Author Topic: Delta Green: Targets of Opportunity - Disciples of the Worm  (Read 7321 times)


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Delta Green: Targets of Opportunity - Disciples of the Worm
« on: August 02, 2011, 12:36:35 PM »
I am going to be running a mini-campaign out of Targets of Opportunity later this month and using the Disciples of the Worm as the main bad guys. I was wondering if anyone has run or played in any games involving this and what you thought was fun or not fun. In the interest of keeping out spoilers, I won't give too many specifics here, but rather just ask if anyone is (or is even thinking about) doing this.

Pointers would be great  ;D
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Re: Delta Green: Targets of Opportunity - Disciples of the Worm
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2011, 10:15:43 PM »
I used them in a one shot. It was a race by DG to stop a man with congenital insensitivity from being merged with a worm. All of the benefits and none of the drawbacks.

I found them to be formidable foes for the plays. Make use of armor spells and summons for maxumum effect.
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