OOC - does that mean Kanock is up? If so, lets take another shot!
Frustration was starting to set in, and it was no doubt causing him to snap his release instead of the gentleness required for a good shot. A deep breath to slow his nerves, a squint of his eyes, and then he reached back and pulled another arrow from his depleting quiver.
Slower than before, he fits it to the string, pulls the string back, his small muscles bunching with the effort, the tendons of his hand stretching with the effort. The bow raises, leveling the arrow at his foe.
He slowly starts to exhale, timing his release with the slight falling of the bow as the breath leaves him.
A small prayer may have even crossed his mind.
Base +7, FE +2, -4 Melee

Rolling 1d20+5:
(10)+5: Total = 15
Base 1d6-1, FE +2

Rolling 1d6+1:
(1)+1: Total = 2