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Messages - Kemlin Dragos

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Hey Caleb,

     I downloaded the draft of Lover in the Ice and it looks great. I can't wait to see the final version. I did have two questions though, if you have a chance to answer. Have you had a chance to playtest it not using Delta Green as a backdrop, such as using one of the scenarios you mentioned in the PDF? Second, How come the bird in the cage didn't make it into Whitehead's menagerie of weird things? Not complaning, just wondering. Loving all the stuff from Hebanon and excited to see more.


Ross Payton, you horrible monster you! Congratulations! Base Raiders is officially backed!

Quick Wild Talents question from a guy that hasn't gotten a chance to read the books. I was looking over the Wild Talents Character Creation spreadsheet from the ArcDream website. Just from listening to the New Arcadia campaign I get the concept of Hard and Wiggle Dice. But what do Hyper, Hyper Hard, and Hyper Wiggle do?  I am guessing that they are for high level characters and that we will get there someday, but still curious. Thanks.

Can't wait for this Kickstarter!

Good luck Ross!

General Chaos / Re: Kickstarter: Cool Stuff
« on: August 27, 2012, 11:08:14 PM »
Monte Cook has a Kickstarter out right now that seems quite interesting. It's called Numenera, and it's definitely worth reading about even though it's already funded.

It's set a long way in the future and 8 human civlizations have risen and fallen, you are inhabitants of the Ninth World and there are remnants from the past all around you.

I think there could be some amazing campaigns set here, and I would love to see what the RPPR crew would do with this world.

P.S. Monte has also written extensively about the world on his blog, so if you are still unsure go check that out.

 @ Cthuluzord


Lover In The Ice...

It's real, it's all real!

Let's hope for a cold, cold winter.

Yes, Yes many many RPPRers are rejoicing as they discover this wonderful news. I for one told my entire staff, and just smiled as I ignored their blank stares.

Grats to the whole crew, you sincerely deserve it. Cheers to another great year.

P.S. RPPR winning for best Podcast got a shout out by @Wizards_DnD on Twitter. Say what you will about WOTC, but they have almost 20,000 twitter followers, so more exposure can only be good.

Here's the link:

RPGs / Re: Good RPG to run for complete gamer newbies? Please Help.
« on: August 17, 2012, 12:15:36 PM »
Thanks for all your suggestions! I think I have decided on Call of Cthulhu, I was going to try Wild Talents, but since this will be a one shot, the character creation seemed a little too much.

I've even got the beginnings of an idea for a story. It will be based on the now defunct Heritage USA theme park in Fort Mill, SC. I've been multiple times and is seriously one of the creepiest places on earth, I'm working through all the plot hooks and character relationships now, and I will post more once I have a definitive outline done.

Here's a link to the Wiki page for it:

RPGs / Re: Good RPG to run for complete gamer newbies? Please Help.
« on: August 06, 2012, 09:49:57 PM »
Thanks for all the suggestions. I have the CoC 6th Edition book, and had thought seriously about running "The Haunting" for them, but I really like writing my own scenarios.

I took your advice and asked them, and they both said they thought a Superheroes game could be fun. They are both college educated guys with a pretty deep videogame and comic background, and one is a professional actor, so RP comes naturally to him. So, if I did go that route, which system would you say is the best for beginners, Wild Talents, Godlike, or Mutants and Masterminds?

Once again, thanks for all the great suggestions. I had never even heard of FATE, so I'm going to research it tonight.

RPGs / Good RPG to run for complete gamer newbies? Please Help.
« on: August 06, 2012, 08:24:18 AM »
In a few months, at our annual guys getaway weekend, I have a chance to run a game for my two best friends. One of them has only played in three sessions of 4E D&D (that I ran), and the other has never played any Pen and Paper RPG. The one that has played D&D loved it, but the one that hasn't has no interest at all in playing D&D, but I have been able to talk him into playing another type of game.

So I am turning to you, RPPR Crew and Listeners. I am looking for a suggestion for a fun, easy to learn game that will hook my two best friends. I'm up for running anything.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« on: August 02, 2012, 09:58:08 AM »
I think the Trail of Cthulhu, Reign, and Fear Itself games all sound interesting, but I have been itching to hear a Killsplosion game recorded.

From what I've read and heard, I really like the Trail of Cthulhu system for Investigation compared to regular CoC.

Just finished the entire mini campaign, hour or so of Dog Punching aside, I enjoyed it. I did agree with Ross's assessment that it was 3 scenarios rolled into one, but it was still a fun listen. I don't get to play hardly at all, and I've never heard a game where a Mythos monster was actually summoned, so that was interesting. I would love to be able to read through this scenario along with Divine Fire. Divine Fire is still probably the scariest game I've ever listened to. Thanks for sharing Tom.

P.S. If you don't mind sharing....[spoiler]Why did Grandfather betray them and why did Marsh not kill the targets he was assigned?[/spoiler]

P.P.S. I would also love to read through the GURPS MLEG game you ran. That was a riot.

Tom has a 4 part game up on the Unspeakable! AP feed at The Unspeakable Oath. I just finished the first session and I'm really enjoying it so far. Check it out if you haven't already. Thanks Tom, I always enjoy your games.

@ AmishNinja

The forum's running a bit slow, so I can't check if this was already asked, but: how did the name "Hebanon Games" come about?

I was wondering that myself, I thought it was a reference to the poison from Hamlet, but I looked it up and it's spelled differently.

@ Cthuluzord

I'm so happy that you are going to be able to start Hebanon Games off right, and adding The Wives Of March just made the Kickstarter even sweeter!

It wouldn't fit the theme, but maybe some materials from your A Dirty World stuff. Also preview AP games are always a great prize.

Also I don't know if it's been done before, but maybe a commentary track, or commentaries in the game materials from the original playtesters. Like anecdotes of how they felt at certain points, how wrong they were about certain decisions or about where they thought the game was going, or how creeped out they were at a certain point (i.e. Tom with the  Bird in the cage in Lover In The Ice), etc. etc.

So stoked that this Kickstarter has done so well. Can't wait to see what else Hebanon Games has in store.

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