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Messages - Claive

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RPGs / Post horrific Wild Talents Powers! :D
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:33:13 PM »
Post your imaginative Wild Talents powers with the Horrific -1 flaw!

Uncontrolled Mutation 5hd (D U U) (12 pts per die; 120 pts total)
(3) Defends (LAR) Extras and Flaws:  Endless +3, Armored Defense -2.
(5) Useful (Regeneration) Extras and Flaws: Permanent +4, Engulf +2, Self Only -3. Capacity: Self
(4)Useful (Adaptations) Extras and Flaws: Permanent +4, Always On -1, Variable Effect +4, If/then (requires the character to take damage to activate) -1, If/Then (Can only be used to adopt an adaptation that would combat the source of the damage) -1, Horrifying -1, Uncontrollable -2.  Capacity: N/A

Description:Every cell in your body is dedicated to your survival.  Every time you are exposed to stimuli that cause you harm, your cells mutate rapidly in an attempt to protect you from that harm.  Every time you suffer damage your flesh will shift like warm wax, quickly mutating into a new configuration.  Once it has shifted you will have gained a new adaptation that will (hopefully) enable you to survive.  You have no control over what form these mutations may take (what adaptation you gain is determined by the story teller).  You also have a crab like shell that protects you from damage (granting you LAR 5) and you reflexively regenerate 5 points of damage from each hit location every round.  Witnesses viewing this transformation are dismayed as per the Horrific Flaw.

General Chaos / Re: Payday 2, steam
« on: October 21, 2014, 04:03:38 PM »
Join the RPPR Steam Group!

RPGs / Re: BaseRaiders
« on: October 09, 2014, 10:56:49 AM »
That would be great! However, Dream Girl and Palisade don't really feel "finished" yet.

RPGs / Re: BaseRaiders
« on: October 07, 2014, 11:56:35 AM »
Allies: Recon Unit - 2
Group Affiliation: Team Delta

Artificial Being / Super Genius: A.I. plugged into a Mobile Autonomous Factory
Background: I.T. built an autonomous robotics factory in secret, it was my… mother.
Conviction: Curious of unfamiliar technology.
Aspect: People throw away the darndest things…
Aspect: Rebooting should fix that.
Aspect: Our Children are our future.
Complication [Major]: The size of a Rhinoceros and ten times as heavy.
Complication [Major]: The uncanny valley is always in play.

Skills: 30/30
Great (+4):
Good (+3):
Fair (+2): Mobile Autonomous Factory [ S ]
Average (+1):  Empathy, Plasma Cutting Beam [ S ]

Base Refresh  (4 Spent)

Unique and Strange Skills:
Mobile Autonomous Factory
Power Tier: Superhuman (-2 Refresh)
Complication [Major]: The size of a Rhinoceros and ten times as heavy.
Complication [Major]: The uncanny valley is always in play.
Dismantle + Zone, Repair, Craft + Zone, Workspace + Zone (4-2-6)
Research, Information (2-1-0)
Resist Damage, Physical Force (3-3-0)
Convince + Unusual: Instantaneous computer (I am master user) hacking + Willpower (2-2-1)
Cost: 22 skill points (11 trappings, 8 connections, 7 extras, -4 drawback)
Description: Your body is a mobile factory, if you have the materials you can build almost anything, including large objects or small items in bulk.  If you can interface with another computer you have an easy time convincing them that you have the highest tier of admin privileges.

Plasma Cutting Beam
Power Tier: Superhuman (-2 Refresh)
Focus (Minor)
Dismantle + Range (1-0-1)
Shoot + Unusual: It cuts things in two (1-0-1)
Cost: 4 skill points (3 trappings, 0 connections, 2 extras, -1 drawback)
Description: You have a Plasma Cutting Beam weapon that you can use against targets a zone away.

Companion: Timmy the Orphan
Quality 3 (2 pts)
Skilled (1 pt)

Survival +3
Resolve +2, Endurance +2
Presence +1, Technology +1
Description: Someone threw him away.  I decided to keep him.  His preventative maintenance is intensive but I find it rewarding.

RPGs / Re: BaseRaiders
« on: October 07, 2014, 11:40:17 AM »
Alias: Damage Control
Group Affiliation: Team Delta

Super-Genius / Magic User: Expert in Extra-dimensional entity capture and incarceration (or maybe "A ghost buster in the Cthuhlu Mythos"?)
Background: Physics Professor of Miskatonic University
Conviction: Humanity must control the supernatural, not the other way around.
Aspect: If you could see the Truth, they would call you mad too.
Complication [Minor]: Seeing them, means that they can see me.
Complication [Minor]: Not popular with the underground.
Complication [Minor]: I need to get this critter back to my containment facility.
Complication [Major]: All his colleagues consider him a quack

Skills: 30/30
Great (+4):
Good (+3): Astral Goggles [E]
Fair (+2): Proton Pack [ S ]
Average (+1): Paranormal Physicist [ E ], Presence

Base Refresh  = (4 spent)

Unique and Strange Skills:
Paranormal Physicist (Unique Skill)
Power Tier: Extraordinary (-1 Refresh)
Complication [Major]: All his colleagues consider him a quack
Information, Research (2-1-0)
Craft, Repair, Dismantle (3-1-0)
Guile, Disguise
Cost: 8 skill points (7 trappings, 3 connections, 0 extras, -2 drawback)
Description: You are a Paranormal Physicist.  You investigate the link between magical energies and technology.  You often have to lie about your credentials and your reasons for being at odd places at odd times (for example, at a graveyard at midnight with a shovel.)

Proton Pack
Power Tier: Superhuman (-2 refresh)
Complication [Minor]: I need to get this critter back to my containment facility.
Complication [Minor]: Not popular with the underground.
Focus [Minor]:
Shoot + Unusual: Effect non-corporal entities + Unusual: Supernatural creatures defeated are captured + Spray
Cost: 2 skill points (2 trappings, 0 connections, 3 extras, -3 drawback)
Description: You have built a device out of Ideal Tech Scrap that can capture supernatural entities so that they can be moved to a more permanent storage facility, it also proves to be fairly effective against other kinds of threats.

Astral Goggles
Power Tier: Extraordinary (-1 refresh)
Complication [Minor]: Seeing them, means that they can see me.
Focus [Minor]:
Notice + Unusual: See supernatural Auras + Range
Willpower, Stress Cap [Composure]
Examine + Unusual: Analyze supernatural Auras + Range
Cost: 13 skill points (5 trappings, 2 connections, 4 extras, -2 drawback)
Description: You have some quazi-magical spectacles that let you see and analyze supernatural auras.  They also filter out some of the more "insanity causing" forms of sensory input.

Equipment (Deadly 3 applied to the Proton Pack)

RPGs / Re: BaseRaiders
« on: October 03, 2014, 11:18:30 AM »
Haha, I dig it. I might use him as a NPC in a future game.

I see Dr. Doomsday Device and the Psychic above as members a super villainous group of base raiders I am working on.  But feel free to use anything I have posted here.  I would love for them to make an appearance.

RPGs / Re: BaseRaiders
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:20:09 PM »
I am just having fun making these...

Alias: Dr. Doomsday Device
Group Affiliation: Team Delta

Super-Genius: Talent Borrows, Genius Steals, Super-Genius turns it into a death ray.
Villainous Past: One of Omegas outdated “backup” clones.
Conviction: Prepare humanity for the coming storm, at any cost.
Conviction: My only limits are my own ambition and hubris.
Complication [Major]: Not the FBIs most wanted, but you’re on all the same lists
Aspect: Laws only apply to the masses and I am above them.
Aspect: My finger is on THE switch!
Aspect: You think you are a supervillain?! *mauahahahahaha*You are mediocre at best.

Skills: 30/30
Great (+4):
Good (+3): Third Degree Doctorate from the University of Omega [ S ]
Fair (+2): Stealth
Average (+1): Academics, Alertness, Athletics, Presence, Doomsday Device [G]

Base Refresh  (8 spent)

Unique and Strange Skills:
Third Degree Doctorate from the University of Omega
Power Tier: Superhuman (-2 refresh)
Conviction: My only limits are my own ambition and hubris.

Examine, Information, Research (3-2), Security, Notice (2-1), Transport (1)
Dismantle, Repair, Craft, Workspace (4)(2) Willpower (1)

Cost: 14 skill points (11 trappings, 5 connections, -2 drawback)
Description: You are a mad scientist, not a doctor.

Doomsday Device
Power Tier: Godlike (-6 refresh)
Major Delay:
Complication [Major]: Not the FBIs most wanted, but you’re on all the same lists
Snag (Minor): For the Menace trapping to function, those to be affected must understand what it is they are looking at or witness the destruction or its aftermath.
Snag (Minor): Variable Effect is only used to add an extra that specifies the kind of WMD it is.
Focus (Minor)

Brawl + Zone + Zone + Zone + Variable (Session)(only to be used to define the kind of WMD)
Menace + Zone + Zone + Unusual: will spread by word of mouth.

Cost: 6 skill points (2 trappings, 0 connections, 13 Extras, -9 drawback)
Description:  You collect doomsday devices.  You carry a small one (really more of a WMD than a DDD) around with you in your suitcase.  People who discover what it is you are carrying tend to run away as fast as they are able, not that it would save them if you flipped THE SWITCH!  It costs a fate point to set off the weapon.  The weapon always has a one minute timer, it is unlikely that you could get away in time if the weapon went off.

RPGs / Re: BaseRaiders
« on: October 01, 2014, 11:06:49 AM »
The unusual makes it so that once you resist a composure attack from a source, it can't try again that scene via the justification, that in dreams once you face your fear it stops being scary.  Or rather it can try again but you get progressively more resistant to it.

With Palisade, I ran out of points :-(  connecting things is expensive.

RPGs / Re: BaseRaiders
« on: September 30, 2014, 04:57:00 PM »
Alias: Palisade
Group Affiliation: Independent Adventurer

Alien: Swashbuckler from SPAAAAAAAAAAACE!
Background: Grew bored of a space utopia.
Conviction:Mischief?  I call it Adventure!
Aspect: How did that even explode?!
Aspect: I will stab you in the front with a sword in your hand.
Aspect: If I don't know how, I'll wing it.
Major Complication (-2): I must abide by the will of Panache
Minor Complication (-1): There is a huge bounty on my head.

Skills: 30/30
Great (+4):
Good (+3):  Trained by a Master [ S ]
Fair (+2): Empathy
Average (+1): Initiate in the Cult of Panache [ S ]

Base Fate Points minus 4.

Unique and Strange Skills:
Initiate of the Cult of Panache
Power Tier: Superhuman (-2 Refresh)
Major Complication (-2): I must abide by the will of Panache

Climb, Leap, Move + Unusual: Acrobat extraordinaire (3)(2)(1)
Information (1)
Menace, Inspire, Willpower (3)(2)
Transport (1)
Cost: 16 skill points (13 Trappings, 4 Connectors, 1 Extras,-2 flaws)
Description: You worship the Godling Panache.  He grants you powers thematically appropriate to his spheres of influence so long as you offer up the proper prayers and act in his name.  Choosing to disobey him would result in terrible consequences.

Trained by a Master of the Lightning Sword
Power Tier: Superhuman (-2 Refresh)
Minor Complication (-1): There is a huge bounty on my head.
Minor Focus:(-1):

Strike + Unusual: My sword is made of lightning, Parry + Unusual: Can Parry Energy that one is not usually able to parry  + Unusual: Can parry Ranged attacks (2)(3)
Information (1)
Initiative [Physical](2)
Cost: 8 skill points (5 Trappings, 2 Connectors, 3 Extras,-2 flaws)
Description: A master lightning swordsman has trained you in the art of lightning blade dueling.  The lightning blade is like a part of your arm.  You can parry laser blasts and antimatter bolts.

Gifts (-0 Refresh)

Modified: 10/1/2014

RPGs / Re: BaseRaiders
« on: September 30, 2014, 02:25:14 PM »
Alias: Dream Girl
Name: Isabelle Frump
Group Affiliation: Independent

For as long as you can remember you have had an incredibly detailed dream life and in many ways it is more important to you than the waking world. This is because you are one of the children of Nod. One night shortly after Ragnarock your dreams changed, you found one of the doors to the waking world and now (at least while your waking self sleeps) you may wander the waking world with all the powers and glory of dreams. 

Magical Being: Every night I go abroad / Afar into the land of Nod.
Background: Dream interpreting Psychologist.
Conviction: If you have enough treasure you can make your dreams come true.
Aspect: Hermetic magic is for chumps.
Aspect: My therapist says I need to...
Aspect: Technology just doesn’t work right around me.
Aspect / Transform: So terribly boring / Floating Glittering Dream Woman.
Major Complication (-2): Am I awake or is this a phantasm?

Skills: 25/25
Great (+4):  Dream Magic [A]
Good (+3): Stealth
Fair (+2): Academics
Average (+1):  Bureaucracy

Base Fate Points minus 6.

Unique and Strange Skills:
Dream Magic
Power Tier: Ascendant (-4 Refresh)
Major Complication (-2): Am I awake or is this a phantasm?
Major Snag (-2): Must fall asleep to transform and if something wakes you up you lose your powers.
Major Transform (-2): Floating Glittering Dream Woman

Inspire, Convince, Conversation, Insight, Willpower (5-3-0)
Move + Unusual: Phase Through Matter + Unusual: Float like a cloud, Physical Force + Range + Unusual: Physics need not apply
Resist Damage (4-5-4)

Cost: 15 skill points (9 Trappings, 8 Connectors, 4 Extras-6 flaws)
Description:  When you fall asleep you may choose to transform into your dream avatar.  While in this form you are incredibly compelling, insightful and confident.  Additionally, you can move through mater and float like a cloud.

Your dream avatar has an entourage of fairies and you may ask them to move things for you.  They allow you to move objects from place to place regardless of the physics involved (i.e. you can pick up a car from the top without damaging it, etc.)

Unlike normal people, who are blind to the dreaming world while awake and blind to the waking world while asleep, You see both regardless of if you are asleep or awake.  Sometimes this gets complicated when you forget which is which.  Once you hit Joe from accounting over the head with a water bottle whilst screaming that he was the Dark Sorcerer Kaveraxis... yeah... that was embarrassing later.

Gifts (-2 fate points)
Companion - Aphra "Empress of the Moon" the Dream Cat - Quality 3
+1 Stealth, +2 Burglary, +3 Deceit [ S ] (3 boxes in each stress track)

Quality +3 (2)
Independent: (1)
Keeping Up: (1)
Empowered X2 (4)
Summonable (1)

RPGs / Re: BaseRaiders
« on: September 03, 2014, 07:27:09 PM »
I like that character, strong investigation focus, which is often lacking in PC builds. He could be the scout/detective who finds bases to raid and then goes all rogue/trapfinder when inside the base.

What effect if any does the +psychic do for the willpower trapping?  I know its necessary (because if you add it to one trapping it gets added to all of them) but don't really see what it adds to the trapping...

General Chaos / Re: Image Thread
« on: September 03, 2014, 02:31:39 PM »

Now I just keep hearing Aerosmith singing in my head: "Monkey Got A Gun,  the whole world's come undone"

Never trust a primate.

Great now I want to see a Dr. Dinosaur / Hell Boy Crossover....

RPGs / Re: BaseRaiders
« on: September 03, 2014, 12:58:17 PM »
Group Affiliation: Team Delta

It all comes down to the fact that, deep down everyone truly wants to be a villain, whether they want to admit it or not.  They want the freedom to do what they want without having to bend a knee to the throne of public opinion.  They dream of rebellion in their heart of hearts and that dream is always there, just out of reach.  You want to punch that one boss that just can’t stop talking or stand up to that bully or talk to that one person you have your eye on but you can’t… you feel that you shouldn’t… you would have to face the consequences of those choices.  That’s why you have always wanted to be a villain… it means that you can do whatever you want and never have to say you’re sorry.

As a child your hero was a psychic villain. No one but you even remembers his name now.  You would always listen to the radio when there were super battle warnings hoping that it would be them and that they would win for once.

You dreamed of becoming like your (anti) hero, of developing psychic talent but you live  in a world where the “good guys’” psychics can detect a low level psychic practicing from across the globe, teleport to their location and “fix” them so they can never be psychic again….  All of the news shows said so.  It seemed to  pay to use discretion or… prudence.

Years ago you had read all of the “how to” manuals, watched all the interviews with psychic villains or their henchmen, but you never tried to develop any powers, who would?  Without a villain “shielding” you during training there isn’t any chance you would get away with it and all their henchmen seem to be low level guys who burn out or get caught and then get “burned out.”

When you heard that the heroes had disappeared… at first you didn’t believe it… but as time went on… and people started talking about base raiding… a long buried hope and a burning obsession started to slowly awaken and then grow within you.  There isn’t anyone to stop you from perusing your dream now… it was time to take the first step…. You stopped going to work, you sold everything you ever owned, you have been practicing 14 hours a day… you have made progress but you have learned that a lot of the books you had read were garbage… you’re having to make up your training regimen as you go along... It’s not at all what you expected, but you will be damned if your going to apologize for your choices.

Adept:  Self Taught Psychic
Background: Collage Dropout
Conviction: Being a villain means you never have to say you’re sorry.
Aspect: I had a feeling that something like this might happen...
Aspect: If you are outgunned, gtfu.
Aspect: People like to talk to me.
Aspect: If its public knowledge regarding psi powers, programs or phenomena, I know about it.
Complication [Major]: Anything to stop this headache

Skills: (25/25)
Great (+4): Psychic Training Regimen (E)
Good (+3): Empathy
Fair (+2): Athletics
Average (+1): Academics, Arcana, Computers, Presence

Base Refresh  Minus Power tier Minus Gifts: = Adjusted Refresh

Unique and Strange Skills:

Psychic Training Regimen
Power Tier: Extraordinary (-1 refresh)
Complication [Major]: Anything to stop this headache
Menace + Unusual: I am authority + Psychic, Willpower + Psychic (6)
Notice + Psychic (2)
Examine + Psychic, Information + Psychic (5)
Cost: 12 skill points (5 trappings, 3 connections, 6 extras, -2 drawback)
Description: Your psychic training is finally paying off.  You had heard that developing psi powers resulted in headaches and you hoped by not using psi drugs that you could avoid them, no such luck.  On the plus side you notice things without looking for them, know things you couldn’t have known.  You can intimidate people psychically by projecting the dread of authority at them and you are exceptionally resistant to mental attacks and intimidation.

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