Author Topic: Over The Edge  (Read 7551 times)


  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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Over The Edge
« on: September 11, 2012, 02:18:37 PM »
I gave in and bought the 20th Anniversary edition of Over The Edge. Costly, but I couldn't resist. Damn if it wasn't worth it.
Coolest. Setting. Ever.
Seriously, I remember the game from the early 90s, but unfortunately never had the chance to play it. I almost forgot how great Al Amarja was. Mixing Over The Edge with something like Unkown Armies would make for a very awesome, if very weird, game.
Here's to hoping RPPR does an actual play of OTE someday. In the meantime,  I was wondering if anyone had any anecdotes about any games they played in the Over the Edge setting. I'd love to hear them.