1. What is your age?
- 32
2. Are you male or female?
- Male
3. Do you know what the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is?
- Nope!
4. Would you be likely to donate time or money to protect civil liberties?
- Only when it gets really bad (are we there yet?)
5. Are rights like freedom of speech and privacy on the Internet important to you?
- Yes, but not enough to combat answer to 4.
6. How informed are you about legal issues regarding the Internet and computers?
- not greatly, second and third hand information at best
7. Where do you get your news from?
- yahoo (just before checking mail), twitter, websearches
8. What websites do you regularly visit, at least once a week?
- some fantasy forums (related to PC DM game and Lone Wolf), some webcomics (PA, QC, Hijinks Ensue, Saturday Morning Breakfast Club, etc) twitter, yahoo mail, some fantasty related websites (WotC, here, Fear the Boot, Kingdom of Loathing)
9. Do you feel comfortable spending money online?
- yes, though probably ignorance is bliss.
10. Would you prefer to read an article or watch a video to learn about something?
- read the article
11. Do you think websites like Facebook and Twitter are useful to learn about new things?
- twitter is, simply because of the aware people currently online. However, noise and overreaction are just as possible!
12. Do you pay attention to news sources that are outside the mainstream, such as foreign new services or independent documentary filmmakers?
- no
