Author Topic: Quis Separabit: Unknown Irish Republican Armies  (Read 212055 times)


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Re: Quis Separabit: Unknown Irish Republican Armies
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2014, 06:45:52 PM »
I walk up to the group of men "are you here about Col. Blood's daughter too?"
« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 07:06:15 PM by Darthrex »
I cast summon pedant.


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Re: Quis Separabit: Unknown Irish Republican Armies
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2014, 07:02:15 PM »
"Fiona's dead." The name rings about in my head for a moment, bouncing back and forth, not quite taking hold. "She was a symbol more than anything else. A face to put onto an idea. I was not as close to her as I could have been; the relationship defined nothing and ended without meaning."
(Time to spout occult secrets! If I succeed, I want the MC to tell me something new and interesting first, and not sound like I'm full of shit second.)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 07:12:24 PM by Teuthic »


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Re: Quis Separabit: Unknown Irish Republican Armies
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2014, 09:13:46 PM »
As Cormac speaks of Fiona, his eyes get a bit wilder and some sweat runs down his face. His exhaustion is almost palatable to his companions and his ramblings sound half mad. Aside from that, it's hard to hear a man call your sister "a symbol" than a person or that it wasn't "meaningful"; she loved that bastard for all his flaws.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 09:19:19 PM by Oisķn »
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Jomon Dogu

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Re: Quis Separabit: Unknown Irish Republican Armies
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2014, 12:13:40 AM »
Genuinely concerned, and relieved that attention is drifting from me, I take Cormac by the shoulders and look into his tired eyes.

"Are you all right? You look... different. Let's get you inside, you need to sit down. We'll get our host to fix you a stiff glass, you can tell me all about the States and..." And whatever the hell's gone wrong with you, that you'd speak that way about Fiona.
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Re: Quis Separabit: Unknown Irish Republican Armies
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2014, 11:27:59 AM »
"Oh begorrah, now I recognise you! it's been a while, Collin.  Also what in hell is wrong with you Cormac, she was a human being, have some damned humanity!" I say, getting a little flustered

"So... anyone gonna actually knock on the door? or is it too nice out in this lovely weather?" I say, with a slight sarcastic lilt to the weather comment. 

« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 05:07:21 PM by TheGeorge »
This little pig built a spaceship,
This little pig paid the bill;
This little pig made isotopes,
This little pig popped a pill;
But this little pig did nothing at all,
And he’s just a little pig still.

Jomon Dogu

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Re: Quis Separabit: Unknown Irish Republican Armies
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2014, 05:15:21 PM »
I knock thrice, one hand still reassuringly on Cormac's shoulder.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 05:17:18 PM by Jomon Dogu »
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Far off, most secret, and inviolate Rose?


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Re: Quis Separabit: Unknown Irish Republican Armies
« Reply #21 on: June 24, 2014, 05:34:18 PM »
By the third knock, someone was already by the door.

Colin and the others were greeted by the Colonel himself, in a rather heavy looking Persian overcoat. Though he was almost entirely grey with his hair combed mostly back, he maintained a remarkable look of youthful determination and a strong rather square build to back this up. He had on him as well a moustache to rival Murphy's.

"Come in," he said, "We have rather serious matters to attend to."

He led them into a study wherein tea had already been laid out for them with some biscuits. It was, like the house, a model of the room one makes when they do not understand the current fashion but do not wish to appear out of place: Everything was simple, of decent quality but clearly there more so that it would appear proper rather than of personal taste. However, what stood out in the room was the volume of military artificats; Battalion markings and covers, a peaked cap as well as a Pith Helmet. One might also have remarked on the Persian rugs, one which sat beneath the table and another on stairs. The most unique element however, was perhaps the Zulu shield on the wall behind which lay two crossed spears.

"I am aware that this is rather... strange affair, all things stated. But I shall allow you to ask your own questions about it rather than trying restate what you have already read."

He looked over the group somewhat apprehensively, awaiting a response.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 05:40:42 PM by Oisķn »
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Re: Quis Separabit: Unknown Irish Republican Armies
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2014, 05:46:22 PM »
I take a seat in whatever looks like the most comfortable chair and steeple my fingers, pointedly avoiding the tea and cakes.

"So Colonel , I know this is a rather difficult time for you, but let us start with the basics. When and where was your daughter last seen?"
I cast summon pedant.


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Re: Quis Separabit: Unknown Irish Republican Armies
« Reply #23 on: June 24, 2014, 05:59:31 PM »
"Eliza was having an evening out with a couple friends at Temple bar," He replies, "It was ten days prior. She was separated from her friends around midnight, according to their accounts. I recieved this three days later."

He holds out a ransom note and places it on the table.

"You can see now why I had stressed that your arrival today was so urgent; the ransom is due tonight and would cost me most of my estate to pay. If you can investigate this matter and ensure her safe arrival, I would be most grateful."

The letter was brief, written out by a type writer and detailing the time of 11 PM tonight as the time for the exchange.

"If you save me the ransom, I can give you each the full price promised. If not, we may discuss the price due afterwards upon the safe return of my Elizabeth."
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 08:35:57 PM by Oisķn »
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Re: Quis Separabit: Unknown Irish Republican Armies
« Reply #24 on: June 24, 2014, 06:09:26 PM »
I nod politely and ask more questions (I'll just list all of them for convenience)
1."Do you have any personal enemies"
2. "Did your daughter have any personal enemies or jilted suitors?"
3. "Have you experienced any previous harassment, blackmail, etc..."
4. "Do have any idea who might have done this?"
I cast summon pedant.

Jomon Dogu

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Re: Quis Separabit: Unknown Irish Republican Armies
« Reply #25 on: June 24, 2014, 06:16:35 PM »
After pouring a cup of tea for myself, and one for Cormac, I take the ransom note, running my fingers over the paper as though trying to feel the thoughts of the person who typed it.

"Colonel, if I may be so bold as to make an assumption: clearly, you are dealing with a villain who knows you are a man of means enough to pay such a sum, and thus presumably either an unrelated criminal with a very sharp eye, or an enemy with a personal stake in the matter. I don't suppose you can think of anyone with a more than monetary reason to do such a despicable thing?"
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Re: Quis Separabit: Unknown Irish Republican Armies
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2014, 06:54:20 PM »
His eyes show a glimmer of fear at the word "enemies"

"I suspect Jameson has the right idea on the matter; anyone who might constitute an enemy would be so more for ideological reasons than otherwise. I am a career army man and I have always dealt with affairs in a gentlemanly manner. However, I also stand by my views and some members of certain radical republican militia groups may imagine me as their enemy."

He pauses for a moment, "However, there is a rather notable lack of ideological grand standing or anything of the sort, which makes me suspect that it might just be someone trying to take advantage of the confusion that law enforcement is in with the recent troubes. The sharpeyed villain, whom you mention."

"There has been no blackmail or harrassment prior to this," He continued, "As to Eliza, she's an examplary daughter with no enemies nor jilted suitors to speak of; She's been dating a young man by the name of Arthur Finnegan for some time now. A letter has been sent to him about this, though he is currently on vacation in Wales."
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Re: Quis Separabit: Unknown Irish Republican Armies
« Reply #27 on: June 24, 2014, 06:55:47 PM »
I down the tea in a single gulp, hardly registering the burn of the too-hot liquid on my tongue. The fuzz in my brain recedes slightly, and I pour myself another cup. And another.
(feeding my obsession to gain a forward on my next action)
"You're holding something back, Blood; I would rather your daughter rot if you aren't forthright."
(aaaaand lashing out. I want to catch him off guard first, and let him know why I'm upset second.)
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 07:10:44 PM by Teuthic »


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Re: Quis Separabit: Unknown Irish Republican Armies
« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2014, 07:02:14 PM »
"Colonel, If you don't mind me asking, you seemed to become more than a little unsettled at my mention of enemies. Are you sure there is no one who might have a personal motive to pursue a vendetta against yourself?"
I cast summon pedant.


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Re: Quis Separabit: Unknown Irish Republican Armies
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2014, 07:19:07 PM »
There is a couple moments of silence until Shaemus' question shakes the Colonel to his senses

"It is a rather personal question," Blood replied with a bit of a glare at Cormac, "You will excuse me if I did not feel so inclined as to give my life story in hopes that some name might be of use. As I had stated, there are some militias who are aware of me; I recruited in Dublin during the great war. I also have some rivalries within the force. There have been some irksome gentry and tea circles here and there bothering me to support particular social causes or do my part for the Queen in this, hoping my name will mean something to them. Nothing which constituted harrassment or blackmail from any party. None of this would be resolved by the monetary gain which the note stipulates. Without any clue outside of that, I'm hardly supposed to narrow the whole affair down enough to give you a brief list of anyone who's been slightly annoyed by me."
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 07:39:39 PM by Oisķn »
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