This is pretty unrelated to most of the topics bawt it needs to be said.
Since beginning as a devoted listener of RPPR with Episode 25: Save vs Warm Fuzzies, I've been living life and gaming when I could. I've learned a lot from the podcasts that applies to more than just RPGs. My writing has improved and Ross taught me what no college fiction professor even deigned to mention, explicit narrative elements and plot structure. Tom's honest pursuit of his Mass Effect fan fiction and Caleb's Hebanon games site, not to mention Cody Walker's blog, have all helped to inspire me in this gauntlet of learning called graduate school.
I don't mean this to be all mushy, but RPPR has been there through the copious times and the moments of famine. This month I will be presenting my Creative Masters Thesis, The Beacon, and I owe much to the crew, both regulars and those we never hear from again. I won't be able to attend Gen Con to thank the crew in person but I thought I could at the very least post on the forums to let them know I appreciate the fuck out of the work they do.
Before this gets any creepier, I'd just like to reiterate my sincere gratitude to the podcast and the community for being fucking awesome.
Shallazar/Angry Tom aka Arthur Challenger Oemke