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Messages - Marik

Pages: 1 2 [3]
RPGs / Re: Masks of Nyarlathotep Advice?
« on: March 01, 2013, 03:16:01 PM »
I'm also planning on running Masks as the next campaign for my gaming group. We just have to finish off the AD&D 2nd edition campaign were currently running, which should take another 4 or 5 sessions.

I've read the advice here and in a few other areas including the link that Ross posted.

My gaming group including myself has never played Call of Cthulu. I'm planning on running a scenario to introduce Jackson Elias and to help us all familarize with the rules before we jump into Masks. I'm thinking that I would prefer this scenario not get too deep into the mythos though. I don't mind cultists and the like, but I would rather have the group not knowing that the mythos or the supernatural does exist until they encounter it during the Masks campaign.

I guess I just need a good detective story to get Jackson introduced and keep the Mythos hinted at instead of confirmed.

Any thoughts or ideas about the introduction or advice in general? I will be a rookie Keeper running a bunch of rookie players so I'm sure I can use it  :).

General Chaos / Gencon 2013 Noob tips?
« on: March 01, 2013, 02:26:00 PM »
Hi everyone,

Its official I have booked my ticket and hotel to Gencon. Not only will this be my first Gencon, it will be my first large scale convention ever.

I was wondering if anyone has any good tips for a first timer?


General Chaos / Re: Introduction
« on: February 16, 2013, 08:40:21 PM »
Hey everyone,

I stumpled across RPPR just before Christmas and have become a fan. I listined to one current episode then jumped back 50 or so to the earliest itunes will let me download from and I'm working my way forward to the current episodes. I havent listined to any live plays yet but I will soon I'm sure.

I started gaming at around the age of 12 with Palladium Game's TMNT After the Bomb. I soon graduated to AD&D second edition and we bounced back and forth mostly playing that and Rifts for the high school years, with an occasion splash of Heroes Unlimited and Ninjas and Superspies.

Then the years of school and work started and I never played anything in between AD&D 2nd Edition and 4th. I was lucky to find a few wannabe gamers when I started a new job a few years ago.

We now have a weekly gaming group that rotates from board games to RPGs weekly.

I've been using RPPR to identify flaws  as a GM/DM. In the old days I was a player. With leading a group of new gamers I'm the most experienced and I've been thrust into the GM role.

Anyways I hope i can contribute to the community here.

All the best,

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