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Messages - Marik

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General Chaos / Re: GenCon 2013 & The 4th RPPR Fan Meet-Up
« on: August 01, 2013, 01:04:29 PM »
Any final decisions made with Gencon only two weeks away?

I'm not sure of my status mainly due to it being my first Gencon and I booked a lot of events. In other words I may have bought off more then I can chew. :)


General Chaos / Re: GenCon 2013 & The 4th RPPR Fan Meet-Up
« on: June 25, 2013, 01:22:59 PM »
I'm up for anything gaming/event wise. I'm mostly curious about when this will take place. I have a lot of events scheduled but I may be ok with skipping out on a registered event or two depending.


General Chaos / Re: GenCon 2013 & The 4th RPPR Fan Meet-Up
« on: June 18, 2013, 08:29:27 PM »
There's always the legendary drunkass party.

Check it out on the gencon events.

General Chaos / Re: GenCon 2013 & The 4th RPPR Fan Meet-Up
« on: June 18, 2013, 01:05:25 PM »
As this will be my first Gencon I have no suggestions.

I haven't seen any action on this thread. Is a meetup still in the works?


General Chaos / Re: Kickstarter: Cool Stuff
« on: June 18, 2013, 01:00:30 PM »

One of the most popular board/card games from Russia is coming to North America. I think the art is fantastic. I didn't have a kickstarter account but created one to back this. About a week left. Check it out.

Note: I'm tempted to back Cthulhu Wars. I love board games and this looks really good but $140 + $45 to ship to Canada for me is really steep to get this game. Much cheaper for me to wait for the release i'm thinking. It's not like they are in danger of not getting funded.


General Chaos / Re: Gencon events are now posted
« on: May 20, 2013, 12:23:34 PM »
Hey Tim,

Which Reign game are you in? I'm in the Saturday night one RPG1344142 which still has one ticket left right now.. I added a CoC game with one ticket left into my wishlist after the intitial rush but forgot to process it and lost it. I'm also trying a Sparks Star Wars game (D6 revised 2nd edition) and Mage the Ascenion 2nd edition.

I managed to fill out my schedule pretty fully. But I expect I may skip an event or two depending on how I find the open gaming areas. This is my first gencon so I wanted a full schedule in case the open gaming areas are a little too chaotic. I have nothing scheduled from noon until 8pm on Thursday, and what happens and what i discover, could significantly change what I want to do late in the convention. Either way I'm looking forward to it.

General Chaos / Re: Gencon events are now posted
« on: May 19, 2013, 12:11:32 PM »
I was 2008th in line after i clicked submit. about 1400 in line right now.


I didn't do so well. I didn't realize the system would block me out from conflicting events based on my priority list. I didn't get any of the RPGs I selected and now I can't add others until all the wish lists are processed. Hopefully there will be some good RPGs left later tonight or tomorrow. Looks like my scehdule will be more flexable then I thought.

I did get that Thursday morning True Dungeon run though.

General Chaos / Re: Gencon events are now posted
« on: May 16, 2013, 08:03:50 AM »
Tad: I'm going to try to get into one of your Better Angels games.

Tim: After reading a few articles and looking at my event schedule, were going to try to do True Dungeon on Friday instead. The event is 
Lycans Afoot! (puzzle-oriented) Friday 9:01 AM TDA1348113. The reason being is that everything I have read says Thursday is the best day to tour the exhibit hall so I'm trying to keep the events light on this day. I still have the Thursday TD event in my wish list in case I don't get the Friday one. I'll make a post here as soon as my wishlist gets processed Sunday.

I have read that I can drop conflicting or unwanted events after the wish list has been processed but before paying. So there should be no harm in having this event in my wishlist twice. Can anyone here confirm this?


General Chaos / Re: Gencon events are now posted
« on: May 12, 2013, 08:07:27 PM »
Hey Tim,

With regard to the True Dungeon event I can understand your thoughts on it. I'm kinda the same way but I've heard nothing but good things. So a friend and I are going to give it a shot. Were trying to get into the Thursday 10:01 am Lycan's Afoot (puzzle orientated) TDA1348048.

Feel free to join us for this one if you decide to go. That goes for all other forum members as well:)


Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Looking for the name of game...
« on: May 09, 2013, 10:18:54 AM »
It was mentioned on one of the podcasts as a shout out maybe?

It was a noir themed game designed to be a one off or two session game. If I remember correctly using a skill in one category would make others decline, and characters morality could fluctuate throughout the game session.

Anyone know what I'm talking about or did I just imagine all this? lol

General Chaos / Gencon events are now posted
« on: May 08, 2013, 10:00:24 PM »

General Chaos / Re: How did you find RPPR?
« on: April 08, 2013, 09:50:23 AM »
I know I'm resurrecting an old thread here, but I figured I'd share how I found RPPR because I think it's a pretty funny story.

About six months ago our gaming group were playing our AD&D 2nd edition campaign and they were just after defeating some baddie that allowed me to roll on those good old treasure tables in the DMs guide. So I make the rolls and get "The Weird Stuff" table. Having fond memories of the Deck of Many Things from my gaming sessions in the 90s I thought that this could be interesting...

I continue the roll and get Apparatus of Kwalish. I said outloud "WTF is that?" which piqued my players interest in what I had rolled. Oddly enough I didn't have any experience with this item in the old days. I googled Apparatus of Kwalish to find out what it is and came across Episode 27 Grand Theft Apparatus of Kwalish.

A few days later,  I was traveling to Europe I figured i'd give the podcast a listin while working my way through airports and flights. Since then I have listined to all the available podcasts on itunes.

As a sidenote the druid in my play group is still dragging around the "Magic Barrell" he found and he still has no idea what it is or does.


General Chaos / Re: Never Too Cold to Grill
« on: April 01, 2013, 01:32:21 PM »
The website says temps from 100-900.  It does say it can cold smoke salmon at around 100. The lowest temperature I have kept for any length of time would be around 185. But I havent tried anything lower.

I smoked a 15lb turkey on mine on Saturday. It turned out fantastic.


General Chaos / Re: Never Too Cold to Grill
« on: March 28, 2013, 10:55:15 AM »
If you need a grill that functions as a smoker as well I would recommend the Big Green Egg. They are not cheap but the flavor and efficiency is fantastic. The lifetime warrenty is a nice perk as well. My favorite thing to grill on it so far is smoked pulled pork. Basically I do the following. Obviously there are more details to this with rubs and setting the chips for constant smoke etc. But heres the basics.

1. I set the temperature at 225 and throw the pork shoulder on at 8am before I go to work.
2. I check at noon (during my lunch break) to see if theres a temperature change (so far in the 5 times I've made this dish no adjustment was needed) and spray the outside with apple juice.
3. Check again at 4:30 and respray with juice.
4. At 6:30 I have delicious smoked pulled pork for supper while I was at the office for all day!

I love my egg and I use it year round in what most Americans would consider a harsh cold climate as I'm from St. John's Newfoundland.


General Chaos / Re: Gencon 2013 Noob tips?
« on: March 12, 2013, 08:19:17 AM »
I'm arriving fairly late on Wednesday evening.

Unfortunately I'm staying in the airport area and not to close to the convention. Mainly because I can stay for free at the Radisson there. I travel frequently for work and earn a fair number of Radisson award points (Club Carlsson).

There's at least one guy from my gamers group traveling with me and we'll split the cabs to and from the convention I guess.

I was going to fork over the few extra bucks to get my badges mailed to me but unfortunately they won't ship to Canada. So I think I'm going to call a few of my state side friends and see if I can have the badges shipped to them and then they can fedex them back to me. I really want to avoid the long badge line after some of the stories I have heard.

As for event registration in May, is this kind of like getting tickets to a big rock concert? In other words have a couple of PC's going and trying to get registered for whatever you want to do the second event registration goes live?

Thanks for the advice thus far :).

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