« on: June 03, 2009, 05:22:02 PM »
Last weekend I met up with some old friends of mine for lunch. We talked for a bit about the "good old days," what was going on with each of us now... you know, the usual bull.
I waited until the conversation met a lull, went deadpan, took out 4 d20's and said "ROLL FOR INITIATIVE."
I stayed completely straight-faced, waited for their laughing to die down a bit and said "NO REALLY, ROLL FOR INITIATIVE."
Everyone scrambled for a d20, and for the next couple of hours in the coffee shop we gleefully engaged in the most gonzo power fantasy of our own invention, including highlights like flying tanks, sexually abused dolphins, marmot-infested waters, Dirty Sanchez monsters, and much much more.
Has anyone else done something like this?