Author Topic: BaseRaiders  (Read 405046 times)


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #210 on: August 12, 2016, 12:24:09 PM »
Has anyone given any thought to using the base raiders setting as an economic horror game?

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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #211 on: August 12, 2016, 02:33:25 PM »
Fate in general empowers characters too much to be effective at horror. You could do Red Markets, but it would be an economic action game, not horror.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #212 on: August 12, 2016, 04:18:37 PM »
The setting would.. honestly, I think it would work for one-shots of a horror bent (especially Cube style "murder rooms" for your base) but the empowerment fantasy inherent in superheroics clashes pretty hard with the DISempowerment fantasy of most horror. Like, being a normie in a supers setting would be horrifying but being a super in a supers setting is about "look at how cool my powers are". So, your first Base Raid would be horrific (oh god the guns are shooting at us oh good weird monsters in the specimen jars oh no they woke up because the stasis field lost power) but once you get the super-serum and inject yourself with it the horror kiiiinda grinds to a halt.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #213 on: August 12, 2016, 09:43:30 PM »
I think you could do Base Raiders as horror if you gave them the empowerment theme at the beginning and then yanked the rug out from under them later on when they realize their awesome powers can't solve every problem, or can't solve some specific very deadly/frightening problem.

Kind of like what Alien Isolation did; the game gives you a gun and it's fairly effective against most threats, but if you ever try to use it on the xenomorph it does jack shit. And then you die. The game uses it as a sort of placebo or security blanket, and then tears it away from you.

Alternatively their powers could BE the source of the horror; either in the "oh god I'm hideous now" sense or if they later realize that everyone they mind controlled will eventually suffer early-onset Alzheimer's and die within months.

Basically it boils down to:

1. Give them power
2. Let them appreciate that power
3. Take away the power, or present them with something their power is useless against


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Base Raiders Q&A
« Reply #214 on: December 08, 2016, 12:33:46 AM »
Ok i have skimmed the forums and can no longer find the thread that used to talk about Base Raiders, and since i am preparing a new campaign and possible blog, and have Questions. but since i am a very flow of thought person i will probably be back posting questions as they (re)occur to me.

Q: where would i find rules on the loot value of powers? i have the Vintage Villainy guide and know how to figure them out there but i am unable to find anything of the sort in the core rule book.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #215 on: December 08, 2016, 03:20:53 AM »
I just merged your post with the existing base raiders thread. Check it out! There's a lot of cool stuff in it.

As for your question, I left out loot value for power sources in the main book. Vintage Villainy has the formula.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #216 on: December 09, 2016, 04:53:05 PM »
Ross, you have teased a Base Raider's campaign for ages... would you be willing to give us any idea how long it will be until the first episode is unveiled?
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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #217 on: December 11, 2016, 02:03:56 AM »
Ross, you have teased a Base Raider's campaign for ages... would you be willing to give us any idea how long it will be until the first episode is unveiled?

Probably February - once the HSD 4 part game is done, I'll put in Base Raiders.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #218 on: December 11, 2016, 06:16:36 AM »
Question for anyone who run a game Base Raiders in Mutants and Masterminds 3e and was wonder how they handled Power level when acquiring new powers that pushing them past PL?


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #219 on: December 12, 2016, 11:14:33 AM »
Ross, you have teased a Base Raider's campaign for ages... would you be willing to give us any idea how long it will be until the first episode is unveiled?

Probably February - once the HSD 4 part game is done, I'll put in Base Raiders.

Thanks for the heads up!
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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #220 on: December 12, 2016, 08:25:39 PM »
Question for anyone who run a game Base Raiders in Mutants and Masterminds 3e and was wonder how they handled Power level when acquiring new powers that pushing them past PL?

Did you look at my conversion guide? The goal is to not allow a PC to become super overpowered. Give them disadvantages to counter-balance or have them remove other powers to lower the point cost.


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Help me understand Base Raiders
« Reply #221 on: December 13, 2016, 10:36:41 PM »
RPPR people, I need your help!

I'm building my first ever Base Raiders character for a Patreon game tomorrow evening, and I could use some guidance from the hivemind.

Skill Example (Strange):
Cybernetic Arms, 3 Skill Points
Power Tier: Superhuman
Dexterity, Parry, Strike
Focus [Major]: Arms You Can Leave at the Door

So this costs 3 skill points to put on a character, 2 refresh for the tier, and focus [major] means that "Arms You Can Leave at the Door" becomes one of my free aspects?

If I want this at Good rating (+3), does that cost 6 skill points total, or 9?

What does refresh (what you have left over after buying tiers) actually do? I can't find it in the book.

If I wanted my eyes to glow (really shed a good amount of light), how would I represent that mechanically?

Thanks in advance for your help!


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Re: Help me understand Base Raiders
« Reply #222 on: December 14, 2016, 01:03:02 PM »
Getting it at +3 would cost you a total of six points (3 for the skill and 3 to get it to +3)
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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #223 on: January 01, 2017, 02:03:59 AM »
I've been working on another team, haven't finished up the stats part but I got the bios out. Nikau is more or less a vanilla human with some super drugs directly out of the book. Grunch is equiptment based because I want to see if that works. Buck Steel is more aspect focused with some skills at the exceptional level since he was a fighter thief.

The Exiles
Nikau Henare “Delta Agent”
Grunch “Greta Jones”
Starshine Silverleaf “Buck Steel”

Nikau Henare - Delta Agent

Nikau came to the US as an awkward teenager and spent his formative years mostly alone, it wasn't until he joined the army that things started to click. He did two tours in Afghanistan and found a natural home in signal intelligence which took him right into the CIA. For a couple of years he was happy even if the promotions were few. This was ruined when he got pulled further into the underbelly of federal law enforcement. It was for good reason, he saw things people weren’t supposed to see. He was dragged along on a multi-agency task force that turned out to be off the books and reservation, by the end he had helped to burn down a community theater, shoot at the survivors  and lied to his superiors about being in Cincinnati. The Group was terrifying, defending humanity from things beyond science and understanding through terrificly illegal methods. But it also got him more promotions than most non-native born people with ethnic names. He survived The Group's reintegration into the official side of law enforcement, rising slightly and earning a seat further away from field ops and back with intercepting and analyzing data.

Then he was pulled into a quick raid, nothing big, one crazy guy who surrendered quickly, but there was the box. When a Marshal opened it, the thing? Stuff? Energy? Inside came out and began to expand, the first agent it touched folded in on herself, the second turned 2-D and vanished, Nikau expected the worst when it caught him mid-flight.

Instead he woke up in Seattle. It didn't take him long to find he had somehow gone from his world to one far more strange. Instead of alien horrors he saw comic book. But he was in America and even this new world worked by most of the rules. He went to ground and was found by The Underground shortly after.

Now he knows what happened, the being in the box was a gateway to everywhere and by touching it he had been pulled to another Earth. But it's okay, Being a baseline human with clandestine experience  made him valuable to The Underground. Now there's two ways he might jump. The Group after all would really like some of these super powers and The Underground ought to be able to send him home if he does enough for them. But he can also live in a universe not classified as “Nihilistic.” Either way he's got time to figure it out while using his talents and some new drugs to find bases.
“Greta Jones” Grunch

Before Grunch's mother was born the Earth died in rage and fire. The survivors had already banded together under warlords, cult leaders, and madmen. She grew up hard, learning to take what she needed and fight for what she wanted.

With her shotgun “Faceater” and her grenade launcher “Grandma” she moved hard and direct across the ruined land. Chasing rumors of utopia burning her way through the slave trap of Cascadia Falls and slaughtering the stronghold of the Leopard Legion.

Violent years saw her move further into the frozen North following tales of a window to a green world. In the ruins of peaceful lives she found the window and the cult that worshiped it. Where the cultists  worshiped and sacrificed, she demanded. Taking hold and forcing herself into the unstable breach.

Her arrival closing the breach, she was trapped in the world of plenty. Then the culture shock set in. A week after arrival she found herself battling a biker gang and walking away from the smoldering ruins of their meth lab. Before she had a chance to cause more mayhem The Underground found her and brought her in.

Her loyalty came cheap, they set her up with an apartment and fake ID enough to pick up a part time job as a bouncer at a dance club. For her side, the studio apartment she lives in now holds more luxury than the thousands of miles she clawed through on her dying world. Still needing excitement and money, she joined a base raiding team. Here she pays The Underground back by passing useful information up to them and keeping an eye on other refugees.
“Buck Steel” Starshine Silverleaf

The twelfth son of Lord Silverleaf, protector of the Valley of Greenwood and immortal king of the North-Western elves, young Starshine found himself utterly irrelevant by his 97th birthday. As was the style, he joined a band of would-be heroes and left his valley to pursue fame and riches. He did well for himself, surviving three tombs, one dungeon and even a keep. Soon his elder brother, Leafshade, had joined his party and they ranged North.

In the lair of the Seal Queen he found himself trapped surrounded by the bones of fallen adventurers with a flame walrus closing in. His frantic searching found nothing but his brother's spells showed them a ring with magical powers. When Starshine grabbed it he awoke a genie. Halfway through the offer of a wish Starshine asked to be taken “anywhere but here,” and so he was.

Earth isn't so bad. The pair managed to hide in the city and pass among the humans. Leafshade's magic quickly made contact with The Underground and the pair joined a community at one of the rural retreats.

While Leafshade wanted to return home, Starshine choose instead to focus on adapting to the US. Falling in love with the wandering heroes of the re-runs he found a new adventure to take up. Changing his name to something more masculine, swapping his enchanted bow for a long gun, his magic slippers for cowboy boots and a purse full of gold for a Jeep. Now he roams the country raiding bases and enjoying this new world.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #224 on: January 03, 2017, 02:01:23 AM »
That's an awesome concept for a base raiding team. I think the DG agent would realize that the Group would just shoot him in the face if he came back though.