You people like CoC way too much.
What do you mean, 'you people'? 
What do YOU mean: you people?
Had to go there XD
Thank you, I've been waiting a month and a half for someone to acknowledge that joke.

Call of Cthulhu, divorced from the overt Lovecraftian themes, is a terrific way to introduce people to the hobby. You're in a horror movie - what do you do? Get the adrenaline pumping, get people involved, they'll dig it. Just roll these two little dice, I've colorcoded them for tens and ones already, roll under this number and you succeed, roll above bad things will happen. Freaky shit happens? People die? You get to go crazy and backstab your buddies to survive or for kicks.
My players have dug it. I ran it for some family who like the Ancient Astronauts theories on the history channel, and ran them through an Indiana Jones-esque Mayan tomb with great success. Aliens and mummies they got, they didn't need to know they let Yig out to have fun.