Author Topic: 100th episode coming up - ask questions to have them answered on the podcast  (Read 29611 times)


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Our 100th episode is coming up. We will do a section answering listener questions. Ask them here so we can answer them on the podcast. Please note we will not necessarily answer every question.

Flawless P

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Well I also hopped into the Facebook message but I'll repost here too.

How did you all meet one another, playing 7 degrees of Ross Payton is strongly encouraged.

What combat rules do you find the most fun to play?

Would it be possible to go through a rundown of "Where are they now?" for former players? Maybe get some of them to do some brief voice messages to sprinkle into the episode saying hi.

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  • What do you feel has been your most successful AP campaign?
  • What new systems do you guys want to try in the future?
  • What is the AP one-shot/campaign you are most excited in posting?
  • When is the next batch of RPPR B-sides going to go live?
  • Why has Cody not shown up lately? Might he show up for more games in the future? (This has been sort of answered in the forums but there hasn’t been an official answer on record in the podcast)
  • How’s Mifune doing?
  • What is the state of the Divine Fire official release?
  • What is the state of the new game Caleb is developing for the Game Designer Workshop, Red Markets?
  • What are your future plans for Raillery and The RPPR Youtube channel?
  • When is Ross’ Kickstarter expected to go live? Any rewards you have planned for now?
  • Is Caleb going to be doing a Kickstarter this year?
  • Any more news of collaborations with the guys from Arc Dream, or Pagan Publishing, or Posthuman Studios?
« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 01:56:19 PM by Dom »


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-After playing through the Heroes of New Arcadia campaign what are your (the group's) lingering impressions of Wild Talents as a system?  What did you like / didn't like and why?

-Is there any chance that Caleb would run a Wild Talents or Base raiders Campaign? (I want to hear Ross play in his own world :-)  ).

-Are there any members of the Ex-Human faction in Firewall?

-What are Ross' future plans for Base Raiders?

-Doesn't the "Magical Underground" in Base Raiders logically lead to a conflict in that humanity looses any sense of agency or control in or of the universe?

-If you were to play KotE what Dharma would each member of the cast play as?

-At what moment did it really sink in to each player that Ross Payton was a horrible monster?
« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 04:20:13 PM by Claive »
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- What are Tom's reaction's to the popularity of Divine Fire?
- Will there be a scenario done on Rebirth Island in the Aral Sea, and will it be in Ross's new system "Ruin"?
- Will there be any Monsters& games in the future, perhaps a campaign?
- Is the Godzilla NES scenario being developed/played?
Liquid Water?


  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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What game are you sad that you didn't manage to record it?

Any white whales of a system or scenario out there that you have to play? Or never got right?

Where does the thing with Tom playing german Characters come from? I noticed Aaron's affinity fo tech and / or good guys more than that and being german myself I think I would have noticed.

Is there anything you regret running on the podcast? Any big changes in attitude that invalidate things said in the past?


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- What do we, the fans, need to do to get Caleb to run and record a short Paranoia campaign?

- Why has RPPR not talked about Achtung Cthulhu?  It's WW2 and Cthulhu mix seams right up RPPRs alley.  Is it the low hanging fruit not tempting?

- When will RPPR go on the Patron site?

A few questions I would like RPPR members to answer individually, please:
- Who are your favourite game designers? 
- What are your favourite game settings?
- Who are your favourite fiction writers?  What have they written that I should read?
- What games would you love to play, but expect that you never will?
Gorkamorka (Fridrik)


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How do you feel about the use of props (everything from lit candles, in-period cosplay, character cards, music, etc.) to set the mood? What sort of props have you or would you like to use (if you feel positively about props)?

Raillery in 2014?

What is the most novel roleplaying system you've seen? If they aren't the same thing, what is the most novel system that you've seen that seems like it would actually work?

Thoughts on D&D Next/5e or D&D in general? What are your thoughts of gameplay elements in systems which are modular and optional?

How do you feel about cooperative boardgames (e.g. Pandemic, Arkham Horror)?


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Gorkamorka (Fridrik)


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Do you listen to podcasts / actual plays yourself?
What is your favorite actual play to listen to? (From your site or elsewhere)


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How do you guys go about introducing new players to your group?

Does anyone in the RPPR circle except for Caleb and Ross have anything in the pipeline as far as actual RPG products go?


Out of any RPG ever made, which do you wish you made yourself?

RPG Bucket-list, anyone? (What games should everyone try at least once)

Ross kind of spoke on this subject before, but: Will there be more long campaigns (25+ episodes)? Or rather, does someone have a long one in mind?

What's been everyone's reaction (old and new crew alike) to RPPR's popularity, and how do you handle criticism?

What's the story about the Memphis Wendy's, Aaron? You forgot to tell it during the latest Thorough Murder AP.

And, you know, thanks for all the free content. You guys and what you do mean a lot to me, and I'll keep supporting your work.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 03:23:20 PM by Leviathan »
Railroad Diary, a place where I occasionally put words.


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Hey guys, just one big question. How have you changed since this all started? As roleplayers, writers, maybe even as people? Is there any moment in the APs you would have done differently? Anything you would have written differently?

So...thanks for all the awesome episodes and APs. I just relistened to all of Know Evil. So good.


  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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How do you guys feel about running scenes "out of order" in a game. Effective? Ineffective most of the time? Things like we say this thing happened, and then later coming back to play out how that came about, or players in different scenes that occur during different points in time and location? Or even Flashbacks to "That one time when..."

Also, I would like to know if you guys have considered Patreon or something similar as a funding source to improve equipment, production quality etc.

Finally, any chance we can get you guys playing more of the "Story games" or other ones a little more out there. Diceless, etc. or just not your cup of tea?
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Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
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  • Oregon Trail 13 Superstar
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Hey guys, just one big question. How have you changed since this all started? As roleplayers, writers, maybe even as people? Is there any moment in the APs you would have done differently? Anything you would have written differently?

I want to second this.
Gorkamorka (Fridrik)


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-Is Tom's Divine Fire going to be published? I'm still waiting. :)

-Any plans for some of the other folks GM'ing? Ross and Caleb are kings of GM'ing, but I do enjoy the occasional Tom or Aaron game. Do David, Bill, or anyone else GM?

-Any plans for different-system'ed game(or return to a previous game system) coming down the pipeline in the near future? Red Markets? Mini campaign of Day After Ragnarok, maybe? More Dungeon World? MORE ECLIPSE PHASE? EH? EH?
Chados- the, uh... hands of fate.