Author Topic: BaseRaiders  (Read 403991 times)

D6xD6 - Chris

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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #30 on: November 17, 2013, 10:35:36 PM »
You are right about the necessity of an inside agent.  The idea falls apart without that.

And we are on the same page about the division of the lists.   My thought was to have each client stored securely under a dummy alias at a regional office with a specialized insurance agent.  These were given to these agent at random, and no one is sure which one is which, and there are obviously additonal security protocols.  Also, the players would not know which offices have the files, so it would take a lot of challenging legwork just to find the the offices that have lists without the aid of the company.  And at the corporate level, the office locations would also be divided, and only selected employees would receive the location of one office.

And I was going to do more research on insurance company scams to see how they pulled it off for so long.  I have personal knowledge of financial sector scammery and what they did to avoid getting caught (it is honestly just by being a boys club good at keeping quiet).  I just want to make sure I have plenty of avenues the players can take to use their powers and be all badass and shit. 


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #31 on: November 21, 2013, 10:40:40 PM »
Well, let us know how the campaign goes! Don't put too much work into any given avenue until you see how the players react to the set up. Once you know how they'll act, it will be easier to write for that angle.

D6xD6 - Chris

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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #32 on: November 22, 2013, 12:07:53 AM »
Oh yeah,the players will create new angles that I hadn't even considered, effectively invalidating most of my research and prep work.  So be it!  I am just in the giddy brainstorming phase that makes being a GM so enjoyable.   ;D

I was going to run a one-shot scenario in Base Raiders first just to get them used to the rules and to see how they approach it.  They've never played Fate before, so I have a couple one-shot FAE scenarios just to get them comfortable playing Fate.  I'm sure they'll enjoy the system, but I figured it would best to let them get used to it by playing Congo 2: Endangered Species (FAE is particularly suited to jumping over rivers of lava and fighting laser-wielding super-gorillas) and Burning Bridges (my alternate history take on the infamous Milwaukee Bridge War . . with zombies). 

Thanks again for the advice!  Base Raiders is a cool game, and clearly a product with a lot of heart put into it.  I will definitely post updates here describing what happened in the one-shot and in the campaign.  8)


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #33 on: November 29, 2013, 08:45:26 PM »
Hey spent some time today creating a fillable Character Sheet, It's not perfect but see if it works for you. Oh and Ross very happy with the book thank-you.

Whisper once and he wont hear you,
Whisper twice and he'll draw near,
Whisper thrice as he stands behind you,
Whisper four as he climbs in your ear,
Whisper five, his whisper that you hear.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #34 on: November 29, 2013, 10:02:31 PM »
Awesome! I was meaning to do that myself at some point, but I am a horrible monster. I'll put it on the Base Raiders site soon. You rock!


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #35 on: November 29, 2013, 11:56:36 PM »
Hey, I've been tinkering with a power that I've had stuck in my head for the past few days but it's to no avail I can't quite get the mechanics down.

It started as a teleportation power, but I wanted to add in a different element, so I decided that during the movement the user turned into a gaseous form and poured his way through cracks and crevices until he reached his destination and coalesced. Then my mind upped the ante and took it to the next level; what if the conversation of mass rule was in play? What if the user exploded into a massive black fog bank whenever he activated his power, obscuring the area and choosing a spot covered in his mass to reform?

I'm thinking Move+ unusual to represent the pouring himself through cracks, Disguise + unusual + Zone to represent the obscuring effect, and Dodge to represent the incorporeal nature of the cloud. Thoughts? Suggestions? Streamlining?
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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #36 on: November 30, 2013, 01:01:41 AM »
Disguise doesn't make sense - that makes something look like something else. If the fog bank worked as hallucinatory terrain (as per the D&D spell) then it would use Disguise. Otherwise, It sounds more like stealth.

Fitting through the cracks is a Move + Unusual, not dodge. You don't dodge doors, you move through them.

You should also look at the transform flaw.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #37 on: November 30, 2013, 01:37:19 AM »
Dodge wasn't for dodging doors more for dodging attacks while in the fog bank state due to the incorporeal nature of the form. But the transform flaw might be able to take care of the aspect.
Power Armor: They don't build it like they used to... trust me I've looked for replacement parts.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #38 on: November 30, 2013, 02:04:57 AM »
Personally, I'd use Resist Damage + Unusual for the incorporeal part, but dodge works too.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #39 on: November 30, 2013, 12:24:17 PM »
I can see Resist damage as your "body" isn't dodging it's just everywhere.  And thinking about it I guess the aspect gained by the transform flaw could handle the "200 lbs of human turning into 200 lbs of fog" obscuring side of things. If you gain the aspect of "Shroud upon the land" or something far less cheesy then it can be compelled and invoke by people using it to hide.
Power Armor: They don't build it like they used to... trust me I've looked for replacement parts.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #40 on: November 30, 2013, 01:34:15 PM »
compels are negative things that give you FATE points, so if your enemies use you to hide from yourself (?) or your allies, then yeah. If you or your friends use it, that's an invoke and it uses a FATE point.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #41 on: December 05, 2013, 02:31:37 PM »
Exactly,  it's actually a very simple solution to the problem that was driving me nuts with this power.

Have I mentioned how much I enjoy this system and game?
Power Armor: They don't build it like they used to... trust me I've looked for replacement parts.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #42 on: December 10, 2013, 03:22:38 AM »
first off i would like to congratulate you on a fantastic game Ross love it and the concept. this being my first foray into strange fate i also think it does superhuman better than fate does, at least if your game is focused on the power as much as the story.

any who having consumed the book fully (must complement you on your choice of glue fantastic). i also being a horrible monster of a GM, have forced my players to play base raiders as our current campaign. well forced is probably a little strong.
"i would love to run base raiders as our next campaign"
"really what's it about"
"well an oversimplification is shadowrun with superheroing"
"awesome! marvel or DC?"

and thus my campaign was born, and through it i have found some interesting developments. but, before i go into them i should point out that my group all has +15 years of gaming and are all familiar with FATE gaming, so other gm's be wary your millage may vary.

the game is titled "Suicide Squad: After Ragnarock." the game starts one year after the disappearance of the various supers out there both villain and hero alike. the players play people in misprision for various crimes, whether they actually committed them or were framed for them is up to them and there back-stories. they are assembled to become the new suicide squad, which for those of you unfamiliar is just what it sounds. they will be given a tryout mission, come back and you qualify for the new squad don't and your way or the other. this will be your typical "origin story" now that you know the basic setup let me reveal my tweaks.

first off after being inspired by bayou beat-down 1 i decided that the easy way to figure out what stories i should put in this game was to ask them. now the DC universe has already been created so, after telling my comic book friendly friends where in the timeline it was set (Ragnarok event replacing Flash-point) i allowed them to each report 3 rumors about the game world, that would let me figure out just what they were looking for in stories. the rumors were classified as, things the public would know, things the villains would know, and things the heroes would know. with each player giving one of each type. the final trick i played (though it might possibly be a mistake) was to allow them to set the tone of the game by each putting a campaign aspect on the game. 

if anyone is interested i'll post more detail about the game


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #43 on: December 10, 2013, 04:56:48 AM »
I liked how the Base Raiders campaign started and I am going to blatantly steal the story :-). It is for a one-shot game, with players not knowing the FATE system, so I will keep it low power.

However, I need to build a few items/serums to "populate" the base with items to loot. I used the link for strange skill generators so point-wise, the powers value should be OK. I just need input/suggestion regarding those powers (the game will be on Friday), especially suggestions regarding side effects as obviously, characters will be suffering from burn. I would like to let the player propose side-effect, but coming with a list of possible  problem will help them since they are not used yet to the system.

Super-Soldier Serum: Resist Damage, Stress (Health), Strength, Leap, for a total of 8 points, likely Superhuman Tier. Possible side effect: appearance (skin colour, massive size, strange proportion)

Chimera Serum (gecko): Move (unusual - can walk against any solid surface), Dodge, Jump + Range, Stealth, for 10 points, likely Superhuman tier. Side effect: obvisously appearance, any other suggestion ?

Peak Performer / Pheromons booster -  The Great Gatsby: Insight, Examine, Menace, Information, Network, for 10 points. The person develop an uncanning perception (something like "The Mentalist") but also the ability to be incredibly assertive and convincing by unknowingly releasing pheromons. Possibly only Extraordinary tier. I added Menace, to have one offensive power working on something else than Health and I thought it would fit the theme, although I am unsure about Network (how a drug could give that ?) - maybe replacing it with Guile or Convince ?
What side effect could be interesting or appropriate ?

An old artifact: The Ring of the City of Brass.  Shoot + spray + zone, Parry (unusual - small shields of brass appear out  of nowhere). The beared is able to control fire and use it as a weapon. Pretty basic. Side effect ? Hear the will of the Sultan of the City ? Powder turned off if wet ?

A modern high-tech item: The Engineer's Gloves: Repair, variable (scene) x2, for 9 points, Extraordinary tier. Initially designed by a genius mechanic who did not want to bother with carrying is huge toolbox. Now it is the first time I am dabbling with the variable trapping, so I want to see if I got it right.
Two variables trappings can "buy" for a scene the equivalent of 2 points worth of trapping or extra right ?
Hence, they could turn the nail gun into a real gun (shoot: 2 points), or the saw blade and the wrench into more appropriate hand-to-hand weapons (Strike and Parry, each worth a point), or turn into powerful piston actioned-pikes (climb for 1 point or Move + unusual for 2 points); or even huge claws (Physical Force). Finally, they could easily do Dismantle or Craft (each worth a point).
Could it even turn into a kind of pseudo-workshop by using Workshop+Unusual to simulate that the Gloves can easily convert nearby materials into appropriate tools to Repair stuff (since Repair is one of the base trapping) ?

Finally, a classical: The Rocket Boots, with Dodge (minor snag: only in flight), Move + Unusual (fly), Resist damage (minor snag: only in flight), for 8 points, Extraordinary tier. After a few painful landings and unfortunate contact with large advertisment panels, the original builder improved the base model with a small shield force.

My idea is to prepare small cards to hand to the player who is injecting/drinking/doning any of this items, with a short description, and let him fill the blanks for the side effect.

I will hand to the players pre-made PC sheets - heavily inspired from Ross'game - including a few extra character points unspent. Assuming that they don't use all of them and they do not try to acquire more than one power, they should only suffer from minor burn, having to select one side effect from the miscibility table.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #44 on: December 10, 2013, 01:11:23 PM »
If I was a prisoner sent out on a suicide mission, the first time I would get a chance to gain superpowers I would take it and then escape. How is the government controlling the PCs?

first off i would like to congratulate you on a fantastic game Ross love it and the concept. this being my first foray into strange fate i also think it does superhuman better than fate does, at least if your game is focused on the power as much as the story.

any who having consumed the book fully (must complement you on your choice of glue fantastic). i also being a horrible monster of a GM, have forced my players to play base raiders as our current campaign. well forced is probably a little strong.
"i would love to run base raiders as our next campaign"
"really what's it about"
"well an oversimplification is shadowrun with superheroing"
"awesome! marvel or DC?"

and thus my campaign was born, and through it i have found some interesting developments. but, before i go into them i should point out that my group all has +15 years of gaming and are all familiar with FATE gaming, so other gm's be wary your millage may vary.

the game is titled "Suicide Squad: After Ragnarock." the game starts one year after the disappearance of the various supers out there both villain and hero alike. the players play people in misprision for various crimes, whether they actually committed them or were framed for them is up to them and there back-stories. they are assembled to become the new suicide squad, which for those of you unfamiliar is just what it sounds. they will be given a tryout mission, come back and you qualify for the new squad don't and your way or the other. this will be your typical "origin story" now that you know the basic setup let me reveal my tweaks.

first off after being inspired by bayou beat-down 1 i decided that the easy way to figure out what stories i should put in this game was to ask them. now the DC universe has already been created so, after telling my comic book friendly friends where in the timeline it was set (Ragnarok event replacing Flash-point) i allowed them to each report 3 rumors about the game world, that would let me figure out just what they were looking for in stories. the rumors were classified as, things the public would know, things the villains would know, and things the heroes would know. with each player giving one of each type. the final trick i played (though it might possibly be a mistake) was to allow them to set the tone of the game by each putting a campaign aspect on the game. 

if anyone is interested i'll post more detail about the game