« on: June 17, 2014, 06:26:03 PM »
I have ran a Scooby-Doo CoC scenario in which no sanity was lost.
I augment hitpoints on creatures if my PCs are curbstomping them. Conversely, I never augment damage if my creatures are curbstomping the players.
I am too fond of randomization and will use random tables when at all possible in order to be surprised by the outcome.
I often do not give canned scenarios a thorough reading before running them.
I too create serious characters for oneshots and wacky characters for campaigns.
I too enjoy puns and the punishment they reap from the rest of the table.
I backseat GM a lot when I'm playing. In fact, I am often a rules lawyer.
I have a huge "this is a random NPC" tell. If I don't know anything about them they will, with very little variance, either be a drunk Irish, a high Rasta, or Snake Plissken.
I tend to run canned scenarios a lot because I can rarely think of interesting scenarios.