Author Topic: Hunter the Vigil Discussion Thread  (Read 21554 times)

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Hunter the Vigil Discussion Thread
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2009, 11:54:55 AM »
Well it took a stupidly long time but the Hunter game is off and running. Shorter session this first time because I still had to devote the first half and a half to character creation. Still a good game. We have a Cheiron Hunter (Hunter), a Lucifuge socialite (Anne), and a Malleus holy man (Father McCarthy).

The characters started out meeting for morning coffee, their weekly custom, to trade stories and leads for the Cell. After alot of player talk they managed to communicate a little in character and share their independently revealed story hooks.

Some debate and they decided to follow up on the disappearance of a member of the Malleus and several individuals in a study group he belonged to.

They drove to the small chapel where the group met. While McCarthy and Hunter searched physically, Anne used Castignation to sniff out any evil recently present. Of the four group members they had clues about two: a retired soldier was killed in a fire and the deacon had jumped off a bridge. That left the Malleus brother and an unemployeed realistate agent to find.

Hunter discovered the deacon's office which had a group list of the people in the study group. It showed an extra member of the group last meeting, the one before everyone disappeared or died. At the same time Anne found that a low morality entity had been in the chapel within the last week and McCarthy found an old bible that had been vanalized with some pretty weird phrases.

They went to the deacon's apartment but the door was looked and they didn't want to just kick it in or sneak up the fire escape in the middle of the day so Anne sent her familiar to check it out. Through the chattering babble she discovered that the deacon was, as expected, not there and that his bed had strange blood marks on it that likely went back a long time.

Electing to return after dark the group went seperate ways and we ended the session.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 11:57:04 AM by Tadanori Oyama »


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Re: Hunter the Vigil Discussion Thread
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2009, 12:42:45 PM »
Glad to hear someone can get their game going :D. Sounds like it is shaping up to be prettyepic. Bet you cannot wait for the Malleus tries to go inquisition on the Lucifage lol

I've all but given up on getting my players into game because none of them seem to be interested in playing anything at all.
One never leaves his house cause he is either being a second life furry or sleeping (guy who tries to get ass fucked by every good looking male nps...)
Another is just being a dick and saying how bad a gm i am because i do not prepare enough...(kinda true but what ever....)
So that leaves me and one player who want to rp at all lately but we cannot due to the other players sucking ass
Oh well, won't stop me from playing with the idea in my spair time until my head explodes!

cock ass players ftl....hehe
Welcome to dying! I don't let it out! Welcome to dying! Look to the mirror it
shows what I am! Welcome to dying!This town must burn now! Welcome to dying!
Can't you see the dragon's seed bears in me, the one who's been before!
-- Welcome to Dying by Blind Guardian