Author Topic: Guys its time for a ROAD TRIP!!  (Read 55163 times)


  • Zombie Apocalypse Survivor
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Guys its time for a ROAD TRIP!!
« on: May 24, 2013, 01:13:03 PM »
A Monster's & Other Childish Things Game
Using the great and awesome campaign Road Trip to start us off for a good campaign.
Road Trip is 5 scenarios. With various silly, crazy, serious, and/or horror based side encounters. Each scenario can be 1 session to 4 sessions.
I am planning for this beginning of the campaign being well.
Over summer like the titular Road Trip is

My Major Things
1: Using Skype, call cause you need to talk when playing monsters
1B: You need voice because other wise it all fall apart
1C: I will have up to 6 players for this campaign. No more, no more I already have a big group with the Wild Talents game. Minimum of 3 players

2: Kids can be 9-14. Lets try to keep them with 2 years of each other.
2B: I want kids to all be interesting characters. Maybe they have emotional issues or are jerks or just something that will make for great personalities
2C: You can be financially decent or poor. Nobody falling into rich

3: Follow the basic rules for kid and monster creation
3B: If you want to be a weird kid talk with me on it

4: The campaign will start in, Blowing Rock North Carolina. I choose a random name of a town in North Carolina
4B: Your home room teacher is Mr. Rowing(11-12 year olds), or Mrs. Smith(9-10 year olds)

5: We will start a few days before Summer Break(In Game)

6: The campaign will have to be on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and/or Friday. The game can start at earliest
3-pm Eastern Standard Time. The game can start at latest 8-pm Eastern Standard Time. End times can go as late as midnight
What ever day and/or time would work best for the group

7: Ask any questions about things. Add comments on things I should add

8: Skype game. Cause I want you hear your lovely voices

Also have the topic over on Giant
Just so that is out there
If you want to know about monsters here too help Tvtropes Page
Enjoy and come on by to join up!


  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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Re: Guys its time for a ROAD TRIP!!
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2013, 01:21:52 AM »
I'm in if there is still room and you can run it on a Tuesday thursday or friday. I love the idea and have some crazy Ideas for monsters. also I have skype group  video in case anyone wants to do something crazy like make a sock puppet...
I cast summon pedant.


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Re: Guys its time for a ROAD TRIP!!
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2013, 04:46:09 PM »
I'm in if there is still room and you can run it on a Tuesday thursday or friday. I love the idea and have some crazy Ideas for monsters. also I have skype group  video in case anyone wants to do something crazy like make a sock puppet...

Probably not video.


  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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Re: Guys its time for a ROAD TRIP!!
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2013, 11:35:10 PM »
I'd love to join this game! I live in Australia however so I'd only be able to join if you started your games around 5~6 EST because of how early it'll be over here.

I'm available tuesday through friday.


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Re: Guys its time for a ROAD TRIP!!
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2013, 01:43:09 AM »
Yes we are probably going to be starting 5:30 - 6:00 EST

So we now have 5 or 6 people.
Send me your skype contact information


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Re: Guys its time for a ROAD TRIP!!
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2013, 11:50:11 PM »
Those of you that I don't have skype contact information for send it too me... Private message post it what have you


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Re: Guys its time for a ROAD TRIP!!
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2013, 06:47:35 PM »
Is it too late to ask to join? I've never actually got to play in a Monsters game...


  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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Re: Guys its time for a ROAD TRIP!!
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2013, 08:32:44 AM »
Here's my character - It's my first time playing MaoCT so it would be great if someone could look it over and make sure it's all good that would be great. I figured being an Aussie it would make sense to be an Australian who's parents moved to the US, it will make up for any idiosyncrasies in my roleplaying

Kid: Darren "Dazza" Jennings
Feet: 2
   Dodging:    1
   Kicking:    0
   P.E.:       2
   Courage:   2
   Wind:       1
   Wrestling:   1
   Blocking:   0
   Punching:   0
   Shop   :   1
   Notice   :   2
   Out-Think:   2
   Remember:   0
Face: 3
   Charm:      2
   Connive:   0
   Put Down:   1
My Home Back In Wagga: 2
Mum and Dad: 2
Scouts: 2

Monster: Shorty the Bunyip
1, 2: Long legs
extras: wicked fast x3
description: shorty's long legs let him move really fast
3, 4: Poison Pooper:
qualities: useful, attacks
extras: area x1, spray,
description: Shorty poos stuff that smells so bad it makes me cry and it hurts really bad if you touch it or get it on you
5, 6: Tucker Bag
qualities: useful, defends
extras: tough x1, awesome x2
description: Shorty eats so much his belly can stretch reaaally big, sometimes he lets me hide in his guts if I'm in trouble too, but it's gross in there
7, 8: Gaping Maw:
qualities: attacks
extras: awesome x2, gnarly x2
description: I've seen shorty eats a whole kangaroo in one bite with his big mouth, he bit it's head off then sucked up the body - it made me throw up but Shorty ate that too.
9, 10: Jelly Eyes:
qualities: useful, defends
extras: awesome x2
description: shorty says he can see people's insides with his eyes so I guess that's how he can spy on people if they hide from him. sometimes he says he can see what people are thinking with his eyes so I guess that's how he knows when to hide.

Shorty is really gross. he hides in my backpack and waits until I go to school, then he sneaks around and rolls in the mud or eats the neighbours pets if they are outside. He looks funny when he laughs because his belly is so loose it flops around under him, except when he just ate something then it looks like his dinner is trying to escapse from his tucker-bag. He once tried to help me with a girl a said I liked at school by eating her and then throwing her up when I met him down at the dam where we play - She was crying and ran away so I told him he should be more careful next time.
He likes to fart when I am telling jokes, all my friends think I smell really bad now so they don't like to talk to me alot but that's ok, Shorty is the only friend I need to have fun.

Favourite Thing:
lying in mud while digesting a still living BIG meal


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Re: Guys its time for a ROAD TRIP!!
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2013, 02:35:55 PM »
Is it too late to ask to join? I've never actually got to play in a Monsters game...

Sure you can join another guy had too drop out.
Send me your skype contact information. Also I sent the contact request Daerke did you get it?

Stats: Good
Skills: Good
Relationships: Good

Shorty the Bunyip
Long Legs(Those are really fast and with 7 dice should go off near most of the time)
Poison Pooper(7 dice again. Area is always a nice extra and combos with Spray nicely. Not very strong but area makes up for that)
Tucker Bag(6 dice. Fun with that stomach also a defends location attached too the belly that is always a popular choice. As far as defensive locations its not bad or good)
Gaping Maw(6 dice. But that hits and it hits hard and is nasty when it does. Guaranteed 2 width with the Awesome x2. So you have 80% chance of getting 3 width)
Jelly Eyes(7 dice. Cool thing with the jelly eyes. But what does he exactly see just so I'm clear when it comes up)

...Good god this monster group may be stranger then the last time I ran road trip.

Last Time
Game Girl with Game n Watch monster that mimic classic video game powers
Weird Kid that was basically a character from Eclipse Phase
Girl with a Maid monster & Bodyguard monster(Maid was 1-5 locations. Bodyguard was 6-10)
Boy with shadow hell hounds trained to fight monsters
Girl with Ice Spirit Cat


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Re: Guys its time for a ROAD TRIP!!
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2013, 04:08:56 PM »

The characters in this game, as I understand them:

- The bitchy social girl and her friend the headless child shell that houses a strange amalgamation of masks and vines. (played by Teuthic, monster portrayed by Darthrex)

- The hero-complex dork boy and his friends the reality-eating actors that people only think are strangely dressed cats. They also only partially exist. (played by Darthrex, monster portrayed by Teuthic's lovely fiancé)

- The sarcastic sickly girl and her friend the invisible, malnourished horse-thing with a horrifying vaginal mouth running down its head. (played by Teuthic's lovely fiancé, monster portrayed either by Teuthic or Mixmastermax)

- The Australian boy and his friend the water spirit that drowns children who wander near ponds. Also it poops poison? (Not gonna lie, I only have a hazy idea of this character and monster) (played by Daerke, monster TBD by said Daerke)

- The scary loner girl and her friend the ballinest necromancer that ever graced the world with a demonic pimp cup. (both characters portrayed by Inedible of the GITP forums)

 This game may go dark very quickly due to my and Darthrex's monsters. I probably should have gone with playing the Enteric Soviet Republic. They're Lenin's gut fauna that gained the former Premier's sentience and politics. Gotta love a monster with the hit location "The Common Man's Cold."
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 07:07:45 AM by Teuthic »


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Re: Guys its time for a ROAD TRIP!!
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2013, 08:11:48 AM »

The characters in this game, as I understand them:

- The bitchy social girl and her friend the headless child shell that houses a strange amalgamation of masks and vines. (played by Teuthic, monster portrayed by Darthrex)

- The hero-complex dork boy and his friends the reality-eating actors that people only think are strangely dressed cats. They also only partially exist. (played by Darthrex, monster portrayed by Teuthic's lovely fiancé)

- The sarcastic sickly girl and her friend the invisible, malnourished horse-thing with a horrifying vaginal mouth running down its head. (played by Teuthic's lovely fiancé, monster portrayed either by Teuthic or Mixmastermax)

- The Australian boy and his friend the water spirit that drowns children who wander near ponds. Also it poops poison? (Not gonna lie, I only have a hazy idea of this character and monster) (played by Daerke, monster TBD by said Daerke)

- The scary loner girl and her friend the ballinest necromancer that ever graced the world with a demonic pimp cup. (both characters portrayed by Inedible of the GITP forums)

 This game may go dark very quickly due to my and Darthrex's monsters. I probably should have gone with playing the Enteric Soviet Republic. They're Lenin's gut fauna that gained the former Premier's sentience and politics. Gotta love a monster with the hit location "The Common Man's Cold."

Yes the social bitch who causes all the problems with horrible creepy monster

Hero-complex. No they are not reality-eating actors, they are cats from Catcosa, they also kind of completely exist

She is sickly and also bitchy good all the females get along! The dragon/horse vagina toothed mouth probably the White Horse of the Apocalypse

Australian poor kid, hero as well. It's a Bunyip that's digestive system on both ends is a weapon

I wish you had this game I'm almost certain will fall apart one it gets into it or really dark. Also the cats, *(&Y(%Q# cats


  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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Re: Guys its time for a ROAD TRIP!!
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2013, 11:21:55 AM »
I love my cats. They're so bad.
I cast summon pedant.