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Messages - Leviathan

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General Chaos / Re: Kickstarter: Cool Stuff
« on: May 03, 2014, 02:39:21 PM »
TableTop mad the $1M mark. Hope they get people that know how to role-play and not just people coming to fuck about for a couple of hours. Because fun is serious business.

General Chaos / Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« on: April 26, 2014, 12:33:02 AM »
Yeah, Alien: Isolation could be ridiculously good if they nail the claustrophobic feeling of being trapped with the mother-fucking Alien. All footage I've seen of it so far has looked great.

General Chaos / Re: Image Thread
« on: April 18, 2014, 11:34:04 PM »
While on the topic of sharks.

General Chaos / Re: Kickstarter: Cool Stuff
« on: April 16, 2014, 08:32:36 PM »
I love TableTop, but isn't five hundred thousand dollars an unbelievable amount of money to produce a show where people sit around a table to play games? I'd like to see them make it, though, especially the RPG-only show.

And congrats to Cody, for Noir City #2 being funded by the skin of your teeth. Yay!

For something new, I kicked some money to Serpent in the Staglands, which looks delightful, and isn't asking for a lot of money (already funded, too).

RPGs / Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« on: March 27, 2014, 09:53:57 AM »
Currently planning to throw my players head first into some Exsurgents (my friend requested Dead Space-esque ship exploration) before easing them into the Eclipse Phase-setting itself, which works since I haven't even finished the core book yet, though I think I have the rules down now. Hopefully starts in the coming weekend.

Got a ton of things to come, but I'm pretty bad at getting things ready to run, and my players are terrible at deciding what they want to do next.
  • A short-ish Better Angels series of games, but I'm torn about where to set it.
  • Got a Numenera campaign basically ready to go, but it seems it'll be put on the shelf for now. :c
  • "End-seekers" and "Oversight", basically two games I'm thinking about making myself. A long way from play-testing at this stage, though. Might write them up over the summer.
  • Wanted to try some Base Raiders, but my players weren't as excited.
  • Got some Esoterrorists in the pipeline as well, but I'm saving those for when someone doesn't show up.
  • Thinking about running D&D for the first time and tackling the New World. My mate, who's better at D&D offered to run it, which allows me to play a Grippli, which excites me.
  • Finally, I've got a pretty ambitious campaign based in a Middle East-esque setting with magic and Jinns and shit planned, but it's only in the concept stage atm.


General Chaos / Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« on: March 10, 2014, 06:51:50 PM »
I'll make text look snazzy if I want to, you monster. :c

General Chaos / Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« on: March 05, 2014, 07:30:06 PM »
Recently played and completed the new Shadowrun Returns campaign, Dragonfall, and it's absolutely amazing. Blows Dead Man's Switch - which was the launch campaign - out of the water. Lots of fun combat, twists and  great characters. Haven't played SR, or didn't really like DMS? Go get Dragonfall and rejoice.

Also took a shot in the dark on Loren the Amazon Princess, which turned out to be a delightful, minimalistic (read "old school-ish") RPG with a big cast of very likeable characters that all grow as the game continues and by interacting with the player. Very entertaining combat, which has different combos and interesting layers. It's rather cheap as well, and I got more than 30 hours out of my first play-through and intend to replay it again in the future.

General Chaos / Re: What scares YOU
« on: February 20, 2014, 08:17:27 AM »
Just being powerless, really.

Certainly other fears play into it, like heights and drowning, but generally I want to feel like I can do something if anything were to happen. Like, I climbed Kebnekaise, which is Sweden's highest mountain (though really, it just felt like a high pile of rocks) and when you're up around the top, it's something like 2000 metres up, which is rather scary. Then my cousin wanted to go to the actual highest point, which is basically a long, really thin (about 1,5 metres wide at most) and I just went "Fuck that shit," and sat around in a cabin and waited for her. Just a small gust of wind could send you over the edge and it's a long way down to have your life flashing by.

As a young kid (think I was somewhere between 5 and 9, hard to remember) I remember being on vacation on the coast and walked on a rock-bed near the water, when I stepped on a wet spot and fell in. It was just so scary, knowing that if the stream was faster than it was, I would have just gone further out into the water. It really freaks me out when I think back on it.

I'm the same when it comes to vehicles. Obviously aeroplanes are a big issue for me, especially when departing. On a recent trip, I found myself wanting to crash over the ocean, so we wouldn't get smashed to bits on land. Same with cars. I get really tense and uncomfortable when someone else is driving, especially one of my friends who is at times very reckless in traffic.

Never ever would I be caught doing that nightmare-climb Ross posted.

For the guy that said cows:
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

General Chaos / Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« on: November 05, 2013, 08:35:21 PM »
Been playing Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, as it randomly got a PC-release 3 years after coming out for consoles. I really like it. The story is nicely paced and the characters are great. The graphics are a little dated, but I don't mind that at all.

Being a huge fan of the BR concept, I'd love to write some stuff for it.

Seems like every other page is marked "The Fall Without End" (top bar). While not in the way, I thought I'd point it out.

Looks great anyway, and I'll run it when my group gives in to playing some CoC.

Looks like it's down again. I was proactive enough this time to copy-paste the blogs' innards onto my computer, in case you didn't manage to save them. Sad to see brilliant writing go to waste. Edit: Never mind, it's alive again!

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: I've missed y'all
« on: July 12, 2013, 11:11:11 PM »
Seconding the previous recs and adding some:

A Dirty World: Dangers of Fraternization
CoC: Danger Roadwork Ahead (listen to Lover in the Ice first, if you haven't already)
Esoterrorists: The SCP Foundation
Don’t Rest Your Head: White Lightning and Yellow Thunder

RPGs / Re: Horror: How Far is Too Far?
« on: July 10, 2013, 07:54:04 AM »
As someone who's been into horror since before his teenage years, I honestly don't think there's a line to cross in horror where it becomes too much.

Modern horror (mainly films) forgets this a lot, but the reason I (and I hope many others) sit down to watch a horror flick is because I want to be scared and/or very unsettled. I want to squirm around where I'm sitting and shoot my hands up to my face, covering part of it in some self-comforting way. I don't want to see gallons of blood or jump scares without any effort.

The first statement also goes for horror games, imo. If I sit down to play a horror session, I invite any feelings of discomfort and horror. I think the feeling of something being too much stems from when someone is trying to creep you out just for the sake of creeping you out. Like a madman stomping on a foetus just to show how crazy he is. You just have to keep the horror befitting of the narrative.

I personally loved the porno-revelation in Skip's house, because to me as a listener (as it would as a player) it alerted me that shit is fucked up, whether due to this guy being crazy or having been driven crazy. It contributed greatly to the scenario's creepy vibe.

If you're creating something horrifying, just go all in. I'm glad to say that I've greatly enjoyed all of No Security thus far and will certainly continue to do so. Can't wait to see the madness you cook up for "The Wives of March". Keep up the good work.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« on: June 08, 2013, 02:44:32 PM »
Ran a Call of Cthulhu game about making a movie with mythos creatures and sorcery :D
Is it somewhat based on Tom's idea from "We Three Games" or was it something you came up with yourself? Sounds like it could go real funny real fast.

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