Author Topic: Your most RIDONKULOUS character evah  (Read 15804 times)

D6xD6 - Chris

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Your most RIDONKULOUS character evah
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:59:38 PM »
Why is role-playing fun?  The stupid ass characters we come up with and the dumb shit we have them do.

Everyone has a character they made that was simply ridiculous.  Here is my favorite:

Inspired by a spam bot name I seem to receive every Tuesday, Juicy Tracksuit was a ghetto fabulous personal trainer trying to make it big by being all "retro n stuff" and producing VHS tapes of his workout routine.  I played Juicy in CoC (who was much too fabulous for any one gender to contain), in which he emerged from his tenement housing with his box of tapes to sell at the flea market and got jiggy on a firetruck with a fire demony thing, punched a little girl in the face which ended up killing her, and dove headfirst into a glass window. . . and bounced off due to a critical failure.  He was then eaten by fire hounds.  The end. 

RIP Juicy.



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Re: Your most RIDONKULOUS character evah
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2014, 03:51:26 PM »
I was roped into a mythic Pathfinder game so I decided to have a bunch of fun with character gen. I ended up with a half-orc witch named "Astrid" who was, a driven, neigh insane politician who used her magic to subvert her political opponents. There was a moment where she'd been negotiating with an untrustworthy NPC who went ahead suddenly (and inevitably) betrayed Astrid. Her response was "Blindness+Deafness" and "As per the contract we signed I've cursed you for suddenly betraying me."


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Re: Your most RIDONKULOUS character evah
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2014, 04:48:42 PM »
Apocalypse World. It has a psychic class called a Brainer. In the description it says they are weird and give everyone the heeby jeebies.  Some of the options just screamed Hunter S. Thompson to me, so that's what I made. Only I named him Juandice. And he was. Pale sickly yellow with smooth skin, no hair or wrinkles, wearing a Hawaiian shirt, Boating shorts, high white socks and sandals, and Giant Revolver stuffed into his waistband. A maniac grin and glasses that didn't fit.

I spent the entire game probing people's minds inappropriately and giving them the weirdest desires ever.

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Re: Your most RIDONKULOUS character evah
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2014, 05:24:25 PM »
Mechanically Ridiculous: Zedd was a Druid Master of Many Forms who could turn into a Beholder and use all of their Eye Rays. It was silly, heinous and silly, nothing was a challenge at all.

Story line wise: I have one worth mentioning off the top of my head.

James Porter the Paladin with the Half Black Dragon Bard companion, James Porter won the Twisted Metal tournament and wished for a Dragon companion and was sent to a fantasy land.
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Re: Your most RIDONKULOUS character evah
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2014, 04:38:46 PM »
Flint the Racially Tolerant, a Half-Orc fighter in my on-and-off Pathfinder campaign. Conceived as something of a joke after the GM and other players (Who lean much more conservative than I and grew up in a rural area, which means they occasionally say less than polite things) started making jokes about racial stereotypes of goblins and orcs and other common D&D monsters. His entire character gimmick is being the exception to all racial stereotypes of Orcs and Half-Orcs as well as being a platform for me to obliquely point out whenever someone is being racist both in-game and out. To my surprise he was received much more favorably than I anticipated and the OOC racist jokes dropped to nothing in favor of more IC jokes towards said monsters in order to "provoke" me into saying something funny as Flint.


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Re: Your most RIDONKULOUS character evah
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2014, 04:00:55 PM »
When a magic-themed Mutants and Masterminds (2e) edition was being put together, I decided to make a golem so that the party had a bruiser and it wasn't just a team of mechanically-identical casters. I decided it would be modeled after something historical or mythological, to fit in with the theme, so after having spent all my points to make a nice efficient punchman, I decided to drop some points into Additional Limbs. Thus I created Gyges, a stone golem that had formerly been a weapon of Cerulean, the evil archmage, before Arcane bent it to his will and set it to protect his apprentices (the other PC's) Now, the GM took offense to my golem being modeled after one of the Hekatonkhire (for some reason) and insisted I have fewer super-strong arms. In my defense, he only had over twenty - not THAT many arms.

Well, being contrary I decided to draft a character who had nothing BUT Additional Limbs as their power. Which at PL 10 - 150 PP, Rank 150 in the power - was a LOT of Arms. In fact Hero Lab literally couldn't calculate it, which I took to mean "functionally infinite arms".

Thus was born Ball of Arms Man, three hundred and sixty degrees of PUNCH.


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Re: Your most RIDONKULOUS character evah
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2014, 07:50:35 PM »

Sci-fi military game, using GURPS. He was some kind of space-orca alien of particular bulk, and his entire personality started off as a pie-loving Inuit version of the Heavy from Team Fortress 2. Somehow my usual awful dice rolls did not come to pass, and Kaskae took all comers - including climbing a mech and taking out it's pilot single-handedly, and fighting a power armor in hand-to-hand and somehow winning. By game's end he was spouting guru-like wisdom like some sort of gigantic warrior-poet.

Simultaneously the most amazing and ridiculous character I've ever played.


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Re: Your most RIDONKULOUS character evah
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2014, 03:34:18 AM »
When a magic-themed Mutants and Masterminds (2e) edition was being put together, I decided to make a golem so that the party had a bruiser and it wasn't just a team of mechanically-identical casters. I decided it would be modeled after something historical or mythological, to fit in with the theme, so after having spent all my points to make a nice efficient punchman, I decided to drop some points into Additional Limbs. Thus I created Gyges, a stone golem that had formerly been a weapon of Cerulean, the evil archmage, before Arcane bent it to his will and set it to protect his apprentices (the other PC's) Now, the GM took offense to my golem being modeled after one of the Hekatonkhire (for some reason) and insisted I have fewer super-strong arms. In my defense, he only had over twenty - not THAT many arms.

Well, being contrary I decided to draft a character who had nothing BUT Additional Limbs as their power. Which at PL 10 - 150 PP, Rank 150 in the power - was a LOT of Arms. In fact Hero Lab literally couldn't calculate it, which I took to mean "functionally infinite arms".

Thus was born Ball of Arms Man, three hundred and sixty degrees of PUNCH.

that's some fucking great art


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Re: Your most RIDONKULOUS character evah
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2014, 09:06:43 AM »
I have so many ridiculous character ideas that I'm not sure I can pick one, but a recent favorite comes to mind.

Moses Jensen-Zhang, producer for This American Life and NPR true believer.

This was during the No Soul Left Behind Playtest: Moses was planted at Brighter Futures Academy, doing a year-long story on charter schools. When the school was attacked by supervillains, he confused the Headless Headsman by trying to interview him mid-intro. And then he was given the ability to turn into anyone and implant false memories with a touch: he was the only person in the party who ended up with no combat abilities whatsoever. It was a recurring joke that Moses would insist he could do something because he was "kind of a badass." Nothing out of the ordinary so far, right?

Halfway through the second game, I came up with Moses' villainous persona: Garrison Killer, a Prairie Home Companion themed supervillain. His mask was a giant green papier mache head of Garrison Keillor, like some sort of weird ugly white dude Carnivale, and he made constant jokes about Lake Wobegon, Guy Noir, and a bunch of NPR deep cuts. His evil vehicle was the Donor Drive, a Toyota Prius modded to increase in speed based on the amount of money NPR had received during that year's pledge drive, and he brainwashed the entirely elderly populace by seeding the city's Golden Corrals with powdermilk biscuits, mind control biscuits that make people fanatically loyal to public radio when eaten.

He had a medical marijuana license for anxiety. He carried around a flask full of milk. He laundered money by donating to NPR. In the final session, he tried to bribe a bunch of people with gluten-free cake.

"And that's the news from Lake Wobegon, where all the men are impossibly handsome, all the women are freakishly strong, and all the children are above your petty morality."


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Re: Your most RIDONKULOUS character evah
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2014, 10:00:06 AM »
Oh Moses, you were kind of a badass... kind of.

Also, Ball-of-Arms-Man is pretty damn amazing!
« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 05:57:59 PM by Kamen »

D6xD6 - Chris

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Re: Your most RIDONKULOUS character evah
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2014, 11:18:10 AM »
Ball of Arms Man is fantastic.  It reminds me of the Critters-ball from Critters 2.

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Re: Your most RIDONKULOUS character evah
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2014, 11:46:05 AM »
Unfortunately the campaign didn't go anywhere, but we built a small mythos around Ball of Arms Man, who we eventually decided was a vaguely-benevolent Lovecraftian horror, a living rip between worlds leading to a horrible "elemental plane of arms". There was a kind of Chicken Boo thing about him where everyone went around as if he was normal - he even had a secret identity as a hand model - and only this one demented journalist was going "CAN'T YOU SEE, YOU FOOLS? HE'S NOT A MAN! HE'S A BALL OF ARMS!"