Author Topic: The RPPR Catchphrase, In-joke, and Obscure Reference Appreciation Station  (Read 412848 times)


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For the record, Ross being a horrible monster did originate in the whole mind-control debacle debate that briefly raged on the internet.  I believe it came from Ross saying it sarcastically that he was a horrible monster and then it kind of stuck.

The "immerse me" I believe was Cody being a smartass during an early New World game where Ross was trying to describe something, there was a lot of table chatter/questioning, so Ross just really bluntly stated what happened  or the like and Cody demanded that Ross "immerse me."  So now subsequently it evolved into bugging the GM into describing inconsequential details that have no real significance or meaning.

Layers upon layers is a good one.  It was explained in one of the earlier episodes of the podcast.  Believe it came from a review of something that was overly haughty and Tom and Ross decided to adapt it to sound "snooty"...

"immerse me" is from episode 2 I think - I described the grippli underground lair as a subterranean jungle 'if you could believe that' and Cody was like 'no I can't Ross, immerse me!' or something like that. At least that's what I remember.

Layers upon layers is a common phrase used sarcastically by many people. Google it. 


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"Squamp bamp dadalow dowww" -Sung by Tom Church as a transitionary noise between scenes

Origin: I had no idea what this was supposed to be until one early AP where Tom did it after someone remarked this was like an episode of Seinfeld. It then occurred to me that it was supposed to be the iconic bass riff from that show. Correct me if I'm wrong there.

Patton Oswalt, on the Werewolves and Lolipops album.  Patton doing the transition music from the Dukes of Hazard show.


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Another Tom joke I've taken for my own:

"What did one poor person say to the other poor person? Whooooo cares?!?!"

Bat Thumb movie.  Rich people conversation at Wayne Manor.

Tadanori Oyama

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"I only had (x) (time units)!"

One Caleb says fairly often.

Also: "Hold on. I didn't consider this." (First used, to my knowledge, when Aaron set fire to the orange grove in Bryson Springs.)

"Treasure vouchers" from the New World game. I like that one.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2013, 01:54:21 PM by Tadanori Oyama »


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What, you mean treasure vouchers don't come straight out of the 4e DMG?


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No, they're selected from the PHB.  8)


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"Treasure vouchers" from the New World game. I like that one.

It was a simple solution to a time sink that plagues most D&D games.


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OK, two more from the unrecorded IH game:

"Take a look at this!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (Pulls out a ratty dress that is falling apart, amazing the goblin traders.)

"I'll give up my soul."

Ross and I were commiserating about this thread and it dawned on me that I always used to say "Are you ready for this?" right before I put the party in danger.
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Although the actual words change, during investigative scenes Tom will often attempt to bribe the GM into revealing information.
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Or giving his character weapons of mass destruction.


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Caleb, holding a telephone conversation between NPCs; the PCs can only hear half of it.
"Hello?...Yes, I did?..Well, it wasn't labelled...I'm sorry, I didn't know...I will buy you a new sandwich, all right?"

Pretty sure it was the Andrew's Fortune game, Ross and Tom's PCs were in that scene.
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Caleb, holding a telephone conversation between NPCs; the PCs can only hear half of it.
"Hello?...Yes, I did?..Well, it wasn't labelled...I'm sorry, I didn't know...I will buy you a new sandwich, all right?"

Pretty sure it was the Andrew's Fortune game, Ross and Tom's PCs were in that scene.


I remember that one clearly - second session of Andrew's Fortune. Good times. (except for the characters in the game)


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On a semi-related note, I've been toying with the idea of listening to every single AP and trying to put them into RL chronological order (i.e. when they were recorded).  This could be done by carefully listening for references to real events (i.e. Reagan's blood for sale), references to events in the player's lives (i.e. before/after RJ moved), references to other games (i.e. Tom not wanting to drive after Cthulhu  Dark: Dark Revelations) and obviously the series of APs would be in order.

I think it could be done, but shudder to think about the amount of time I'd have to direct to it.  Not that I don't like listening to the APs, it would probably get tedious after awhile (and I'd have to listen to New World all over again).


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On a semi-related note, I've been toying with the idea of listening to every single AP and trying to put them into RL chronological order (i.e. when they were recorded).  This could be done by carefully listening for references to real events (i.e. Reagan's blood for sale), references to events in the player's lives (i.e. before/after RJ moved), references to other games (i.e. Tom not wanting to drive after Cthulhu  Dark: Dark Revelations) and obviously the series of APs would be in order.

I think it could be done, but shudder to think about the amount of time I'd have to direct to it.  Not that I don't like listening to the APs, it would probably get tedious after awhile (and I'd have to listen to New World all over again).

I could help somewhat with that - all the raw files are separated into folders. Basically every time I fill a SD card, I copy the files to a new directory called Unsorted X where X is the next number in the series. Unsorted 1, Unsorted 2 etc. Every time I create the directory, it creates a time stamp. If someone were to tell me how to dump that info for all the directories (they're all together in the same one) for a Mac OS X, I would be happy to post the data here. Then I could tell you what approximate dates each episode was made. I'd have to look up each AP to find out what directory the original file is in, so I don't want to do it for each one, but I'd be happy to do a few.

The comments on these forums and the site are clues as well.


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Another Tom thing - "jam jam jam"

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