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Messages - Tadanori Oyama

Pages: 1 ... 256 257 [258] 259 260
General Chaos / Re: Intoduction
« on: March 19, 2009, 01:50:59 AM »
You'd think there would be more considering it is such an amazingly rich mythology.

In all honesty, yes I am surprised. I mean, Eternia has some pretty crazy stuff and, like you said, alot of it is explained and dealt with. I wasn't a major He-Man fan but I watched the show. Really liked the Masters, they had some cool stuff.

General Chaos / Re: Terry Goodkind is terrible
« on: March 19, 2009, 01:50:14 AM »
One would think that just about any line beginning with "God told me..." would be a red flag.

General Chaos / Re: Intoduction
« on: March 18, 2009, 10:50:54 PM »
I should've known it was you. I should have known that there couldn't be two people who ran He-Man D&D games.

General Chaos / Re: Photoshop artists?
« on: March 18, 2009, 10:49:21 PM »
I've used it before. I have CS2. Used to use it for my sprite comics. I'm always up for humor.

You're really good at this game.

RPGs / Roleplaying DIY
« on: March 18, 2009, 02:57:16 PM »
If you're anything like me than chances are at some point during the many, many times you've been skimming your source books, learning about places that exist only in the minds of gamers and designers, you've had this thought: I could do that way better.

Sure most roleplaying games involve creating your own material to some extent depending on the goals of a given game but there's usual somethings that are left alone.

In D&D, one more or less assumes that the Drow live in the Underdark. Or that Dragons horde treasure, after some fashion and humans, elves, dwarves, etc. exist in more or less the same fashion. In Old World of Darkness, one does tend to assume that Caine existed or that lower generations means more power. When we make our own adventures we tend to stay within these established traditions. Like a coloring book we may use any amount of colors but stay within the lines.

Sometimes we want to be preschoolers. The lines make the world boring sometimes and everybody knows the "rules".

So we flip everything over. We don't just make up our own stuff, we take the old stuff and make it different. Now all that "knowledge" is nothing but a stumbling block because the stereotypes aren't relievent in the least.

This is a thread dedicated to DMs (or players, why block people out) who have gone off the beaten path and twisted a game system so far around it's neck came close to snapping.

There's two conditions: #1) the game you "made" needs to have worked, that is the players need to have had fun, and #2) it can't be something created out of truly whole cloth. This is for mutations of existing games, not your personal creations.

My biggest success at this was an inverted Underdark in Dungeons and Dragons 3.0. I rewrote the races completely including racial bonuses, favored classes, size in some cases, and their roles in mixed society. Drow, drueger, and other dark baddies ruled the surface world while the PC races toughed it out underground.

This lead to a campaign of expansion as the players explored new caverns, continually looked for new resources (food, fresh water, ores, and building materials (not alot of lumber in the Underdark)), and interacted in a society with a siege mindset.

The players had a great time playing the "strange new" races and encountering problems that weren't used to. I'm currently trying to rewrite the setting for D&D 4E.

General Chaos / Re: Could your players survive the Zombacalypse
« on: March 18, 2009, 12:29:10 AM »
Well it depends on the group. I have three that meet in different locations and times.

My primary location has stone steps, so we can't wreck those. The door is, on the other hand, very close to the wall and quite braceable, with a 1.5 story drop as an escape route. If we aimed for the bush and rolled we'd be able to come up from the fall running. No food or supples to speak of. Depending on the zombie type we might be able to hit the lake and wait things out on the small island. Otherwise we'd rush the fence, use the side gate, lock it behind us, and make a break for an enforceable holding position. Not alot of those, so we might hit the Safeway up the block, grab supplies, and get the closest transport possible to get away from dense population centers. There's a pair of big pawn shops a little farther beyond, we could get non-food items and many some weapons. After that it'd be think and run.

The secondary group/location has wood stairs, so we'd be able to sever the connection to the horde. The drop has no hedge and is higher but the location is more secure so we'd try to just wait it out.

General Chaos / Re: Terry Goodkind is terrible
« on: March 17, 2009, 10:04:39 PM »
Kind of like how in Tom Clancy novels all the brances of the military get along and don't fight about funding? And their intellegence is always reliable. And only the bleeding heart liberal politcal figure keep the heroes from saving the world before page 10.

General Chaos / Re: Could your players survive the Zombacalypse
« on: March 17, 2009, 10:02:38 PM »
Oh, that's the "real" one, the Cong with a "C". I want Kong with a "K". 'Giant undead smelly ape'. When that script goes to production, let me know.

I should mention, that Dig for Victory is my favorite actual play. I've listened to the whole thing dozens of times. I'm listening to it right now as I type, actually.

General Chaos / Re: Could your players survive the Zombacalypse
« on: March 17, 2009, 06:42:34 PM »
I have no idea what that would be like, but I would watch it.

That and "Kong of the Dead", like they talked about in the Dig for Victory Actual Player.

RPGs / Re: Shadowrun 4e
« on: March 17, 2009, 06:23:07 PM »
I thought the fantasy elements where what kept it from being like other modern spy games? Doesn't make alot of sense to remove them.

I mean sure, you get major changes to a system that work well, like Iron Heroes for D&D, but by and large taking a major element of the system out kinda throws things off.

General Chaos / Re: Terry Goodkind is terrible
« on: March 17, 2009, 05:43:13 PM »
Wow. Does he seem more heroic in context or something? It sounds like he's trying to create an anti-hero but I'm not seeing it.

The only story fragment I remember was that Richard disregards all riddles for some reason. Seemed like a very poor idea for any sort of commander or leader to completely ignore anything.

General Chaos / Re: Could your players survive the Zombacalypse
« on: March 17, 2009, 04:55:39 PM »
You can't just throw out a zombie question without background!

I mean, there's so many different zombie variables. During a gaming session or just in the same place at the same time, for example.

My group could handle Dead Rising zombies or Night of the Living Dead zombies but Dawn of the Dead zombies would be a huge problem.

And don't get me started on what'd happen if they where Max Brooks zombies.

General Chaos / Re: Terry Goodkind is terrible
« on: March 17, 2009, 04:20:32 PM »
My brother has read some of those books. I never really saw the appeal and when he told me some about them I decided they weren't worth my time.

Didn't know any stuff about religion/political, I just didn't like Richard. He seemed like a real dick.

General Chaos / Re: Intoduction
« on: March 17, 2009, 02:13:43 PM »
Your DMing on Game Day too? Excellent. Make sure to let me (and everybody else I suppose) know how it when on your end of the world.

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