Author Topic: Red Markets at GenCon/Upcoming Beta  (Read 122003 times)


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Re: Red Markets at GenCon/Upcoming Beta
« Reply #90 on: September 12, 2015, 04:10:39 PM »
I played a two-fer last night: played one session with The Reformers, then ran one for friends. We didn't get the second game started until about 9:00 pm, so we hand-waved negotiation and cut to the chase. I had one new player and the two from my last playtest run. Ran the second playtest pregen scenario, Freedom Isn't Free. SPOILERS AHEAD.

Did one leg (the one with the supermarket and the Wailing Wall), and then cut to the jobsite. Mal (my housemate) burned a massive contact favor to know a hacker who could get them a bunch of inside info on StopLoss's facility.  They spent a whole bunch of time collecting data on the site and constructing an elaborate plan for a diversion and a jailbreak.

It was a good thing the new player (my sister in law) was playing Zuzak, and could use her stealth and criminality to take out the guard and sabotage all but one of the facility's vehicles, which she hot-wired to prepare their escape. Banhammer (my wife) burned Will to sneak across the roof, encountering an oblivious techie working on an antenna and getting some Trauma from killing him. She planted some grenade clusters rigged to blow out the exterior wall of the Casualty pens. Meanwhile Mal tied to get a read on the situation inside the Immune holding-room, but didn't manage it. When the grenades blew, Mal and Zuzak threw the door open and mowed down the only guard left inside, then Mal proceeded to extract the Immunes from the pool and lead them to the truck while Zuzak went to barricade the doors into the Main Street area. She got surprised by a Vector crashing right into the door in front of her, fortunately *after* she had barricaded it. But it was going to break through soon, so she gave it a full-auto burst through the door that crippled its leg, and ran for the truck. Meanwhile, Banhammer had made it back over the roof to join them. They pulled away as a final sniper made it to the roof, who managed to kill one of the Immunes as they closed up the truck. Then off they went, as their standard credits music played.

They had a really great time, especially the new player. She found the character sheet pretty easy to understand. They all love the setting, love the heist-style missions, hate the damage rules, and wish the Ubiq specs had more clearly-defined capabilities.
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Re: Red Markets at GenCon/Upcoming Beta
« Reply #91 on: October 19, 2015, 03:02:39 PM »
If you're still looking for play-testers, Caleb, I'd love to give Red Markets a spin. My group's main campaign is on hiatus while the GM writes future stories, and I'm quite certain RM would be a big hit.
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Re: Red Markets at GenCon/Upcoming Beta
« Reply #92 on: October 30, 2015, 02:59:40 PM »
Playtest Update and Reminders

Hello everyone,

I’ll start by saying thank you. The amount of time and dedication you’ve spent reading, critiquing, and playing Red Markets is one of the most encouraging things to happen in my short game design career. I’m so grateful for everyone that’s taken the time to write up their sessions on the forums. It’s really great to see, and witnessing how you guys are interacting in-character online has given me a dozen more ideas for future products and features.

We are entering November, meaning there is little over a month left in the beta. I’m already compiling playtest reports and my own notes into a master change log.  Here’s a reminder of the plan:

•   Get all the playtests in by the Dec. 20th deadline
•   Use Christmas break and (hopefully) snow days to do a massive revision of the rules text
•   Run a second playtest campaign with the RPPR crew in late Winter/Spring to test the post-Beta revisions. Revise the book as I go and plan the Kickstarter campaign.
•   Ross posts the first playtest campaign as we start playing the second, hopefully building up some hype.
•   Kickstarter launches in early Summer, sometime after school lets out and man the comments section full time.
•   If the book doesn’t fund: cry forever.
•   If it does fund: do a jig. Perhaps even a “Carlton.”
•   After my jig, distribute Beta 2 to backers.
•   Complete the setting stuff, edit, layout, art, etc.

But all of this hinges upon you – the noble playtesters – turning in the playtest reports. I’ve noticed more participation in the game than I’ve received feedback…by a much larger margin than expected. I understand some of this is inevitable, and many of you are merely waiting to get more games under your belt in order to make an informed decision, but we are quickly approaching the point at which I need those reports back.

The audio is priceless, and listening to you guys play my game every day on the ride to work has deeply informed my revision plans already. But whenever possible, I still need as many detailed playtest surveys as I can get. The audio is great for in-depth analysis, but Red Markets is a big book in need of big changes. In short, I need breadth as well as depth, and while I can drop a hundred playtest reports on my office floor and collate revisions all at once, I can’t listen to a dozen AP’s simultaneously.

So as we enter the final month, that’s what I wanted to say. Thank you to everyone that’s reported in so far. For everyone else, thank you and PLEASE email in November if you have not reported in yet. I need all of you if I’m going to help make the game better.
My address is

Happy taking,


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Re: Red Markets at GenCon/Upcoming Beta
« Reply #93 on: May 23, 2016, 10:45:17 AM »