Author Topic: Wild Talents question  (Read 249719 times)


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #210 on: February 24, 2013, 10:47:32 PM »
That is one of his goals.
Take the cyber-arm and make it massively available to the public.
Also I Technology represents power armor which he may pick up later.

I agree with Holyeskimo, and I'm wondering if I should make the player whose Hard Armor only protects his right arm a -3penalty

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #211 on: February 25, 2013, 01:48:42 PM »
I think you could drop the Cyborg permission then.

It can already by covered by the Technological permission.
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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #212 on: February 26, 2013, 09:08:45 AM »
He decided to drop Technological, and said his guy probably is not smart enough to figure out how to actually do that.
Makes sense with his 3 Mind. To the Parties average of Mind 4, with the Mind 5 Mechanic as the smartest
So he's just a cyborg who is going to slowly tinker and upgrade his arm


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #213 on: February 26, 2013, 08:17:01 PM »
Pretty much you don't need another permission to make gadgets, just buying the Gadgeteer thing and then make your creations match your permisssion, genetic might excrete things, magic makes things from the Pathfinder book, cyborg can make stuff with their cyber-parts or connect to things or whatever.


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #214 on: February 27, 2013, 05:57:36 AM »
I've never had a single player consider gadgets.
Or anyone being the real brains of the group. Even the 5 Mind Mechanic, who without his powers is only Mind 3.

Good News Everyone!
Got another person into the group.
Playing a Electro-kinetic
Tried a Serum to give her powers boosted her nervous system and as everything settled over the next month she started being able to absorb energy from things, heal wounds, create a electrical blast, channel energy through her fist.
(Stats maybe up later, for suggestions)
The cost of all this power is that mental stress and the ability to process information became harder(Average Command & Mind), for hyper reflexes, & senses.

Sorry things.

So the last player to the group will be either
a person in power armor.
Think Aaron + Thad; back at street level
Part Atlantian/Lemurian, with a pair of energy projectors, that can form a ranged(melee) weapon, or defensive wall
Think Caleb[Focus] + That detective David was for 1 session

So yeah any suggestions for either of those?


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #215 on: February 27, 2013, 07:20:35 AM »
Here's my stat-out for Pretty Soldier which I offer because I am helpful and not because I want people to give my work a lookover:
Jessica Runner, Pretty Soldier
23 year old IT worker

Stats (75 pts)
Body         2d [4d]   Mind    4d(+2hd)
Coordination   2d [3d]   Charm    2d
Sense      2d(3d)   Command 3d
Base Will   5      Willpower
Loyalty: Little brother and other victims of paralysis: 1
Passion: Love and Justice: 2 Staying human: 2

Skills (40pts)
Body 2d [4d]         Mind 4d(+2hd)                  Command 3d
Athletics 1d         First Aid                     Interrogate
Blocking              Knowledge [alien robotics]    2d (3d)   Intimidate
               Knowledge [computer use] 3d
               Knowledge [nanoscience] 2d (3d)
Brawl 1d            Language                     Leadership
Endurance          Medicine                     Stability (4d)
Melee            Navigation 1d
               Research 2d
Coordination 2d(3d)
Dodge    (3d)         Security System 1d
Driving            Survival
Stealth 1d         Tactics

Sense 2d(3d)         Charm 2d
Empathy (1d)         Lie
Perception 2d(4d)      Performance
Scrutiny  2d         Persuasion 2d

Powers (7pts)
Cybernetics (free, power theme: mind enhancing computer linked to suit tech: 5)
Tech (5, Theme: suit 5, Foci: -8, Operating Skill +0) 2
Hyperstats (29)
Head Computer
Mind +2hd (16)
Sense +1d (4)
Body +2d (focus-1) (6)
Coordination +1d (focus-1) (3)
Skills (head computer) (12)
Perception 2d(2)  Dodge 3d(3) Alien robotics 1d(1) Nanoscience 1d(1) Stability 4d(4) Empathy 1d(1)
Head Computer (U, wireless signal: capacity range duration +2) 4/dice (allows her to access computers and use her computer skill on them, also to remote fly her power suit.)
2hd (16)
Suit Powers
Heavy Armor (6 focus-1: 5/10/20) (20)
Multi Blaster AA
A: Plasma Blaster (harm: 2: focus-1 locational: right arm-1 obvious-1 if/then same as plasma lance -1 spray+3) (1)
A: Plasma Lance (harm:2: focus-1 locational: right arm-1 if/then same as blaster-1  obvious-1 penetration+1 booster: range+1 attack level+1) 2/4/8
3d+2hd+1wd (22)
Blaster:3d+2hd+1wd Spray: 3d WSK
Lance:3d+2hd+1wd W+1SK P2 range 1600 yards
Flight (U: 2 Duration +2 Focus-1 Obvious-1 booster: speed (U) +1): 3/6/12
1d+1wd (15) (50mph)
Pilot and Suit repair systems (Regenerate Suit and pilot (6) Depleted-1 Focus-1 Slow-2 Go last-1)  (must be fed metal and meat, repairs her and the armor): 1
2hd (4)
Multi-Spectrum Adaptive Sensors (U: 3/6/12die)
focus-1 if/then only for variable effect-1 if/then variable effect is only for sensors-1 variable effect+4)
An array of sensors: light enhancement, telescopic zooming, infrared, ultraviolet, thermal sight, sound enhancement, gas analysis, and so on. By examining metabolic processes they can even tell when someone is lying. (The lie-detector function is a contest with the other character’s Lie skill)
2d (6)
Energy Blade (hyper melee: 1 focus -1, locational: left arm -1, penetration +2) 1/2/4
1wd (4)

She's ment to be kind of unsure but strong inside. Her themes are still being human what with part of her brain replaced by a nano-computer and her suit rebuilding her body out of leftovers when she gets injured.
Numbers in () are with her hyper dice and [] are in her armor.


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #216 on: March 02, 2013, 04:19:19 AM »
Ok um
Its a really good build and all that stuff for themes
I may use this at another date but right now she's going more really strong and powerful in her suit and has no well energy weaponry

(Invulnerability on the Suit)


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #217 on: March 02, 2013, 06:37:35 AM »
Invulnerability is 20 (DDU) so focusing it makes it 17(34h).
If you take out the Energy gun, energy blade and armor you get 46 points. If you take out the cybernetic theme and head computer stuff you get 20 points back from stats, 12 from skills and 16 from the computer and 4 from the repair system you have 98 points back 68 of those go to 2hd of invulnerability and 30 to spend on other stats and combat ability.

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #218 on: March 03, 2013, 07:57:18 PM »
Buy the immunity seperately. Useful variable effect self only if then only  for power armor immunities 2hd

Edited for more Detail:

Power Armor Immunities 3/die 2hd [12 pts]
Extras and Flaws: Variable Effect +4, Endless +3, If/Then (Variable Effect Is Only for new immunities) -1, Focus -1, Bulky -1, Self Only -3
Effect: Immunity to extreme Temperature and Pressure. Sustains the wearer without Oxygen.(Add Depleted and come up with a time limit with the GM if you want the oxygen to run out). With Variable Effect the immunity can be applied to anything that the game master feels the suit would protect you against, make a specific request to set a precedence in situations that it could conceivably protect you.

That way you don't have to buy extra immunity when you want more armor. I would recommend upping the hard dice or adding extra useful levels so that you don't lose your power while you need it most. Either way this is a good starting point for a 250 pt character.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 11:56:05 AM by Flawless P »
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Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #219 on: March 07, 2013, 02:47:33 PM »
I went back over an old character concept I build while I was still learning the system, and I think I managed to rebuild him in a way that more accurately conveys my vision for him as a character.

So here he is for you you enjoy and scrutinize.

Globular [8 pts]
Power Theme (Shapeshifter) 5
Power Permission Genetic

Body 3d or 6d
Coordination 2d or 5d
Sense 3d or 6d
Mind 3d
Charm 3d
Command 2d

Base Will 6 [3 pts]
Passions and Loyalties: Helping people put their lives back together[3], Aiding those with genetic defects[3]

Skills 82 pts
Athletics 2d
Brawling 2d
Endurance 3d
Dodge 3d
Driving Car 3d
Stealth 3d
Empathy 2d
Perception 3d
Scrutiny 2d
Knowledge Biology 3d
Research  3d
Security Systems 3d
Survival 2d
Lie 3d
Persusion 2d
Stability 2d

Powers 72

Dead Ringer 3/die 2hd [12 pts]
Duration +2, If/Then(Variable Effect Only for choosing different appearences) -1, Variable Effect +4, Self Only -3, If/Then(Must have had skin to skin contact with the person being emulated) -1

Combat Mode 1/die 4hd [8 pts]
Duration +2, Self Only -3
Gains 4 extra hit boxes.

Chitin Armor 2/die 3hd [12 pts]
Defends[Self] Defends+1[Self]
Duration +2, Interference +3, Armored Defense -2, Attached -2
Duration +2 Armored Defense -2, Attached -2
3 Hard Armor and 4 Light Armor

Regeneration 1/die 2hd [4pts]
Duration +2, Self Only -3

Hyper Body 3d [6 pts]

Hyper Coordination 3d [6 pts]

Hyper Sense 3d [6 pts]

Blade Arm Hammer Fist 2/die 5d1wd [18 pts]
Attacks+1[Touch] Attacks[Mass]
Blade Arm: Attached -2, Touch Only -2, Limited Damage (Killing) -1, Penetration +3
Hammer Fist: Attached -2, Limited Damage (Shock) -2, Penetration +3

Either attacks with a bladed ligament that deals width +1 Killing damage with penetration 3. Or, does Width in Shock damage and knockback, also with penetration 3.

In case it isn't apparent all the "Attached" powers are Attached to the Combat Form ability. He gains bonus hit boxes can use his special attacks and he gains armor while in his combat form. He is globular in either form but maintains a humanoid shape over all. Basically he shifts his internal chemisty around constantly which is why all the damage goes to one solid hit location.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 03:04:34 PM by Flawless P »
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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #220 on: March 08, 2013, 01:57:08 AM »
So he shifts into an armored alien murder bug? That seems to make sense though globular seems like an odd choice, not sure if hit boxes get rearranged by shifting or not though.


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #221 on: March 08, 2013, 03:21:22 PM »
I think it represents that his nervous system along with limbs are superficial.

For those that have helped with ideas and things for my Wild Talents game that was going to be with my live group I thank you...
Now the bad news, my live group just collapsed because of the actions of 1 person in it, spewing all there bile about me without just trying to talk with me and it lead to a chain reaction, and now the lie group I had is no more.

So just wanted it out there.


Speedster for those that want to play one. This is the best way I have found to play one

Coordination; 7 or more dice, maybe some go first attached to Coordination
Body; 3 or more dice, with Booster(s) and a If/Then only to running/jumping
Apply Spray and Go First to Hyper-brawl
Apply Spray to Hyper-Dodge and interference(Wiggle Die should do)
Sense; 4 or more dice, If/Then only for declaring actions(Should be a -2 because you can only use Sense for declaring so you get none of the other benefits of a higher sense[such as using it for Empathy])


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #222 on: March 14, 2013, 09:13:31 PM »
My friends and I are starting to reach a point similar to the one Ross described in the Bildungsroman episode:  We're approaching 300 point characters and our skills haven't really improved to a particularly noticeable degree.  The players of characters who are hypertrained are starting to ask the question "Why even buy regular skills?  Even if they're more specific, Hyperskills are cheaper and I can by HD and WD in them."

It made me consider the point as well.  If you're driven and hyper-trained in some kind of galaxy-boxing, then why put any points in brawling? 

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #223 on: March 14, 2013, 11:29:43 PM »
Well you don't really.

Unless you've specified that Galaxy boxing is NOT a brawling hyperskill at which point you would buy it for the grapple stuff.

Really though I feel like the major limiting factor to hyper skills is to make sure they make sense.

Most stats can be bought as hyper skills but that doesn't make them powers it just means that the players power source makes it easier for them to raise that skill. Besides buying only hyper skills is generally going to be weaker than buying a miracle anyway.

Look at it this way.

Attacks Defends and Useful All with the Augment Extra 18/die [72 pts]
Gives you a wiggle die on any ability or power. If the power has extras you can still add the wiggle die by spending 4 will power.

Small price to pay to be guaranteed a success on just about any skill check. Not to mention you can flaw it down with a focus or if/then to limit it somehow.

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #224 on: March 16, 2013, 12:21:49 PM »
With hyperskills it depends. Unless you specify some kind of limitations to "Galaxy Boxing" that make it different from "Brawl" then, yeah, barring nullification powers there's no difference mechanically between them beyond cost. As for why, it's mostly story and not numbers. If you were a pizza maker before, you might have some dice in make pizza, but after you flip on your powers, if you have a wide enough permission than you can just buy only hyper skills from then on and be happy with the cheaper points.