General Chaos / Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« on: September 17, 2014, 03:39:58 PM »While I can't play this at the moment, I'm excited about the 20th anniversary release of Gabriel Knight. I think it is due out sometime this year. The last time I played that was in the mid 90s.
I had this argument with a few people when Final Fantasy 7 Came out on steam. Don't get me wrong yes the game is amazing but for fuck sake come on give us an HD remake of it, at least tone it up some don't just release the same stuff that I could play in front of my tv with an old console. Look, I love playing old games, but if I'm gonna be playing it on my PC that runs games that look simply amazing, I don't want to use graphics from 15+ years ago, Even games that focus on that as an art style at least they up it to make it look good. A company like square who re-released HD versions of Final Fantasy 1-6 on the DS should know to up the way a game from 15 years ago should look!
I personally don't eve know what Gabriel Knight is, so I'm sorry to call out a game you love, and maybe it is in an HD remake, I'm just upset that Square is lazy and other company's too. lol.
Friend of mine shares your sentiment.
As do I. They could completely remake all the Final Fantasy games in current graphical godliness and as my buddy says "They'd basically have a license to print money".
I can't imagine the kind of money a FF VI or VII remake would bring in, and playing FFVIII in a graphical style that is better than even the cinematics of the original would make me very happy.
Here is my take with the whole FF7/8 remakes. The FF7 and 8 that just came out on steam are not recent remakes, but the digital re-releases of the pc versions that came out over 10 years ago. That's why you can see some small graphical changes here and there but overall it's still the same. It's true that if they remade them for HD, Square would make money hand over foot but I can understand why they haven't yet. It wouldn't be just a small overhaul of the graphics but they would almost have to start from scratch. Since the gap in time and technology is so great from when they first came out to now.
So on steam today, FFIV fully remade... coming September 17th Lovely as hell great looking graphics intro video, the game play graphics look amazing too. why cant they do it with 7. it just disappoints me. I relay wonder if its just a license thing with Sony.