« on: December 09, 2010, 12:57:49 AM »
Well, it's certainly no secret that the players had not developed much of a post-revolution plan beyond free elections. I personally have no idea what they desire except self-determination, free from the Crown's influence. But the whole "PCs imposing thier tyrannical views on the colonists" arguement is moot - doesn't the Crown impose its "tyrannical views" on citizens the moment they are born? Sure, the PCs basically took the fate of the colonies into thier hands and single-handedly determined its future direction. That's not really up for debate. But I doubt one can objectively state that the Crown's claim to Divine Right is any more "legitimate" or "moral" than the PC's decision to begin a revolution.
I don't have a firm backing in philosophy, but practicing charity and expecting payment in return, whether in the form of future favors or devotion or influence or whatever, does not really fit any definition of "charity" or "altruism" I have seen. These seem to be purely self-motivated gestures on Sarkis' part to increase his sphere of influence and soften his public image.
The obvious ineptitude of the Old World has yet to be addressed. Allowing a crazed, would-be tyrant and ex-Pelorite to ally himself with aberrant monstrosities and demons and trounce through thier colonies roughshod is, quite frankly, inexcusable. If the Crown cannot prevent that, or at least offer more than nominal assistance to its colonies, then the Old World is one good gnoll or giant invasion away from collapsing in on itself.