Author Topic: Tom's Call of Cthulhu Game (Operation Downside) on Unspeakable!  (Read 6454 times)

Kemlin Dragos

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Tom has a 4 part game up on the Unspeakable! AP feed at The Unspeakable Oath. I just finished the first session and I'm really enjoying it so far. Check it out if you haven't already. Thanks Tom, I always enjoy your games.

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Re: Tom's Call of Cthulhu Game (Operation Downside) on Unspeakable!
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2012, 12:05:17 PM »
I'm on part 2 myself. It's... yeah. Let me just say that Tom, I understand. I had a player that tries things like this all the time. Caleb, you have my sympathies.


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Re: Tom's Call of Cthulhu Game (Operation Downside) on Unspeakable!
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2012, 01:32:46 PM »

Kemlin Dragos

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Re: Tom's Call of Cthulhu Game (Operation Downside) on Unspeakable!
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2012, 01:31:12 AM »
Just finished the entire mini campaign, hour or so of Dog Punching aside, I enjoyed it. I did agree with Ross's assessment that it was 3 scenarios rolled into one, but it was still a fun listen. I don't get to play hardly at all, and I've never heard a game where a Mythos monster was actually summoned, so that was interesting. I would love to be able to read through this scenario along with Divine Fire. Divine Fire is still probably the scariest game I've ever listened to. Thanks for sharing Tom.

P.S. If you don't mind sharing....[spoiler]Why did Grandfather betray them and why did Marsh not kill the targets he was assigned?[/spoiler]

P.P.S. I would also love to read through the GURPS MLEG game you ran. That was a riot.