Alias: The Monster
Name: Unknown
Medium powered villain
Your father was a powerful magician who didn’t want you growing up to become competition. He couldn’t bring himself to kill you so he burned the magical energies out of you. It was a vital part of you and this drove you irrevocably insane. With Ragnarok your father vanished and you were left to rot in an asylum.
A new orderly touched you and they weren’t right, being around them made you feel like you were being burned alive from the inside out. Your latent magical genius fueled by your pain and the soul burn allowed you to find a way to make the pain stop. The orderly burst into flames.
You escaped in the chaos of the resulting fire.
AspectsSuper Soldier: The fire that burns magic clean.
Background: One of the crazies
Conviction: Why won't the pain stop?!
Conviction: Magic must be stamped out!
Aspect: Remember to stop and smell the roses even when they are burning.
Aspect: Brilliantly defies convention
Aspect: If I didn’t love you, you wouldn’t be a suitable sacrifice
Complication [Minor]: The underground has put a bounty on my head.
Skills:Great (+4):
Magic Resistance (S)Good (+3): Empathy
Fair (+2):
Burn Magic (A)Average (+1): Bureaucracy, Science
Base Refresh (

Minus Power tier (6)Minus Gifts: = Adjusted Refresh
= 2
Unique and Strange Skills:Burn MagicPower Tier: Ascendant (-4 Refresh)
Strike + Unusual (incendiary) + Zone (1-0-3)
Snag [Minor]: Only works on magical energies or magic users
Complication [Minor]: The underground has put a bounty on my head.
Cost: 2 skill point (1 trappings, 0 connections, 3 extras, -2 drawback)
Description: You can transmute any magical energy around you into a self-destructive force. Anything magical around you bursts into flames. The stronger the magic the hotter it burns. The underground has taken steps to stop you.
Magic ResistancePower Tier: Superhuman (-2 Refresh)
Resist Damage, Notice + Unusual: (Sense Magical Auras) (3-4-1)
Esteem, Willpower, Menace (3-5-0)
Snag [Minor]: Only works to resist the effects of magical energies or to intimidate magical entities
Snag {Minor]: You don’t get to pick and choose what spells or kinds of magic you resist.
Conviction: Magic must be stamped out!
Cost: 12 skill points (6 trappings, 9 connections, 1 extras, -4 drawback)
Description: You are anathema to magic and magical energies. You MUST attempt resist any kind of magic that would effect you with this power. Magic around you causes you pain. You can feel where it is and the constant pain that it causes you has made you hate it with every fiber of your being.