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Messages - Teuthic

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It's going to be Creative Commons when it hits ninety dollars?! Dream big, Evil Hat. Dream Big.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: What should Caleb run next?
« on: November 29, 2012, 12:19:14 AM »
Nah, if they go Grimdark with Monsters and Other Childish Things, it should be a bunch of eight-year-olds in broken homes.
"Billy's never been to school because his dad forces him to watch the still during the day."
"Meryl has to fight for pillow space from the whores who've made their money for the night."
"Andrew is rich, but he's a hobo now."

Aaron would play Meryl, of course.

RPGs / Re: Monsters and Other Childish Things Questions
« on: November 28, 2012, 10:13:03 PM »
Er, sorry about that. I'm kind of overdosed on references. I'll keep my mouth shut next time.

RPGs / Re: Monsters and Other Childish Things Questions
« on: November 28, 2012, 08:14:49 PM »
Oh neat! Gives me a kind of Earthbound vibe.

They're magic peons! They come from the land of Ooo! Or Fantasia, or Andalasia. They appear for width-1 turns, cause a ruckus, then turn into trash or something. Up the dice amount to turn it into one large skill pool, add the Defends quality, and you've got a magic crowd.

RPGs / Re: Monsters and Other Childish Things Questions
« on: November 28, 2012, 03:31:24 PM »
This sounds like two or three separate skills to me, depending on whether or not you count the archery and swordsmanship as one thing. The Leadership thing would probably be a face-based skill. Something like:

Useful: Decree (Princess can make a decree that others have to follow)*
If she has a high face, which makes the most sense as a princess, I would only set aside two dice and give it awesome x2. Or you could give it Sweet, and make it really hard for people to combat its effect. Also, to highlight that she's a disney princess, I'd give her the ability to SUMMON ANGRY PEONS
Proclamation! 2d Awesome x2
Useful: Do what I say or 50 years dungeon no trial! Attacks: Summon loyal subjects (with torches and pitchforks)

That leaves between three and five dice to work with, depending on how creepy you want to make the princess; La Belle or La Bete. As for her second skill, it sounds like you want her to have Little Miss Badass swordfighting abilities, but that honestly sounds more like a regular sort of skill to me, not a weird one. Could you go into a little more detail about what you want?

*What's that, Ross? No PC mind control? FIE ON YOU I SAY!

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: What should Caleb run next?
« on: November 25, 2012, 09:29:34 PM »
Ooh, Unknown Armies; haven't you always wanted to play in a game where a guy gains magical power by drinking booze out of JFK's coffee mug?

Monsters and Other Childish Things is always a great choice, though; Candlewick is possibly the easiest game on the planet to run.

Oh god I've spent a lot of money on Arc Dream stuff ever since listening to RPPR. Whee!
-A Dirty World
-Every Monsters and Other Childish Things book. ALL OF THEM
-Kerberos Club (And by extension, Wild Talents: EE)
-Call of Cthulhu (Though I wanted it before listening to RPPR)
-Masks of Nyarlathotep
-The Laundry series
-A few Kickstarters here and there.
-Oh, and Esoterrorists, Fear Itself, and the Book of Unremitting Horrors. I will use Clooties in my game some day!

RPGs / Unknown Armies
« on: November 25, 2012, 10:55:47 AM »
I'm kind of curious as to everyone's thoughts on the game; has anyone else checked out this little gem of occult conspiracies and horror? Its weird China Miéville-y quality is what got me really into playing games outside of straight-up fantasy.

General Chaos / Re: Introduction
« on: July 04, 2012, 08:18:59 PM »
Good morning, day, or evening, as it may be to any of you.
To continue in the RPG Anonymous vibe this whole thread has going on:
My name's Chris, I'm 23, and I've been my Skype group's designated GM on-and-off for 3 years now. I'm at college in South Florida, in a city called Mouse Mouth, where I study evolutionary biology and work at a newspaper. I've been trying to get a RL game of something going on here for a while now.
I first started gaming when I was 16, when I began working on the abortive game Dungeons and Discourse (based onthis Dresden Codak comic, which is still in development and has pretty awful mechanics; I've turned into one of the two guys in charge of developing it, so we're starting over from scratch.

I'm a huge fan of gaming, but I have a soft spot for abstract Indie RPGs and rules-lite systems; they usually allow for much stranger games.
My favorite games are tied for Monster and Other Childish Things, Unknown Armies, and Don't Rest Your Head; I'm basically obsessed with any game where Ben Baugh or Greg Stolze is involved somehow.

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