Author Topic: BaseRaiders  (Read 410188 times)


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #105 on: October 03, 2014, 11:18:30 AM »
Haha, I dig it. I might use him as a NPC in a future game.

I see Dr. Doomsday Device and the Psychic above as members a super villainous group of base raiders I am working on.  But feel free to use anything I have posted here.  I would love for them to make an appearance.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 12:30:11 PM by Claive »
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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #106 on: October 07, 2014, 11:40:17 AM »
Alias: Damage Control
Group Affiliation: Team Delta

Super-Genius / Magic User: Expert in Extra-dimensional entity capture and incarceration (or maybe "A ghost buster in the Cthuhlu Mythos"?)
Background: Physics Professor of Miskatonic University
Conviction: Humanity must control the supernatural, not the other way around.
Aspect: If you could see the Truth, they would call you mad too.
Complication [Minor]: Seeing them, means that they can see me.
Complication [Minor]: Not popular with the underground.
Complication [Minor]: I need to get this critter back to my containment facility.
Complication [Major]: All his colleagues consider him a quack

Skills: 30/30
Great (+4):
Good (+3): Astral Goggles [E]
Fair (+2): Proton Pack [ S ]
Average (+1): Paranormal Physicist [ E ], Presence

Base Refresh  = (4 spent)

Unique and Strange Skills:
Paranormal Physicist (Unique Skill)
Power Tier: Extraordinary (-1 Refresh)
Complication [Major]: All his colleagues consider him a quack
Information, Research (2-1-0)
Craft, Repair, Dismantle (3-1-0)
Guile, Disguise
Cost: 8 skill points (7 trappings, 3 connections, 0 extras, -2 drawback)
Description: You are a Paranormal Physicist.  You investigate the link between magical energies and technology.  You often have to lie about your credentials and your reasons for being at odd places at odd times (for example, at a graveyard at midnight with a shovel.)

Proton Pack
Power Tier: Superhuman (-2 refresh)
Complication [Minor]: I need to get this critter back to my containment facility.
Complication [Minor]: Not popular with the underground.
Focus [Minor]:
Shoot + Unusual: Effect non-corporal entities + Unusual: Supernatural creatures defeated are captured + Spray
Cost: 2 skill points (2 trappings, 0 connections, 3 extras, -3 drawback)
Description: You have built a device out of Ideal Tech Scrap that can capture supernatural entities so that they can be moved to a more permanent storage facility, it also proves to be fairly effective against other kinds of threats.

Astral Goggles
Power Tier: Extraordinary (-1 refresh)
Complication [Minor]: Seeing them, means that they can see me.
Focus [Minor]:
Notice + Unusual: See supernatural Auras + Range
Willpower, Stress Cap [Composure]
Examine + Unusual: Analyze supernatural Auras + Range
Cost: 13 skill points (5 trappings, 2 connections, 4 extras, -2 drawback)
Description: You have some quazi-magical spectacles that let you see and analyze supernatural auras.  They also filter out some of the more "insanity causing" forms of sensory input.

Equipment (Deadly 3 applied to the Proton Pack)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2014, 12:13:16 PM by Claive »
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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #107 on: October 07, 2014, 11:56:35 AM »
Allies: Recon Unit - 2
Group Affiliation: Team Delta

Artificial Being / Super Genius: A.I. plugged into a Mobile Autonomous Factory
Background: I.T. built an autonomous robotics factory in secret, it was my… mother.
Conviction: Curious of unfamiliar technology.
Aspect: People throw away the darndest things…
Aspect: Rebooting should fix that.
Aspect: Our Children are our future.
Complication [Major]: The size of a Rhinoceros and ten times as heavy.
Complication [Major]: The uncanny valley is always in play.

Skills: 30/30
Great (+4):
Good (+3):
Fair (+2): Mobile Autonomous Factory [ S ]
Average (+1):  Empathy, Plasma Cutting Beam [ S ]

Base Refresh  (4 Spent)

Unique and Strange Skills:
Mobile Autonomous Factory
Power Tier: Superhuman (-2 Refresh)
Complication [Major]: The size of a Rhinoceros and ten times as heavy.
Complication [Major]: The uncanny valley is always in play.
Dismantle + Zone, Repair, Craft + Zone, Workspace + Zone (4-2-6)
Research, Information (2-1-0)
Resist Damage, Physical Force (3-3-0)
Convince + Unusual: Instantaneous computer (I am master user) hacking + Willpower (2-2-1)
Cost: 22 skill points (11 trappings, 8 connections, 7 extras, -4 drawback)
Description: Your body is a mobile factory, if you have the materials you can build almost anything, including large objects or small items in bulk.  If you can interface with another computer you have an easy time convincing them that you have the highest tier of admin privileges.

Plasma Cutting Beam
Power Tier: Superhuman (-2 Refresh)
Focus (Minor)
Dismantle + Range (1-0-1)
Shoot + Unusual: It cuts things in two (1-0-1)
Cost: 4 skill points (3 trappings, 0 connections, 2 extras, -1 drawback)
Description: You have a Plasma Cutting Beam weapon that you can use against targets a zone away.

Companion: Timmy the Orphan
Quality 3 (2 pts)
Skilled (1 pt)

Survival +3
Resolve +2, Endurance +2
Presence +1, Technology +1
Description: Someone threw him away.  I decided to keep him.  His preventative maintenance is intensive but I find it rewarding.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 04:10:53 PM by Claive »
"No labyrinth is inescapable" -Gantz


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #108 on: October 08, 2014, 01:22:20 AM »
Of course there would be ghostbusters in Base Raiders. I'll have to post these to the Base Raiders website.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #109 on: October 09, 2014, 10:56:49 AM »
That would be great! However, Dream Girl and Palisade don't really feel "finished" yet.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 11:20:08 AM by Claive »
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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #110 on: October 10, 2014, 08:24:01 PM »
In my continued efforts to make things that help expand my Base Raiders Experience, I have found myself wanting a more expansive character sheet.

I don't know about you but I am the type that likes 3-4 pages of sheet so I have enough room for all my notes.

I play a lot of other FATE especially Dresden files so I quite a while ago stumbled the sheets made by SDJThorin ( ).
You can find his sheets for other fate games on the FateRPG Yahoo Group. 
So I took his sheet design broke it and rebuilt it for Base Raiders.  In the process I kept some of his code on the character sheet, but I simply could not preserve all of it because of the unique design of base raiders.

So then I present to you attached the sheet.  The first 4 tabs are modified for base raiders.  The last 3 tabs with a "+" on them are sheets that I have not done anything with but that others might want to customize in their own way.  You are also welcome to review what is left of his code and see if you want to find a way to rebuild it in a more efficient way.

This is given to you in an entirely unlocked format for you to fiddle with as needed.  I will, when I get access to my other computer, convert it to a PDF format for those who do not have Office 2010.  When I do such I will edit this post and generate a second link.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #111 on: November 06, 2014, 08:15:16 AM »
I got the draft of Boiling Point for backing the Kickstarter, and two sessions to playtest the game will be run 14 and 28 of this month. I plan to run Taskforce: Darknet for the first session, and no matter where they stop, the second session will start right into the base (or at least at the door of the base).

I will have a set of pregen (feedback welcome):

- The Goblin Tinkerer, (Magical Being/Super-Genius). Previously bound for decades by a sorcerer to do his bidding, he is free since Ragnarok.
Some of his aspects (I left a few free to be filled by players):
1) I did invented it !
2) The Machine-whisperer
His complication: Can I touch it ?
Genius Tinkerer (S): Dismantle, Repair, Craft, Workshop,  2x variable (with two drawbacks: slow, focus) to represent "Gadget of the Day"
Night Goblin (E): Stealth, Dexterity, Security, Notice (+unusual: darkvision), weakness: blinding light (minor), complication: obviously not human (-1)

- Mr Saturday, Magical user. Previously a fake medium, modern snakeoil salesman, until Voodoo spirits decided to teach him a lesson.
1) I must atone for my misdeeds
2) I could sell freezer to a pinguin, I might have done it
Complication: Curiosity killed the cat
Legba's Eye (E): Notice (+2 extra: darkvision, magic aura detection), Menace, complication: Evil Eye
The hand of Baron Samedi (S):  Minions (advanced, +extra: inst), minor flaw: required dead body, major flaw: need fresh blood, Strike, minor complication: wandering hand

- The Old Cop, Super-soldat. Excellent cop all his life, when is wife was dying from a cancer, he stole some superdrugs from the evidence vault. He gave a shot to his wife and to himself: they would live together or die together. He lived. Not her.
1) Old ? No ! Full of experience !
2) Pensioneer cop
Complication: 'am too old for this crap.
Lazarus' breath (S): Treatment (health) (snag: only self), resist damage, willpower, complication: why me and not Molly ?


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #112 on: November 06, 2014, 01:30:40 PM »
Old Cop is probably also a loose cannon. Back in the 90s, the FBI paid him to surf. What I'm saying is Old Cop is the walking breathing archetype of cop movie cliches, so a drug lord has to be responsible for his wife's death, somehow.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #113 on: November 06, 2014, 02:39:50 PM »
Unless old cop does not have the aspect: "only one week till retirement" then there is no justice in the world.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #114 on: November 06, 2014, 05:12:27 PM »

- The Goblin Tinkerer, (Magical Being/Super-Genius). Previously bound for decades by a sorcerer to do his bidding, he is free since Ragnarok.
Some of his aspects (I left a few free to be filled by players):
1) I did invented it !
2) The Machine-whisperer
His complication: Can I touch it ?
Genius Tinkerer (S): Dismantle, Repair, Craft, Workshop,  2x variable (with two drawbacks: slow, focus) to represent "Gadget of the Day"
Night Goblin (E): Stealth, Dexterity, Security, Notice (+unusual: darkvision), weakness: blinding light (minor), complication: obviously not human (-1)

I like his complication... but he could use another one...

Complication [Minor]: Can't stand the sound of his own name... His name backwards?  Forget about it...
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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #115 on: November 17, 2014, 11:19:33 AM »
A quick question, how much loot is good to put in a base? Looking at my first base it's around 400 but I thought it was sold mostly at 10:1 not the more generous numbers. So before my players know how far should I lower it?


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #116 on: November 17, 2014, 10:49:08 PM »
That's a good question. 400 loot value can at best be sold for 200 loot points and that's only if the characters know a good black market dealer who will buy their loot at a high price. 200 loot is worth 20 skill points to buy off burn, increase wealth, or pay for goals. I'd make selling the loot an adventure in of itself - do they dump for 40 loot points or do they try to find a better dealer? How do they protect their loot while they're trying to sell it? What if they want to use it instead of sell it? What kind of goals do they have?


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #117 on: November 22, 2014, 06:24:31 AM »
So this is the base they just cleared:
The Hover Office of Doctor Skull
Flying skull shaped fortress, full of traps and bots, PCs can get to it on its' Montana resupply stop.

Doctor Skull was a more classic super villain, he possessed no powers but built an impressive array of robotics and other devices. His henchmen were generally recruited from the weaker class of thugs and then given strength enhancing power armor though much less powerful than his own iconic skull armor*. He clashed with Crusher, the super strong hero of Oregon often but vanished about two years before Ragnarok.

*The chest plate is a giant skull (the eyes are flamethrowers) the shoulder pads are skulls, the knee pads are skulls, the helmet is a skull, the belt buckle is a skull, the kneepads are skulls, the shoes are elongated skulls, the gloves are skulls with the fingers being the teeth. He also wore a red cape with a black skull on it.

Short story, he got Alzheimer and died in his lab midway through his research on a cure, his body still roams his fortress in an automated power suit.

The long story, about five years ago Dr. Skull - Peter Jessep – self diagnosed with Alzheimer disease. He spent a few years learning about the disease and making sure it wasn't something someone had done to him. Then he began working on a cure. The easiest way to get test subjects that fit his needs was to clone himself and he did that industrially. There is a hidden mass grave in Montana. But he was progressing slowly. During this time he also set his bases to full automation and fired his henchmen. One of his henchmen sold him out to Crusher who invaded. The two had a long talk and Crusher left the Doctor to his studies with the promise that all his research would go public.

So life went on, the Ideal lost interest in looking for and tracking the giant radar resistant skull fort and Jessep deteriorated faster than he thought. In the end he died in his power armor. However at this point even his armor was fully automated. So for the last two years, every morning it gets up, carries the corpse to the breakfast room, after half an hour it takes him to his lab where it idles without command until lunch, then off to the control deck for an hour and back to the lab until dinner. After that the armor walks to the study, sits next to a box of cigars and pours an empty bottle of red wine into a dirty wine glass while the sunset fills the room. Then it runs a clean cycle on the corpse and walks him to bed.

The base keeps going, the bots lurk, their programming more of a flowchart than AI. Each month about 20 clones pop awake trapped in tubes, they are physically healthy but their minds riddled with dementia and Alzheimer's. They generally dehydrate or starve in their own filth before being dumped into the mass grave site. The Doctor's spirit is tethered to his body and similarly feeble until the link is severed.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #118 on: November 22, 2014, 04:33:09 PM »
goddamn that is an amazing concept - did you come up with it or did you use the collaborative base creation rules?

Also, I assume the fortress has some super stealth tech to avoid detection? I would imagine the air force would shoot it down at some point if they could find it.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #119 on: November 24, 2014, 12:02:31 AM »
That's me, we'll do the collaborative building in the next couple of weeks.