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Messages - Rawtooth

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
General Chaos / Re: GenCon 2011 Shoutouts
« on: August 14, 2011, 01:38:14 AM »

I was having a great time until CALEB!!! kicked me out of the game he was running!  /melodrama_off

More seriously, my first GenCon was fun and interesting, but honestly... PAX and Templecon are far more enjoyable for me.  GenCon felt very much like a vendor-con, which there is nothing wrong with, but isn't for me.  I did create some great memories, like explaining to the Eclipse Phase booth-guy that yes the two Alaskans had heard of Eclipse Phase and love it, but I don't think GenCon is in my cards for the foreseeable future.

RPGs / Re: Gencon 2011
« on: July 13, 2011, 11:17:42 AM »
what is a gencon

It's where all the cool kids go to hang out.

So, what's this I hear about a RPPR game/meet-up?

General Chaos / Re: The Official Marble Hornets Thread
« on: February 18, 2011, 04:24:07 AM »
For everyone missing our dear long-limbed friend, look carefully at Entry #35.

[spoiler]Namely, look around 1:32.  Very faint visual tearing at the bottom of the screen, Slendy's trademark.[/spoiler]

I did like that the trend started with Entry #33 and the Maglite bitch slap has continued.  Let an animal run and they will flee, corner an animal and they will fight.

I'm going to echo everyone else in the thread and congratulate on your skills Caleb.  The fact you spun whole-cloth the background for the creature was epic in and of itself.  Tying it into a little girl's ditty about her toy?  Fucking priceless.

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