General Chaos / Re: Introduction
« on: April 20, 2013, 08:16:01 PM »
Hi all, my name is Eric. I'm the guy that posted the "What Are Must Listen Episodes" thread on FB and the guy that is currently correcting all your Star Wars references on Raillery. 
I've been listening to the APs since last Fall. As I said in another thread, my first AP was Aaron's Haunting and for some reason it didn't scare me away. I quickly listened to all the CoC, then New World, then Eclipse Phase, and now I'm finally half way through New Arcadia. I don't know what I'll do when there's no more backlog for me to catch up on. I joined the forums mainly to stalk Crawlkill.
Quick bio: I'm 28 and from Idaho. I have limited rpg experience: a couple of 4e DnD campaigns that fell apart rather quickly and a few pbp's over at Penny Arcade. I want to role play more but its hard to find a group.
Anyway, I love RPPR. Keep up the good work guys!

I've been listening to the APs since last Fall. As I said in another thread, my first AP was Aaron's Haunting and for some reason it didn't scare me away. I quickly listened to all the CoC, then New World, then Eclipse Phase, and now I'm finally half way through New Arcadia. I don't know what I'll do when there's no more backlog for me to catch up on. I joined the forums mainly to stalk Crawlkill.

Quick bio: I'm 28 and from Idaho. I have limited rpg experience: a couple of 4e DnD campaigns that fell apart rather quickly and a few pbp's over at Penny Arcade. I want to role play more but its hard to find a group.
Anyway, I love RPPR. Keep up the good work guys!