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Messages - Ryo

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Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Cody Fan Club
« on: June 06, 2010, 10:22:50 PM »
I don't believe she is nerd level 'name all the number two's from the Prisoner', but she's at least entry level nerdy.

Just knowing what the Prisoner is makes you an ubernerd. Holy Christ! What nerd recess in your mind did you dig that out of?

Well some channel was rerunning it (I got to see the ending which I had never seen before) and they did a remake recently. I think knowing of the Prisoner is low level nerdness. It seems to me it is referenced all the time.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Cody Fan Club
« on: June 05, 2010, 09:04:23 PM »
I've seen enough G4 to say that Olivia Munn is a nerd. I don't believe she is nerd level 'name all the number two's from the Prisoner', but she's at least entry level nerdy.

White Council Dossiers / Re: Character Creation...
« on: May 29, 2010, 01:18:37 PM »
Before Arje had left I had started to talk with him about changing to a more hands on character. We have a lot of heavy artillery, but that won't work against all foes and short of using enchantments the mage types have a limited number of shots. What do the rest of you think?

White Council Dossiers / Re: Character Creation...
« on: May 25, 2010, 08:44:23 PM »
I just bought the first book of the dresden files series so.. I'll be able to Rp this a lot better once I start reading.

I'll have to think of a true name then. Maybe one given by his gods or something.

Its not so much given as it is the sum of who you are. Its like a glass which breaks at one particular harmonic frequency. It wasn't given, its a part of it.

General Chaos / Re: Making Desert Terrain
« on: May 24, 2010, 03:10:12 PM »
Its been a while since I tried that sort of thing. However did you try playdough? You can make your own easy enough and in an oven it should crack.

Also have you tried cement? Make a small mold, let it dry then while still in the mold break it up a little. That should give a rough texture with cracks.

White Council Dossiers / Re: Character Creation...
« on: May 21, 2010, 09:05:52 PM »
I got the basics from the chapter, but even in your examples its all about the character (You're the apprentice, my Lord, my mouth, etc.).

I guess if it would have been "Finding fault with other people's foolish actions" I would have understood better. The way it was phrased just confused me.

White Council Dossiers / Re: Character Creation...
« on: May 21, 2010, 07:11:52 AM »
Ahh I see. So you can have aspects that deal with other people's actions and not just your own?

White Council Dossiers / Re: Character Creation...
« on: May 20, 2010, 10:53:54 PM »
Oh? How does that help you gain or spend fate points?

General Chaos / Re: Happy Star Wars day
« on: May 20, 2010, 10:31:44 PM »
I found this to be a great review;

General Chaos / Re: Making Desert Terrain
« on: May 20, 2010, 10:22:24 PM »
Have you tried using a heat gun or heat lamp (maybe a high walt bulb would work) to dry out some clay or curing plaster(play-do should work too)? To make cracks you want to quickly draw out the moisture.

White Council Dossiers / Re: Character Creation...
« on: May 20, 2010, 10:15:21 PM »
Ah, I was just rereading the 4th aspect part and realized you have your character add a supporting roll to the other person's 3rd aspect story. Sorry Bronnen I just thought each person made up a story with the character you tag as the star.

I didn't even pick up that Tad had used my story. :P

I went back and made some edits. The story happens not long after you gained your powers. I don't know what your intent was for the "You did what" aspect, but I saw it as something you could use to draw on past memories/lessons/etc or on jumping to conclusions, acting on assumptions etc.

White Council Dossiers / Re: Character Creation...
« on: May 19, 2010, 11:34:53 PM »
Thanks Tad, that's a great story. Only thing, I'm not a Knight, although the difference appears to be pretty slight. I'll add this to my third story, but he is bound to a Lady by emotions (maybe enscrolled :P) and not duty. I see him more as a personal champion rather than serving the whole court.

I'll try to do as well for Mordred.

Mordred Thulsson in "You did what!" guest staring Jack Nimble.

    Mordred had been walking through a track of woods for the past hour and was getting frustrated. He had been told there were some cultist operating out of a park just outside of town. The local law hadn't done anything, because they apparently hadn't done enough to warrant arrest, but Mordred knew without a doubt that he needed to be here. He had only a few weeks before given up his body and soul in exchange for the power to fight against the evil he now saw all around him.

   He pushed aside a branch only to be struck by a clump of snow. Swearing an oath, he stopped to brush off his chest. He was dressed for battle. He wore only his torc, a large cloak and a pair of leather and fur pants that came down to his knees. His upper body and face were covered in symbols that few in this modern world would recognize or understand, but that matter not at all to Mordred. The purpose of these runes were to honor his gods. They were a physical, visual testament of his faith.
   Snow crunched under his think, heavy boots. The air was crisp and cold this wintery day, but the beserker ignored it. He was aware of the chill, of the danger it posed if he stayed out here to long, but he had been drawn here to preform his sworn duty. Suddenly, he heard the cry of two crows, as a couple came crashing out of the trees and into a small clearing in front of him.

   Jack had just recently parted from a new found friend after saving the girl currently running at his side, only to be ambushed by yet more members of the cult. He had managed to avoid the trap, but was quickly becoming mentally and physically drained. The girl at his side was in a panic and she let out a scream when they ran in front of the large man dressed in furs and carrying a spear. Jack let out a growl of anger at his bad luck and tried to escape with his charge.

   Mordred saw the man seeking to avoid him, but he would not let this cultist do what he pleased with the poor frighten girl he held so tightly in his clutches.  Letting out a roar, he spirited towards the fleeing man and woman. His spear thrust out before him, but before Mordred could close to do battle the man pointed and a beam of pure light shot back at him. However, he was prepared for just such an attack. This is how the corrupt fought, fleeing when threaten, killing with indifference, but his gods would not allow this tainted magic to harm him. Strangely, Mordred realized the attack was not directed at him, but enveloped a tree off to his left. Then without warning the tree started to move. It reached out and grabbed him, seeking to restrain him, but to such a battle harden man action and thought were as one. He let his spear fly even as a branch circled his arm. Unfortunately, whether from the tree's grasp or the other man's own skill, the spear missed its mark and did not land a killing blow. The man has hurt enough to drop and lay crumpled in the snow, holding his side as blood seeped between his fingers.

  When the girl leaped to impose herself between Mordred and his prey, he hesitated. Something was tugging at the back of his mind. The coat sleeve on the man's right arm, burst into flame, symbols appeared, glowing brightly. Mordred did not know their meaning, but he understood they had something to do with the fae. Dread filled his heart, was his purpose here to hunt cultist or something else? The man he had just injured wasn't who he thought he was and the girl trying so desperately to protect him, wasn't his hostage.

  In his mind's eye he saw Old Garnard still alive and speaking to the boy he had once been. The priest's face bore a shocked expression and Mordred could hear him saying as clear as day, "You did what!".

White Council Dossiers / Re: Character Creation...
« on: May 18, 2010, 11:30:30 PM »
When do I tag? Do I get tagged first? Lost has me distracted. :P

City Hall / Re: Out of Character Thread
« on: May 18, 2010, 11:27:31 PM »
I have most everything done, except the 4 and 5 and 6? aspect stuff. Just a pick of polishing for the rest. A drawing would be cool

White Council Dossiers / Re: Character Creation...
« on: May 16, 2010, 09:29:33 PM »
Say Arje is your guy focusing on the soft side of spirit or hard? I'm thinking of specializing in hard air, ie emotional magic, raw force, etc.

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