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Messages - crawlkill

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RPGs / Re: Eclipse Phase
« on: September 28, 2011, 12:45:36 AM »
some awesome stuff

omg I want to live in a future where we can just say like

you're not, like, publishing things of any tone or timbre, are you, Caleb? because I would want to know and read of them. I would want to read them straight into my mindhead.

I was also trying to behave like a skeptic through the whole thing, which got really hard towards the end.

I felt your skepticism! I didn't realize you were just a friendly until late in the scenario (or maybe I'm misremembering?) and it was a great 'oh whoa right' moment. and the strange background screamish sounds were the best possible backdrop to STALKER, as I mighta said in that Unspeakable Oath comment.

Short version: a character in the Usagi Yojimbo comics: Oyama Tadanori. and I decided to use "Tad" at the Cons because it doesn't sounds as pretentious as a clearly American voice using the name "Oyama".

This! I was mostly wondering if you were one of those hidden Bay Area Japanese dudes I grew up around or something. I agree that Tad fits bettah as a face to face name.

<QUOTE ROSS TONMONEY> ABLOO BLOO </QUOTE> yeah sure holding out for those RPPR episode ransombucks. the first pod is always free. unrelated: do you have a donation jar? this is a thing I'm looking into right now.

I'm a fan of this user account.

isn't it sad that I registered to make that particular post

I'm personally not a fan of eclipse.

Then you should try Breaking Dawn.

he should try some other galaxy where cool dudes like things cool dudes in this one don't. also, hi Tad! I was the one shocked to see you in the Unspeakable Oath AP. you didn't sound spacey. =3 where's that name come from?

hey Ross.

they should call you Ross PAYton.

cause you're gonna make us PAY. for the next episode.ton

edit: oh I thought your last name was spelled with an E not an A. fine, my joke is ruined. fine. I'm okay with that. fine. don't care at all. Ross Payton.

give us more RPPR give us some New Arcadia give us some Eclipse Phase omg =(((

also, your registration captcha and password requirements are NEEDLESSLY OBTUSE

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