Threw this together for one particular reason, but also noticed that it wasn't really being discussed anywhere else. I'll get to that in a minute.
Alright, which of you jokers is Fenarisk over on the Something Awful forums, specifically

Damn, dude, I'm trying to make points on why Call of Cthulhu is fun. Mentioning RPPR was a peripheral thing to help make my point, it wasn't to start an indepth discussion on GMing styles and why Caleb is cool. He is, by the way, but besides the point. Anyway
To the point, then? RPPR is a kickass site, and a great jumping-off point for a ton of things on and around the subject of gaming. I've mentioned the site to a few people in a local gaming store, and certainly to my gaming group (not sure if any of them have actually looked here, but since my gaming group is a bunch of ridiculous manchildren/womanchildren, it's not so surprising

). I've also linked here a couple of times on Something Awful.
So where do you discuss RPPR offsite?