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Messages - Review Cultist

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RPGs / Re: Freaky Architectural Stuff for Ruin
« on: February 02, 2016, 08:17:51 PM »

Here's a possibly interesting twist on architectural horror: the players find themselves on a highway in a wide open wilderness. No matter how far along it they walk, nothing seems to change. It's as though the road stretches infinitely in each direction. From time to time, a car comes along the road. They have to figure out some way to escape from the endless repetition of the road.

If you've traveled through the prairies, that's the gist of it, truly an endless hell. I'm also intrigue, and post this question, what stops people from abandoning the road and car (also gas issue?) and heading the intersecting directions from the road?

Sadly, despite efforts otherwise, I will be staying at an off-site hotel this year. Draw a time of slightly over an hour so all of the downtown stuff was gone by the time I was able to get into the system.

I feel your pain sir, I'm about 10 miles out. Looks like I'll be setting aside money for cab fair.

I wonder if they take RPPR Bills? XD
(Which reminds me...)

My Google Fu has failed me. What is the source of the 'beetle people' thing?

In Lovecraft's work "Shadow Out of Time" it describes the next dominant race of Earth, in a distant Post-human future as being a race of evolved Bug People.

General Chaos / Re: Edge of the Empire - Drunk and Ugly Life Day Special
« on: January 07, 2016, 08:00:53 PM »
I second this.

RPGs / Re: Anecdote Megathread
« on: December 22, 2015, 08:42:19 PM »
Man I really hope I get to play in one of your Civil War scenarios someday, Trinite, they sound so freakin' cool!

Thanks, Kamen! Actually, this one and my second one (General Order No. 11) would probably work very well over Hangouts. And I'm always looking for more playtests, since I'd like to publish them eventually...

I'd just need an app to do a little screen sharing for the map for this one.

Why not use a shared google doc or image thing on G-drive?

General Chaos / Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« on: November 30, 2015, 08:20:12 PM »
I've started playing "Destiny" (burrowed off a buddy to see what it's "campaign" was all about.) Surprised how much more Halo this game feels then Halo 5 does. Well it feels more like the original Halo trilogy than the new trilogy has for me.

I guess it make sense since it's by Bungie too. XP

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: RPPR Community AP Podcast site
« on: November 04, 2015, 06:30:34 PM »
Thank you, sir!

Changing it up a little this time.  Uploaded The Play's the Thing: The Pirates of Candle Cove.  This one is connected to my regular Providence campaign but takes place in Elizabethan London Circa 1601 A.D at the Globe Theatre.  It was played as a one-shot over the summer in preparation for a longer scenario in the fall.

I've not yet listened to RPPR's Candle Cove game - but I plan to soon.


I'm going to be giving this one a listen

Is totes worth it!

General Chaos / Re: Posthuman and Transhumanist Vidya Games?
« on: November 04, 2015, 06:29:37 PM »
Not to dominate this thread (I am really hoping there are some IF text adventures I'm not familiar with, or maybe some Japanese stuff, or late 80s DOS/Amiga titles), but for anyone interested there is also the colossal failure/letdown that was Too Human for the 360, though I believe it is nearly impossible to find as unsold copies were destroyed after a failed lawsuit with Epic Games.  Conceptually, Too Human is Norse mythology with posthumans in place of the demigods and robuts substituting for, uh Loki's minions I guess?  It is alluded to that the Ice Giants (Ymir) were AI that the Aesir posthumans defeated, and if this all sounds pretty awesome it is, at least in theory, but the game itself was painfully repetitive, I think there are only two enemy types in the whole game, which isn't even very long.  The suggestion of greatness was there, and this was intended to be the first of a trilogy (and the cliffhanger ending would have gotten me to buy the sequel had it ever been released, despite my disappointment), but the game sold very poorly, the developer sadly went out of business (Silicon Knights, some might know them as the dev of Eternal Darkness, one of the best non-Lovecraft Lovecraftian games, on Gamecube), and they lost a lawsuit against the 3d engine designer over claims of breach of contract.

Anyway, Too Human is probably the closest I've ever seen a game come to that traditional transhuman setting, even if it was a kind of insane re-imagining of Norse mythology.

Played/Slogged through this game a few years after it came out. Loved the ARG content surrounding it (Eg. Mockumentaries about "relics" recovered from the ice and display at the Ontario Expo... Woot! Go Canada!) And just the fact that it was made by a company so close to home. It had so much potential but as it was stated the gameplay faltered in execution. I remember getting to that ending after a few good...? hours cutting through and being cut down by hordes of robotic goblins and dark elves and then just dropping the controller at the cliffhanger... it could have been soo good!

Also would "Enslaved" be counted as Trans-human/Post-human? It had a very strong similar vibe as "Too Human" except using "Journey to the West" in place of Norse Myth.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: RPPR Community AP Podcast site
« on: October 22, 2015, 10:17:48 PM »
Thank you, sir!

Changing it up a little this time.  Uploaded The Play's the Thing: The Pirates of Candle Cove.  This one is connected to my regular Providence campaign but takes place in Elizabethan London Circa 1601 A.D at the Globe Theatre.  It was played as a one-shot over the summer in preparation for a longer scenario in the fall.

I've not yet listened to RPPR's Candle Cove game - but I plan to soon.


Wait...what? Oh my god! I cant wait for this to go up. XD

I need to hear how that goes.

General Chaos / Re: Image Thread
« on: October 05, 2015, 05:04:41 PM »
This is how Planet of the Apes really starts...

RPGs / Re: Road Trip Actual Play Recordings (FINISHED!!)
« on: September 30, 2015, 10:32:48 PM »
"Low! THOUSANDS OF YEARS FROM NOW, People will tell stories of this day! And it will bring them hope for the future!"

Yeah, this was a super fun campaign.

General Chaos / Re: Delta Green kickstarter
« on: September 29, 2015, 06:30:12 PM »

Also Woot! Been waiting since Gencon for this to launch.

General Chaos / Re: Image Thread
« on: September 17, 2015, 06:51:11 PM »
Mostly applicable with Better Angels.

I thought that said Surala as in "the Ever Truthful". XD

General Chaos / Re: What are you reading?
« on: September 15, 2015, 04:09:13 PM »
Not exactly a full fiction piece, but just received "DG: Countdown" in the mail. Really wish I could find "Targets of Opportunity" either on the cheap or that it would come back in print. I love reading up on those factions and stories... and in dead tree format.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Five Money Unit!
« on: September 14, 2015, 09:11:32 PM »

I'm hoping to have something sooner than later for next year, I'm gonna have the template fashioned and ready so as Actual Play inspired moments appear this year (we all know there gonna happen) I can draw them up and place them and have it ready to go for printing. XD

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