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Messages - joecrak

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General Chaos / Re: Post good webcomics or die
« on: September 05, 2010, 03:25:53 AM »
I only really read PA and Darths & Droids nowadays

I used to love this  but they've long since stopped was always enjoyable too.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: RPPR shoutout, is this kosher?
« on: September 05, 2010, 03:15:38 AM »
in all seriousness Judge Claude Frollo, and i have many reasons to back this up which i doubt any cares about.

Though i wonder....does Judge Doom count as he was mostly live action?

some friends of mine often joked about which disney animated female leads you would do most, though Jessica Rabbit wasn;t allowed, cause she's pretty much a given.

General Chaos / Re: Top Ten Movies
« on: August 27, 2010, 06:49:46 PM »
Well...actually i was thinking more of the life moves pretty fast quote.

Often overlooked tidbit, the garage attendant in Ferris also played Spike in Super Mario Brothers. Because i know everyone was dying to know what else he's done.

That Ferris club thing say the least odd.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Cody Fan Club
« on: August 25, 2010, 11:04:25 PM »
Generally, I'm not into cults, but this is something I can get behind. Can we throw Dane Cook on the pyre while we're at it?
Patience, young one. Mencia has outlived his usefulness and will be dealt with. People seem to have gotten over his shock value, his attempts to divide people by superficial differences. Cook, however, can still spread a good deal of anarchy and stupidity with his inane "comedy" routines.

wait a second....this implies he once had a usefulness...

Im for a get cody to comic-con thing....but yea....i hate to sound like an ungrateful cultist but what do we get out of it other than the oppurtunity to see him if we too go to NYCC.  which isn't even that good really.   

General Chaos / Re: Top Ten Movies
« on: August 25, 2010, 09:36:20 PM »
In no particular order whatsoever though the first five are my top five, and this is a list that is ever changing so....

1. Ferris Bueller's Day Off - a love of mine since child and has my favoritest quote of all time, you should all know what it is.

2. Three O'Clock High - I was first introduced to this in directing class in college, and it is by far an amazing movie not only in terms of 80's awesome ness but writing, cinematography, editing, acting, i had to own it once i saw it.

3. Attack the Gas Station - caught this at Otakon, its just ridiculous, and whil i was mainly attracted to the comedic elements of it i later learneed that it was basically a social commentary on the youth at the times.

4. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - Duh, just further proof why Bruce Timm is amazing.

5. Who Framed Rodger Rabbit - Another beloved film from childhood, there has yet to be any live action animated film to look as good, or as realistic looking  as this When i watch this i can believe Eddie Valiant is grabby an animated rabbits ears.  something Loony Tunes Back in Action lacked, along with many other things

6. Happiness of the Katakuris - One of many reasons Takashi Miike is a mad genius and can basically direct anything he wants and pull it off. Its a zany film about a family running a bed and breakfast where all their patrons kill themselves or die....and also a musical....with zombies.

7. The Dark Knight - Its not over rated, its rated just right. It is one of the best crime dramas ever mad, that just happens to have batman, the joker, and two-face in it. 

8. Oldboy - if you havent seen this, you should. Not only is it a great mystery its twisted as all fuck. And yet still not the most depressing of the vengeance trilogy.  Im still unsure of what the ending is, but like everyone i've got my opinion.  I hope the long rumored american remake never gets made.

9. Princess Mononoke - My favorite Miyazaki film, probably because its the first one i saw. Its beautiful.

10. Battle Royale - I heard about this so i bought a bootleg copy....Needless to say it was amazing so i imported the UK directors cut.  Just a great story and while not original concept even at the time it was written, its still pulled off amazingly...Like oldboy i hope the long rumored American remake never gets made.

Though i could easily list ten of each different genre.....which would be more accurate as i've so many.  I wasn't even able to hint on any of my fantasy or horror films.

edit, can't believe i forgot my favorite superhero and animated movie of all time.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Cody Fan Club
« on: August 18, 2010, 09:35:22 PM »
but i like Drew Carey...he sings he dances, he makes me chuckle...go kill Jimmy Fallon, no one wants him.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Cody Fan Club
« on: August 18, 2010, 07:11:58 AM »
Whacha wanna kill! Bob Barker? I will bring you the head of Bob Barker on a silver platter.  He deserves it after ruining all those dogs and cats lives.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Cody Fan Club
« on: August 13, 2010, 09:27:44 PM »
In the immortal words of Ghostbusters 2


And now looking back seeing Ross's negativity about He-man, and vaing just recently heard the comments on the podcast, Why he gotta be hatin? He's all actin a fool if he don't think He-man would be awesome"

Working for Evil Lynn, sweet

Killing that bad ass looking fisto and then cutting off his hands! Nice

Shapeshifting Man-E-Faces, brilliant. Savage feral Battlecat, getting better.

Though i have to wonder did you incorperate any of Princess of Power stuff in there, cause Hordak was awesome, espescially i the 200X stuff.  And Glimmer....clearly an illusionist sorceress.

General Chaos / Re: Cody's got a new website!
« on: August 13, 2010, 05:37:51 PM »
good read, but what are your opinions of other mega cross-overs?

I, for one, miss the awesome epic Marvel/DC crossovers that only happen once every ten years.  I loved Marvel vs DC back when it came out, though now i realize how dumb the pair ups in the fights were, and making outcomes a fan vote was also incredibly stupid.  But the one bright gem that came out of it were all the Amalgam books that i can only dream they continue someday, or maybe another Access mini.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Cody Fan Club
« on: August 11, 2010, 10:24:03 PM »

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Cody Fan Club
« on: August 11, 2010, 07:39:18 PM »
Were you'r e He-Man games ever recorded? Cause that would be awesome to listen to a game based off that lore.

General Chaos / Re: Cody's got a new website!
« on: August 10, 2010, 10:00:16 AM »
I checked it out again today after only seeing it on the first day you posted here.  I must say, getting a better feel what you will be writing about, I'm really interested now.  Definitely going to keep reading...

Awww . . . thanks! I posted my essay about brolosophy today, maybe a movie review tomorrow and Missing the 90's - Arcade games on Wednesday. Who knows after that?


I'm going to assume you are either in your early 20s and, thus, really missed the 90s or in your late 40s and, thus, completely misunderstood the 90s as you pined away for slap bracelets and tight rolled jeans.
Why would one miss the 90's? aside from a handful of good movies, they gave us nothing!

I think this is directed towards me.  But I'm in my late 20's, and just generally hated most of the 90's The cartoons weren't as good as in the 80's, wasn't a fan of most of the music, and while my opinion on some of it has softened now, i still generally like all the other decades more, despite not even really being old enough at the time to appreciate it all.  Maybe part of the reason is that my parents are so old and i grew up listening to almost nothing but the oldies.

As for video games, i only had an atari, a fairchild, gameboy, but thankfully also a super nintendo which i was only lucky enough to get because clover was going out of business and the N64 had just came out.  So my favorite games are from that system.  

But all in all i still refer to the 90's as a dark age for me.

edit: Damn I just realized i wouldn't have Batman: The Animated Series without the 90's so i must now be forever grateful.

General Chaos / Re: Cody's got a new website!
« on: August 10, 2010, 12:26:31 AM »
I checked it out again today after only seeing it on the first day you posted here.  I must say, getting a better feel what you will be writing about, I'm really interested now.  Definitely going to keep reading...

Awww . . . thanks! I posted my essay about brolosophy today, maybe a movie review tomorrow and Missing the 90's - Arcade games on Wednesday. Who knows after that?


Why would one miss the 90's? aside from a handful of good movies, they gave us nothing!

I'd run a Weird Western Tales type game that the premise was about rounding up bounties in a old west type setting mixed with the races of fantasy worlds and the horrific monsters of lovecraft.  Sort of Brisco County Jr. and Jonah Hex meets gun slinging elves, orcs and shoggoths

General Chaos / Re: Cody's got a new website!
« on: August 03, 2010, 11:12:41 PM »
Phantasm truly is the citizen kane of animation, and I still consider it to be the greatest origin story for him to date.  As for the new Wonder Woman costume, i don't care about the costume so much as the crappy story they have started in which they flat out admitted will be over with and probably forgotten in a year.  The costume is ok, it would work Better for Donna Troy or Cassie, but it just looks far too teenager for Diana, but again it ties into the story which is my initial problem with it.

As for Red Hood, i hadn't read the original comic but i've liked every DTV so far, aside from the animation in Gotham Nights, so i knew i would like this, plus bonus Jonah Hex short!

All in all good reads there.

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