.

Granted, you have two in place of your hands, and your head is itchy.

I wish I could work less than 60 hours a week.

Alright, boys and girls, time to discuss some power players in the area:

House Histrois  (Pronounced like Illinois)

A minor White court house that once swore fealty to House Skavis, the Histrois do not feed off of pain and despair in the same way their overseers did, they prefer the subtly different emotion of guilt.  Since recent shifts in power have more or less destroyed the majority of House Skavis' spheres of influence, Cecil Histrois has managed to shake his family free of House Skavis and has consolidated his power base in the southern Midwest. 

Until this recent grab for power, Cecil has been considered a sort of "Frenemy" to Obelisk and its efforts.  It has long funded and supported religious organizations and collaborative efforts in the region, and a few of the house Scions that have shaken free of their Hunger have joined varying stripes of the clergy, some who still have the hunger can be seen giving sermons on public access channels and in tent revivals.  On the other hand, 90% of bars, vice dens, strip clubs, and adult stores are financially backed or owned by some member of the family.  In the past, what few predators that would attempt to set up shop here have been warned by Histrois to not endanger their flock or else face the consequences, and then we were given considerable intel and support to be said consequences.  However, the sudden influx of influences has apparently given Cecil pause, who now seems to be more selective in who he would prefer us to drive off.  Of course, he would never admit to working directly with us, and even with the distance Cecil has created within the last decade, there are still members of his family that either work with us or are on our payroll, all of couse stating that they only wish the best for this flock of humanity they have guarded for so long...

General Chaos / Re: GenCon 2013 & The 4th RPPR Fan Meet-Up
« on: July 12, 2013, 02:12:10 PM »
I'm probably going to be there this year. As it is only my second time, I don't know where would be large enough to accommodate everyone. I have no schedule either, so fuck if I know for times.

As far as games to play, I say everyone brings a case of cheap beer and we play DrunkQuest until only one is left standing. I may be alone in advocating for that though  :)

You are not alone.  However I'll need to start with something stronger than cheap beer to start.  Maybe something classier, like Moonwine (Port + Moonshine)

My knowledge of Slenderman Lore is fairly weak, so I don't know if/where he would fit in the world of the Fae, but I'm sure something can be worked out.

And here I was, thinking Ross would want to classify the Slenderman as a Fae and play a changeling(mortal/Fae offspring).

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