« on: January 14, 2011, 02:08:26 PM »
I run Pokemon Tabletop Adventures for a group on wednesdays.
And one of the people who plays with us, Jake, doesn't roleplay with our group often. But since we invite him for pokemon he does come to play that. And so far he's the only player in my group that doesn't waver his character's personality. He makes a goal and sticks with it. Now it's also funny to note his character has a CHA of 8.
So he joined in on the second session, and I started him off in Pallet Town where the others had started but I considered him like 20 minutes behind the others. So he goes to Professor Oak's Lab to answer a message Oak had posted around town asking for help from some youth of Pallet Town. And so he gets to the lab which has double doors you can see through at the entrance. And he just Stands there staring into the lab. He doesn't go in, or knock, or anything, he stands there. I then mention he saw Oak standing int here, and still no action from Jake's character, who is named Jabber. oak spots the youth and walks over to the door. But instead of answering it, he just closes some blinds on it so the creepy kid can't continue to stare in. That's when Jabber decided to go inside, and then talked to Oak about the mission, and he gets informed that he already hired two other trainers to go do it earlier. But instead he hires the dopey boy to go make sure the other two come back alive. At that moment he personally said out loud his goal was to kill them. And Off Jabber was sent with his brand new Bulbasaur as payment.
When he got to the next town, he just then realized he has no idea who he's looking for, or what they look like. He doesn't even know their mission. So what should have been a hard day's work searching for clues, he instead goes into the Pokecenter and asks Nurse Joy about the two. The guy gets a nat 20 on his dice roll, and being CHA of 8, I decided she just feels sorry for this thing that is in front of her and mentions seeing kids with pokemon that oak gives out and where they went. Then he gets to the pokemart, again he approaches the store clerk to find out information. BAM another Nat 20. SO again feeling sorry for this thing the store clerk tells it where to find his friends. He gets back to the Pokecenter and finally met up with them.
And then Ont heir mission they found themselves in front of a sink hole with an actual hole int he middle of it. And as they were deciding how they should explore it, Jabber pushed one of the other trainers down the hole, for no reason. And then this Samurai NPC held his blade against Jabber's neck because of what he did, and in response Jabber tried pushing the Samurai down the hole too, but instead he cut himself on the blade and stopped.
Eventually he was down in the hole too and exploring with friends and they told him to go down a different tunnel. And as he kept getting farther down there was no light, and he could hear sounds from the walls. His first response was to have his bulbasaur tackle the cave wall. When nothing happened he tackled it more until it collapsed behind him.
Later one of the trainers accidentally did 5 times the max health of a pidgey with a thundershock. so I said he pretty much nuked the thing, all was left was char sludge and bone. So Jabber scooped up the pidgey sludge in his shirt, and decided to try and carry it to the pokecenter. The others of course stopped him because he would get charged with excessive violence to the pokemon.
He also then got kidnapped. And instead of going along with the bad guys, he kicked one in the nuts and ran, while his arms were tied up behind his back. When he found his friends they decided instead of telling the police they would go back there with a big stick. Whent hey got there all that was there was this old man and old lady and the guys who kidnapped him weren't there. When the man told them to get off his property, Jabber started arguing that it was his property. And whent he old lady pulled out a phone to call the cops he ordered his bulbasaur to tackle her. I'm not sure what's better, this kid telling his pet lizard plant to beat up old people, or the fact that he was right and they were just in disguise. So a giant battle ensued in this like tiny log cabin with pokemon until they finally beat the bad guys and Jabber got knocked out.
Fun stuff.