Here's an interview with Mike Hutchinson, the author of
Meeples & Miniatures – Episode 235 – Gaslands. The interview begins at about 45 minutes.
Good interview by the sounds of things. I didn't quite follow the description of the movement rules but they sound like they could be interesting. The shooting rules sound like another variant on the
Full Thrust beam cannon rules (though a little different from
Axles and Alloys). And I heartily agree with Hutchinson's comments about campaign rules and especially the
Necromunda-style injury rules that people always
say they want, even though no-one actually likes them in play. I've tried running a few wargaming campaigns & leagues, and they all* fell apart when players found themselves falling behind with no possibility of catching up.
I have a copy of the
Gaslands pdf now, and I'll be reading through the rules soon.
*with one notable exception: there was a
Heavy Gear Duelling league which I repeatedly rebooted with new houserules as one of the players kept abusing the team creation rules and bringing utterly broken teams that ruined everyone else's fun to the games. Years later, that munchkin player revealed to me that he had been a playtester on the
HG Duelling supplement we were using, and had warned the publishers about all the loopholes he had found prior to publication. But apparently he didn't see fit to discuss this with me as I was trying --and failing-- to get that duelling league started.