« on: April 12, 2016, 02:48:12 PM »
Alias: Bio-Lazer
Low powered hero
Name: Samantha Victory
You used to have to work diligently to keep your girlish figure, you starved yourself with diets, you spent thousands of wasted hours at the gym and you always still felt fat.
One day while conducting research for your doctoral dissertation you found a reference to Super Lipids, a method Pangloss and other “super geneticists” used to store incredibly large amounts energy in biological mechanoids. You became obsessed with onlocking the secrets of these Super Lipids, if you could unlock their secrets you could make it so that you wouldn’t need so many fat cells to keep your body going, you could eat all you wanted and not gain any weight! It would be the perfect diet! You could sell it and make millions!
You bought a disembodied bio mechanoid arm from the black market to use as a research sample and began experimenting. You found that the super lipids just had to be injected into a regular cluster of fat cells and kept super saturated with nutrients and that they slowly replaced the fat cells and never gained additional mass. After a month or two of testing you injected yourself with the Super Lipids. Everything was going great for about a month (other than your increased appetite… but hey you weren’t going to gain any weight!) you had stopped paying attention to the tissue cultures and gone back to working on your dissertation when you noticed the smoke coming from your closet. A short adventure with a fire extinguisher later you learned that the tissue samples had spontaneously combusted. You quickly set aside your homework and started a life or death quest to figure out what was going on with your cells. It turned out that the “Super Lipids” had to be “milked” for energy, if too much built up they burst into flames… the bio-mechanoids had bio lasers to burn off the excess so it was never a problem. You couldn’t possibly burn off enough energy to survive.
Luckily the bio mechanoid arm still had a bio laser attached and it had been kept on ice. You were able to blackmail a medical student to implant it. Things are going pretty well…
Super Soldier: Super Lipid Battery
Normal Human: Genetics PHD Student
Conviction: Science is Girl Power!
Aspect: What could go wrong? (tempts fate?)
Aspect: Chronic over achiever.
Aspect: Could be a part time model… (but should really keep her day job).
Complication [Minor]: “THE HUNGER” only really goes away while I am eating.
Complication [Minor]: I can fire the laser or you know… spontaneously combust
Great (+4): Science
Good (+3): Resolve
Fair (+2): Caloric Laser (S)
Average (+1): Academics, Athletics, Presence, Technology
Base Refresh = 4
Unique and Strange Skills:
Caloric Laser
Power Tier: Superhuman (-2 Refresh)
Shoot + Range X2 + Spray + Unusual: Laser Cutting Beam
Treatment [Physical] + Unusual: Automatic Regeneration
Snag [minor]: Treatment [Physical] is self only
Complication [Minor]: “THE HUNGER” only really goes away while I am eating.
Complication [Minor]: I can fire the laser or you know… spontaneously combust
Cost: 7 skill points (4 trappings, 0 connections, 5 extras, -2 drawback)
Description: You have a laser surgically implanted in your palm that is fueled with your body fat. Luckily you have Super Lipids that allow you to store billions of calories without gaining any weight! Sadly the lipids need to be “milked” for energy every once in a while or you will spontaneously combust, and they require a constant stream of nutrients, so you feel like you are starving…. All the time!
You have also picked up a healing factor.