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Call of Cthulhu / World of Darkness / Re: Call of Cthulhu RPG Journal
« Last post by Max_Writer on February 17, 2019, 02:59:03 PM »
The Call of Cthulhu Down Darker Trails Catastrophe Engine Campaign continues.

The investigators arrive back at Wheeling and begin making plans for first spying on the Elgers, and then how to handle the mad, inbred family.

On February 10, 2019, the campaign continued with the the conclusion of the original scenario "The Wolves of Wheeling."

The role playing journal of the game session is here:

Additionally, a playlist of 13 videos of the game session and a highlights video is here:

Players were:

John Leppard as Deputy Lambert Otto (gunslinger & federal marshal)
Yorie Latimer as Professor Brandon Stalloid (scholar)
James Brown as Jack West (gunslinger)
Samantha Underwood as Jane Bloomberg (bandit)
Ashton LeBlanc as Eva Weisswald (doctor)
Ben Abbott as Jacali (Native American scout)
Call of Cthulhu / World of Darkness / Re: Call of Cthulhu RPG Journal
« Last post by Max_Writer on February 04, 2019, 07:40:01 PM »
The Call of Cthulhu Down Darker Trails Catastrophe Engine Campaign continues.

The investigators head back to Wheeling from Baltimore by train.  Unfortunately, something terrifying happens on the way, causing a wreck.  The people of Falls Run come to help, but something strange is going on in the small West Virginia mining town.

On January 17, the campaign continued with the Masque of Red Death scenario "Falls Run."

The role playing journal of the game session is here:

Additionally, a playlist of 14 videos of the game session and a highlights video is here:

Players were:

John Leppard as Deputy Lambert Otto (gunslinger & federal marshal)
Yorie Latimer as Professor Brandon Stalloid (scholar)
James Brown as Jack West (gunslinger)
Samantha Underwood as Jane Bloomberg (bandit)
Ashton LeBlanc as Eva Weisswald (doctor)
Ben Abbott as Jacali (Native American scout)
Call of Cthulhu / World of Darkness / Re: Call of Cthulhu RPG Journal
« Last post by Max_Writer on January 25, 2019, 06:20:53 PM »
The Call of Cthulhu Down Darker Trails Catastrophe Engine Campaign continues.

Taking a break from the terrors they've seen, the investigators are invited by Dr. Eva Weisswald to Wheeling, West Virginia, for Christmas.  However, there is an ulterior motive, as her nephew, Albert, has been hanging out with a bad crowd and she's been asked to come set him straight.

On January 20, the campaign continued with the original scenario "A Very Weisswald Christmas."

The role playing journal of the game session is here:

Additionally, a playlist of 10 videos of the short game session and a highlights video is here:

Players were:

John Leppard as Deputy Lambert Otto (gunslinger & federal marshal)
Yorie Latimer as Professor Brandon Stalloid (scholar)
James Brown as Jack West (gunslinger)
Samantha Underwood as Jane Bloomberg (bandit)
Ashton LeBlanc as Eva Weisswald (doctor)
Ben Abbott as Jacali (Native American scout)
Call of Cthulhu / World of Darkness / Re: Call of Cthulhu RPG Journal
« Last post by Max_Writer on January 10, 2019, 04:49:29 PM »
The Call of Cthulhu Down Darker Trails Catastrophe Engine Campaign continues.

Jack West has not been seen for a while.  It's time to catch up with what has been happening with him.

On January 8, I ran a one-on-one game with James Brown, who has not been available to game for a few months.  This interlude catches his character, Jack West, up with the others.

The role playing journal of the game session is here:

Additionally, a playlist of three videos of the short game session and a highlights video is here:

Players were:

James Brown as Jack West (gunslinger)
Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: God's Teeth in print ?
« Last post by Crowley on December 22, 2018, 11:31:30 PM »
Good news - it got funded as part of the Delta Green: The Labyrinth Kickstarter and will be an official DG product. Really looking forward to my copy.
Call of Cthulhu / World of Darkness / Re: Call of Cthulhu RPG Journal
« Last post by Max_Writer on December 07, 2018, 07:36:54 PM »
The Call of Cthulhu Down Darker Trails Catastrophe Engine Campaign continues.

The investigators continue their search for Jack Parker, finally getting together again.  They find their quarry in the town of Granite, Colorado, but others are looking for him and the Crescent as well.

On December 1, 2018, the campaign continued with the semester finale, the original scenario "The Vengeance of Jack Parker."

The role playing journal of the game session is here:

Additionally, a playlist of nine videos of the game session and a highlights video:

Players were:

John Leppard as Deputy Lambert Otto (gunslinger & federal marshal)
Ashton LeBlanc as Eva Weisswald (doctor)
Kyle Matheson as Marshal Clayton Pierce (federal marshal)
Yorie Latimer as Professor Brandon Stalloid (scholar)
Ben Abbott as Jacali (Native American scout)
Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Kult : Divinity lost
« Last post by pxacrake on December 06, 2018, 06:53:24 AM »
Any chance you will try an AP of the latest version of the Kult rpg ?

Cheers, Drew
Call of Cthulhu / World of Darkness / Re: Call of Cthulhu RPG Journal
« Last post by Max_Writer on November 24, 2018, 03:36:53 PM »
It's just a Learjet ride from Chicago to Las Vegas, right?  Right!?!

On November 18, I ran a Call of Cthulhu one-shot called Fear Jet '73 at the App State University Gamer Club Gamefest.  The journal entry of the session can be found here:

Additionally, a playlist of seven videos and a highlights video of the game session is here:

Players were:

Chandler as Jacob Brown (lawyer)
Carl Cordini as Randy White (hairdresser)
Curt as Leonard Penrose (agent)
John Leppard as Danny Trent (actor/singer)
Ashlyn as Sharon Best (singer/actor)
Call of Cthulhu / World of Darkness / Re: Call of Cthulhu RPG Journal
« Last post by Max_Writer on November 14, 2018, 03:07:33 PM »
The Call of Cthulhu Down Darker Trails Catastrophe Engine Campaign continues.

Setting off the next day from the terrible experience at the Inn of the Smiling Spirit, the investigators run into an old acquaintaince in need of help.  Something of his has been stolen and to find it, they must brave The Spiral Crypts.

On November 11, the campaign continued with Runequest scenario "The Spiral Crypts" by Clint Staples.

The role playing journal of the game session is here:

Additionally, a playlist of seven videos of the game session and a highlights video:

Players were:

John Leppard as Lambert Otto (gunslinger)
Yorie Latimer as Professor Brandon Stalloid (scholar)
Ben Abbott as Jacali (Native American scout)
General Chaos / Re: Best Internet Vidyas
« Last post by ethan_dawe on November 13, 2018, 12:46:26 PM »
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