Author Topic: Gaming Group looking for more players  (Read 7299 times)


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Gaming Group looking for more players
« on: March 13, 2011, 12:33:45 PM »
Hey all, I'm part of a non-profit gaming group based sort of around Philadelphia, PA, and we are currently looking for more players to join up, which is shocking because we used to have very few GM's.

I'm not sure if i can advertise our website so i'm going to refrain, but we are called Gamepodz, and we are trying to spread the word about us out there.  Right now we are trying to get people that are interested in all sorts of various games connected and to have a place where they could find games to play or schedule games they want to run.

If you're around the area and looking for groups, please check us out, heck we even want people from not around the area so we can take this sort of thing nationwide...though that's clearly a pipe dream.

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