There is no standard price point, it ranged across the board. Minecraft was ten bulks, which I did buy into. The Warhammer Game is 65. Planetary Annihalation is 70. The Forest and Stomping Land are, what, 25? 30?
Yes I suppose I should amend my statement, you are totally right that there is no standard, I guess my thought was coming from that I saw this as the most (but then again, even if it is the mode it says nothing about mean or median).
I think the last point you made is a really good one, I feel that (somewhat like I do with KickStarter) that what I would prefer is that this is best for smaller studios that are genuinely working to constantly improve the game and need the capital to do so. Having an early buy-in is a way for them to get money (and feedback) while at the same time offering at least something in return to "investors" so to speak (I know it's a different concept). I guess my main concern or worry is that as it grows, that other groups will start latching onto this model, flood the market with crap that never really goes anywhere and we miss out on helping with the gems because there is a bunch to sort through.
From my understanding or experience (and I am certainly no expert), Minecraft was one of the first games that really did this, or at least the first one to be big doing it, and I think at the time it was the perfect example of what I would like to see. Something that is new and interesting, seeking to really find its place and buy putting in the money, you get to be a part of that. Granted I didn't buy in until retail, but I remember watching it and tracking it at the time.....
Anyway, those are some of my largely un-researched thoughts....