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Messages - TigerStorm

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General Chaos / Re: Genuinely Scary Horror Movies
« on: February 01, 2010, 10:35:44 AM »
or Quarantine

Quarantine makes your list of scariest? Really?

Then again, when I saw it, it was with a VERY skiddish girl who freaked out constantly during the movie. I spent most of the time laughing at her... I was laughing too much to really be scared.  ;D

RPGs / Temptation
« on: February 01, 2010, 09:54:24 AM »
So, I'm starting up a new PbP game on rpol and just recieved my first "broken" character submission which was obviously made for exploiting numbers rather than character development. This is Min/Max at its finest with only one facet of the character developing and the rest simply left stock. I've already discussed the implications of his concept and why I don't feel the mechanics are compatible with each other (he's using technicalities to make it possible) but he has argued his point and will not submit a different character concept. Part of me just wants to deny him access to the game... however, I'm tempted to simply let him in the game for the purpose of showing him the error of his ways (he wants to bring in a VERY physically capable character so I throw mages at him that attack his will). But there's a part of me that says not to be such a jerk about it and  deny him access and just leave it at that.

So, my question is this:

1.) Be a jerk and bring him in only to destroy his character with prejudice?
    (the downside to this is that it will waste the time of the other players)

2.) Ignore him?
    (the downside to this is that it is not nearly as satisfying)

3.) Let him in and raise the bar for the challenges and encounters they all will have to face? (explaining to everyone else that it was out of necessity to challenge this nearly invincible character)
    (the downside of this is that other PC's will likely die - they will either get mad at him or me - 50/50 chance at that one)


Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: New world campaign
« on: January 29, 2010, 11:47:50 AM »
The sentence "And may you bathe in the blood of virgins and babies too" is hilarious when you say it with a polite and nonchalant voice as if this is just a standard greeting between two friends.

As if it is? You mean you don't normally greet your friends that way? hmmm... I may need to re-examine who my friends are.

RPGs / Re: Gamming Recommendation
« on: January 24, 2010, 03:12:24 PM »
As far as RPGs go, the only suggestion I have to offer is to give Mutants and Masterminds a look see. I haven't run or played it as of yet, but it looks like a pretty streamlined system that can allow you to get things done quickly, especially combat heavy scenarios. Maybe try an episodic 4-color style game that's heavy on the fisticuffs? Beating the crap out of some bad guys does sound like a pretty interesting way to spend a lunch break.

I agree with the MnM idea. It can be as simple or complex as you want. A short session can easily be done by thwarting a robbery. Or, if you want, you can make it a bit more. "Layers upon layers" if you will. Either way, it's pretty streamlined as all you need is a 1d20 to play.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: New here
« on: January 21, 2010, 01:02:04 AM »
he does write the letters and pretty much a given player for anything I run so yeah I guess.

Again my point... that's not really work. That's being spotlighted while complaining... If that's work, then I'm doing the wrong job over here. Where's the listing in the help wanted section for THAT job?  ;D

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: New here
« on: January 20, 2010, 03:14:13 AM »
nah that means I would have more to work to do for rppr

So, wait... that means that Tom actually does work for RPPR? (and no, making fun of Ross doesn't count as work... that's just a perk of the job)

RPGs / Re: Anecdote Megathread
« on: January 19, 2010, 11:35:54 PM »
So, while listening to the last podcast and hearing Ross, Tom, Cody, and Aaron talk about their first time GM'ing, it got me to thinking... I'm sure a lot of people have interesting stories about their first experience as a GM.

Anyone want to share?

RPGs / Re: Campaigns and PC memory
« on: January 19, 2010, 03:28:02 AM »

Surprisingly (actually, not so surprisingly), this works. In my Mutants & Masterminds game I've been running, I offer bonus character points at the beginning of each session for who can give the best recap (or split the points offered if they want to share the recap). You would be surprised how good a player's memory is when greed takes over... haha

General Chaos / Re: Megacon, whose going?
« on: January 14, 2010, 12:05:10 PM »
I'm going as Tom Church!

Grrr I dislike announcer voices and am not published!

There was not nearly enough swearing in that to be believable...

RPGs / Re: My Gripe with 4th Ed.
« on: January 12, 2010, 10:59:57 AM »
Expeditious Retreat: It is not my sole spell, it is a lifestyle choice.
Remember, dear friend, it is not where you run to, but what you run from.
It's better to have people say "There he goes" instead of "Here he lies"...

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Venture Bros
« on: January 10, 2010, 02:18:36 PM »
*Ross gave them a very powerful hero to arch, assuming that they would spend most of their time trying to come up with plans rather than attack the hero directly.
*Ross was wrong because the crew attacked the hero.

I gotta say, that's why I enjoy the people playing in the MnM game I'm currently running. They understand what it's like to "move at the speed of plot" as they put it. They had a prime opportunity to get into a fight they had no chance of winning but definitely realized it and opted for a more tactical solution. Of course, that tactical solution has extended into several sessions and achieving steps toward a plan is more fun than dying in one fight.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: New world campaign
« on: January 09, 2010, 01:10:42 AM »
No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.

I'll have what she's having...

RPGs / Re: Famous Last Words
« on: January 08, 2010, 12:47:51 PM »
I think the only thing that would have made that death better would be if he had only managed to get to around the third "r" in his last name before getting "blowed up"  :D

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Is the RPPR AP feed working right?
« on: December 28, 2009, 02:13:44 AM »
Nope... mine auto-deletes the ones it's supposed to... I just checked

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Is the RPPR AP feed working right?
« on: December 26, 2009, 02:52:05 PM »
Ummmm... you know you can change the settings of what it keeps and what it doesn't, right? For example, you can have it only keep the newest 3 episodes and it will automatically download / delete as appropriate...

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