Active Games > Quis Separabit: a UA RP

Quis Separabit OOC stuff


A thread for complaints and bullshit nonsense!

Scene I: Sorting Out the Odds and Ends

The Rulebook doesn't explicitly say this, but I would like to reserve marking experience points for clearly stated scenes ends. This ensures that everyone advances evenly and there isn't any misunderstandings or double counts.

You have Kept Your Cool and Asked For Forgiveness, +2 XP (2 Total)
Take +1 Hx with Blood, You have promised a fresh start with both of you trying to improve yourselves.

You have both Fed Your Obsession and Rooted Through Colonel Blood's Things, +2 XP (2 Total).
However, you have also Cracked a little while trying to keep your cool. +1 Crack.

You did not see fit to used your wits or anger to get what you need, but because of that you haven't grown as much. Blood however, considers you a valuable contact: mark +1 Hx with Blood. (0 Total XP)

You were pretty passive in the scene as it unfolded, you felt the world move around you but you remained the same. +0 XP (1 Total).

I just wanted to give a quick personal apology to all the participants for taking more than 3 days to reply. I had a very busy and was just too drained that nothing felt right.

I think this is alright, though I am worried about how well individual voices are coming across; the Bartender in particular feels weak on characterization and the like. Any feed back or help that could be offered there would be helpful.

Jomon had a good scene that I would be willing to conclude early or divide into two except that he didn't seem to roll any dice during it; just straight up interrogation and questioning that actually went really well. I may figure out a way to offer some small reward, though this game does reward you at least a little for being a jackass. We'll see what I can do.

Chris has also had a couple of recommendations that I am weighing over;

How do you guys feel about making your own checks and writing your own reactions? I could reserve hidden rolls for minor checks where failure allows me to throw a Red-herring and then allow you guys to fail and bumble all on your own; I've been avoiding being too harsh just because I could really throw you off if I was too harsh.

The other, I'm still leaning no [and I feel the group would do the same] on but I think I will bring to a vote after some more scenes with Cormac, once I feel his character has been developed more fully.


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