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Messages - AmishNinja

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General Chaos / Re: GenCon Preparations
« on: March 25, 2010, 01:17:02 PM »
Gamers say that about anything they don't like. True Dungeon has been running for a long time and, apparently, sells extremely well every year so a majority of people must enjoy it.

Well, I've heard specific reasons as to why they didn't like it. But you're right, why not experience it for yourself?

Ross' suggestion of the DCC Tournament is a good one, I participated in 2008 and it was a blast.

General Chaos / Re: GenCon Preparations
« on: March 24, 2010, 02:44:23 PM »
I likewise was planning to avoid some of the larger events this year, the stuff like True Dungeon. Probably save those for later when I know the underlying structure better.

I've heard that the True Dungeon should be avoided indefinitely. I have friends who say they would have to be paid to run through it again. Not sure what anyone else's experiences have been but I've heard the same thing from no less than a dozen people.

RPGs / Re: Thoughts on Burning Wheel?
« on: March 22, 2010, 09:09:01 PM »
My usual gaming group recently switched up DMs, and I decided to break away from our usual D&D paradigm and take up the mantle of Burning Wheel. So far, I love this system and can't say enough good things about it. I am currently using it to run a Westeros-based game. If you aren't familiar with the A Song of Ice and Fire series by GRRM, think low fantasy, human-only, high political intrigue, gritty medieval society. I suppose I would make one small addendum to this paragraph: Burning Wheel is an excellent system if you want a gritty game with infrequent and extremely deadly combat. Think of it as the anti-D&D.

Anyway, here's a basic rundown of the awesomeness:

* You don't get experience or levels. Your skills advance in a scaling fashion based on how often you use them in situations where failure is a risk.
* Beliefs and Instincts. The former is a small list of moral values or personal beliefs that say to the DM, "I want to encounter these things in game, or have these ideas challenged and tested for character development". Instincts are essentially If/Then, Always or Never statements that are immutable and unable to be affected by DM narrative. The DM can, however, tempt the player of the character to submit to their instincts in order to create an awkward situation, which the player is then rewarded for.
* Duel of Wits: Social combat, essentially. Two sides form an argument body and attack that body with a series of rhetorical jabs, parries, and sometimes even outright insults.
* Combat is very deadly, and is not entirely reliant on the dice pool available to each combatant. Even with wide gaps in skill, the underdog can outwit his or her opponent, get a strike or two in and end the fight.
* Artha: a point reward system that exists in 3 categories and can be used to alter dice tests, save oneself from the brink of death, and gain "epiphanies", which are like skill improvements but way more badass.

Just so I don't come off as a total fanboy (even if I sort of am right now): I will say that while Burning Wheel manages to use terminology that builds on itself and present concepts that are modeled in-game in an intuitive way, there is a bit of a learning curve not just for the DM, but also the players. It may require playtesting to get the hang of some of the more detailed parts of the game; Especially the detailed combat system.

I've only DMed 3 sessions of my game so far, and I can see things going much more smoothly as time goes on and my players and I learn more together. And really, considering the breadth of the system, the first session went surprisingly well.

Echoing the others who have said that Ross made the right decision in the game. Allowing one PC to control another via social skill is so fundamentally wrong to me. Story's about them, and that's why NPCs, who take a narrative backseat to the players, are able to be affected by those types of skills. Aside from magic/divine intervention, PC vs PC intrigue should be handled purely via RP.

Also gonna second the idea that Cody guest-star on the next episode.

RPGs / Re: Grognards.txt
« on: March 11, 2010, 03:26:06 PM »
I see his point about 4E, but he should really be saying 'D&D' instead of singling out 4th edition here. D&D has always worked on a class system that essentially forces your character into 'packages'. It's true that 4E does this a little bit more than 3E. But if you want your characters to be 100% custom based on your concept, there are far better systems for it than 3E/pathfinder/ad&d, and they're usually a bit more gritty to boot. Burning Wheel for example definitely fits this bill.

But if your goal is to play a game about heroics and getting into fights 8 times a day, D&D is where it's at.

RPGs / Re: Grognards.txt
« on: March 11, 2010, 01:39:24 PM »
What the hell? John Wick isn't nearly as bad of a guy as those tidbits make him sound. I mean yeah, he hates on D&D as much as the other grognards, but his recent GM advice book is actually full of good stuff. He had some good ideas to share at the panel he did with Robin Laws at GenCon 2009, too. So I guess I'm defending him here.

That said, when I went to the panel, I wanted Robin to punch him the balls for hating on 4E without even having played it (Robin called him out on his blog for it).

General Chaos / Re: HELP ME DO MY HOMEWORK
« on: March 02, 2010, 07:28:11 PM »


1.   What is your age?  2.   Are you male or female?                                                                                                               


3.   Do you know what the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is?                                                                            


4.   Would you be likely to donate time or money to protect civil liberties?                                                                  

Depending on how fundamental the right is, yes.

5.   Are rights like freedom of speech and privacy on the Internet important to you?                                                          


6.   How informed are you about legal issues regarding the Internet and computers?                                                            

A cut above the rest but no expert.

7.   Where do you get your news from?                                                                                                        

Google, Twitter, Local Newspaper sites, Ars Technica

8.   What websites do you regularly visit, at least once a week?                                                                              

SomethingAwful, Facebook, Google, Hulu, YouTube

9.   Do you feel comfortable spending money online?                                                                                          


10.   Would you prefer to read an article or watch a video to learn about something?                                                          

Read an article.

11.   Do you think websites like Facebook and Twitter are useful to learn about new things?                                                    

Definitely, yes.

12.   Do you pay attention to news sources that are outside the mainstream, such as foreign new services or independent documentary filmmakers?

Sometimes, but less than I used to.

General Chaos / Re: Everyone Betrays Me!: The Room Tribute Thread
« on: March 01, 2010, 04:26:37 PM »
There was a showing of the movie where I live this past Saturday around midnight. I'd already seen it before, but seeing it with a bunch of other people who were "in on the joke" was a good cult movie experience. Some of the gags:

1. There was a "best friend" count. Every time Mark or Lisa mentioned Mark and Johnny being best friends, the count went up. Think it got to 8.
2. Half of the scenes where Mark showed up, a bunch of people called out "Sestosterone!" - because his actor's name is Greg Sestero.
3. Every time a picture of a spoon showed up in a scene, a barrage of plastic spoons were thrown at the screen by viewers.
4. Everyone joined in on the big quotes; "You're tearing me APART, Lisa!!", "Stop ganging up on me!", etc.
5. Making puke noises during the sex scenes.

General Chaos / Re: Your First Video game
« on: January 27, 2010, 05:17:35 PM »
Just like all the other 80s kids in this thread: Mario/Duck Hunt. Gotta stick to the classics.

General Chaos / Re: Fuck Conan
« on: January 24, 2010, 04:56:37 PM »
Murph has a point. Seriously people, capitals at the beginning of sentences and periods at the end aren't that hard to do.

yo this thread really isn't worth the effort of punctuation, sorry

General Chaos / Re: Fuck Conan
« on: January 22, 2010, 04:56:03 PM »
Fuck Kender  ;D

no don't you'll just make more of them and then nobody wins :(

anyway dudes, codered is just trolling us. in a rather ham-fisted manner, too. codered: ya need some work on trolling there, buddy. you have to ease people into it and make them believe you're being sincere instead of being so flippant about everything. good luck on that in the future broheim

General Chaos / Re: Fuck Conan
« on: January 21, 2010, 01:28:12 AM »
fuck conan hes a big ass tool.

Quote from: codered
Kenders Rock


General Chaos / Re: Best of Youtube
« on: January 19, 2010, 01:46:45 PM »
This video. I am at work right now, and wish I were more free to laugh out loud.

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

General Chaos / Re: I will fuck you up. I'll fuck you up Megaman
« on: December 19, 2009, 08:49:25 PM »
I love this video.

your mother

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Cody Fan Club
« on: July 31, 2009, 05:07:42 PM »
argh why is this thread 14 pages already? cody is a worthless hack!


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