« on: December 04, 2014, 04:45:46 PM »
Alias: The Protagonist
Name: Steven Nettles
Nationality: American
DOD: -
Height: 5’8
Weight: 180 lbs
Appearance: He looks like a grizzled 40’s detective.
Known Superhuman Abilities: Shows up unexpectedly and tends to survive in spite of the odds. "I need a Hero" and other "thematic" music seems to play more often than it should on the radio when he is around, it tends to jam nearby communications, also sometimes a weird voice can be heard describing things just before or after these broadcasts.
History: Steven is a teenage product of a broken household. In a way he is an everyman for the current generation. He is exceptionally empathetic, which may or may not be the reason why “The Narrator” chose him as its Psion.
“The Plot” is an Extradimensional Entity / Eldritch Horror that wishes to control all reality and use it for entertainment by continuously creating clashes between “Good” and “Evil”, “White” and “Black”, “Blue” and “Orange”. If it has its way it will abolish all free will in the universe and we won’t even know that it had happened. It has a hard time interacting with our reality directly, so it created “The Narrator” to act as a go between (like we use a screwdriver as a go between for our hands and a screw). Be warned, “The Plot” enjoys a wide array of genres from tragedy to high adventure to alien concepts we don’t have names for yet.
“The Narrator” is a servant of “The Plot.” It seeks to manipulate people into dramatic conflict. It gathers information and uses it to providing motivation for its various pawns to fight one another (or just other groups).
The Ideal put strong wards in place that held the Narrator in check, preventing it from communicating with mortals and therefor limiting the damage it could do. Those wards are fraying and when the stars are right, he can push past the wards and tune into our reality’s cosmic radio frequency.
“Heroically” is defined as entertaining “The Plot.” Villains can act “Heroically” for this purpose, so long as it is high drama or leads to high drama, usually.
Super Soldier: Can hear the voice of the narrator.
Background: The Show must go on!
Conviction: I have to live up to the Hype.
Aspect: Isn’t that a little… meta?
Aspect: Live fast and leave a good looking corpse.
Aspect: Learn three things man wasn’t meant to know before breakfast.
Complication [MInor]: Existential Ennui
Complication [Major]: Tropes made manifest
Great (+4): Presence
Good (+3): The Voice of the Narrator (S)
Fair (+2): Deceit, Resources, Contacting
Average (+1): Drive, Pilot, Shooting
Base Refresh Minus Power tier Minus Gifts: = Adjusted Refresh
Unique and Strange Skills:
The Voice of the Narrator
Power Tier: Superhuman (-2 refresh)
Complication [MInor]: Existential Ennui
Complication [Major]: Tropes made manifest
Examine + Unusual : The Narrator + Range, Information + Unusual: The Plot, Research + Unusual: The Plot (3-2-4)
Initiative [Physical] (2)
Notice + Unusual (1-0-1)
Cost: 10 skill points (6 trappings, 2 connections, 5 Extras, -3 drawback)
Description: You can hear the things the narrator says (as far as you are concerned, the narrator is a disembodied voice that only you can hear). (This isn’t actually the D.M. and while it thematically “breaks the 4th wall” it really doesn’t). If the Narrator wants you to find a clue he will often say something like “and the hero found a clue in the villain’s desk!” Giving you an idea where to look. If he is being very kind, he might warn you of ambushes before they happen, by announcing “And unbeknownst to the hero! He was walking strait into an ambush!” If you don’t actually DO the things he says, he can become upset or sullen. He may warn you of an ambush, but he wants you to walk into it anyway. If you choose not to search the desk for the clue he wanted you to have, he might say things like “and the hero decided after two weeks, TO GO BACK TO THE DESK AND FIND THE BLOODY CLUE!” or move along to another plot thread. You can hear it even if you go deaf.
You don’t own the narrator. It talks when it wants to. It exists independently of you.