Author Topic: Need Advice: trying new things  (Read 12715 times)


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Need Advice: trying new things
« on: December 01, 2011, 07:26:59 PM »
I have a very small roleplaying group me and 2-3 others. Now I'm fine with the group size but the problem I'm having is getting them to try new things. It's always some iteration of D&D. I'd like try something like eclipse phase, wild talents, fiasco, etc. My players are adverse to playing new things. I've done the I'm only GMing these games thing and usually someone else will say they'll gm some D&D. What do I do, any suggestions?
The question is how faggy can I get...

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Re: Need Advice: trying new things
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2011, 07:56:45 PM »
You can always spring it on them, like a trap. "Sorry guys, I left all my notes at home but I do have this game with me and these pre-gens and a oneshot."

If you are the only one running games then just boycott running DnD until they try something new. If some other guy just takes the role of DM then oh well.

Sometimes you need to take a break from running the same thing week after week, you should tell your players you are getting burnt out on DnD and want to grow as a GM and there is this awesome game called X where you are a Y doing Z! And you roll tons of dice!

My group's first new game was CoC after our GM showed up unprepared. The quickstart has all you need to run the game except dice. After CoC its usually easier to get them to try new things.
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Re: Need Advice: trying new things
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2011, 08:34:21 PM »

 1. Ask nicely, "Please, sir may play another game. *oliver twist accent*. If you are beat
Ike an unloved orphan and still no response. 2. Pull out the big guns, Rifts. The old country buffet/sushi bar/gas station/Casino of RPGs.

If that doesn't work, politely say, "I know we really enjoy d&d but some of us (me) need a short (quite relative and undefined) time away from it, so that we better appreciate it. Let's take a few sessions to play some game a little off the beaten path to better equip ourselves with new ways to enhance our d&d game."

But, in all honesty, I would ask your fellow gamers what their aversion(s) to other systems are.

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Re: Need Advice: trying new things
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2011, 08:36:23 PM »
Fake a stroke and pretend you can only remember the rules to one game.


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Re: Need Advice: trying new things
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2011, 08:56:22 PM »
Offer to alternate D&D with the other games (one week on, one week off).  It's what worked for my group.  Also start with games very similar to D&D (such as Mutants and Masterminds). 

Some players never really bite for more than D&D, though, and sometimes you have to accept that and get your other gaming elsewhere.


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Re: Need Advice: trying new things
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2011, 10:00:03 PM »
See: Box of Pain.
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Re: Need Advice: trying new things
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2011, 10:31:25 PM »
I got my DnD group to play CoC because the others in the group were fans of H.P. Lovecraft.

We also tried to play OWoD because Vampires are cool.

Just look for something they like and i'm sure there is a system for it. Established settings and IP's might be easier to get them attracted to than generic roleplaying system x
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Re: Need Advice: trying new things
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2011, 07:25:08 AM »
I got my DnD group to play CoC because the others in the group were fans of H.P. Lovecraft.

We also tried to play OWoD because Vampires are cool.

Just look for something they like and i'm sure there is a system for it. Established settings and IP's might be easier to get them attracted to than generic roleplaying system x

Agreed. Does you group like Indiana Jones? Try savage worlds or Spirit of the Century. Supers? Mutants&Masterminds or wild talents. Coen Brother's films? Fiasco. Heist films? Leverage. etc... There is a game for everyone. Shoot, if you tell us what they like (besides d&d) we could find a game.

Your group most be interested in more than fantasy books (and one comic, don't even mention the movies)?


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Re: Need Advice: trying new things
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2011, 02:07:33 AM »
It would be good to know why they don't want to try something else ?
- Is it because they loved heroic-fantasy ? Then you can offer them other variant, going from GURPS medieval to Rolemaster, to Ars Magica to Legend of the 5-ring.

- Is it because they don't want to bother learning another system ? Then you have 2 options, try to introduce to a simple system (and Cthulhu is a good example) or try another setting using D20 system (unless they are hooked on 4ed).

- Is it because they like powerful and flashy power ? Then try a game with Superhero, GURPS Super, Mutants & Masterminds, Exalted ...

- Is it because they don't want to miss an opportunity to level their character so they want to keep playing again and again ?

As you see, there are many possible reasons why they don't want to change, and for each one a different way to tackle the problem.

If you are brave and you have time, you can try a "Full Reskining" of D&D set in a world which suits you.
Full Reskining is that you change the flavour and name of everything, but the core mechanics remain the same.
Example of Modern Reskining: a Ranger becomes a cop, with an ability to select a target (instead of a quarry), can shoot multiple bullet with accuracy, etc... Of course, you have to find either a techno-scientific gimmik for magical power, or take the form of Old religion (Voodoo, Wicka,...) or psychic.
It is a lot of work upfront to translate everything, but after that, it is smooth rolling since the system has been tested and validated.


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Re: Need Advice: trying new things
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2011, 11:05:26 PM »
Update: Thanks for the advice you guys!  :D

Analyzing this situation I've to a conclusion. My group is easily influenced by what they are playing (video game wise) and watching at the moment.
The question is how faggy can I get...

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Re: Need Advice: trying new things
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2011, 06:09:06 PM »
I get the tired of D&D feeling, more a tired of fantasy feeling in my case.  As I am currently utterly in love with all things Arc Dream, try using Monsters or Wild Talents.   Modern Warfare 3 is pretty hot right now.   Create bad ass super soldiers in Wild Talents...say 150 to 200 point guys.  Create some pregens....gunslinger type with multi-action, demolitions guy with 'Control' electricity, Sniper with Preceive that lets him see inferred.  Give them powers that have defensive/Useful qualities just not attack abilities.   Let them stock up on body armor and weapons and then say they're job is retake the White House or hold the line at the Pentagon.   
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Re: Need Advice: trying new things
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2011, 02:40:26 PM »
Talk to your players. Find out what they like about your game and what they don't like. Give them a game which offers that, without requiring a lot of commitment on their part. That probably entails some prep work on your part, like rolling up a batch of pregens for them to choose from and giving a clear, concise explanation of the rules.

Update: Thanks for the advice you guys!  :D

Analyzing this situation I've to a conclusion. My group is easily influenced by what they are playing (video game wise) and watching at the moment.

Find out what's the new thing they're watching or playing, and make a game about it or that's thematically similar to it. Whatever it is, there's going to be a system that can do it much, much better than DnD.  :)


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Re: Need Advice: trying new things
« Reply #12 on: February 29, 2012, 01:29:23 PM »
Best advice I can give is just do it.  For two years I had a group that would play nothing but Old World of Darkness. I was so burnt out on it.  Running it became a chore.  I finally had enough and said that I was the Storyteller and I wasn't going to run anymore OWoD unless we tried some other games and systems for a while.  I ended up losing a few players, but in the end the group was better for it.  Since then I have been able to grow in my game running abilities.  I've learned several new systems and found ones that I love and hate.  I come back to OWoD more than most but mixing up things helps me create better stories.  It was easier for me because no one wanted to run games, or even had any experience doing so.