Author Topic: Recruitment Post Guidelines  (Read 33100 times)


  • Play by Post Dude. Malcontent.
  • Global Moderator
  • Oregon Trail 13 Superstar
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Recruitment Post Guidelines
« on: May 03, 2010, 10:42:02 PM »
To keep this forum relatively straight forward, I will ask for the people looking for games to do these things for me.

When you are looking start up a game use this format in the subject:

Title of Game [Game System and # of Players Needed]


Candle Cove 2 Electric boogaloo [NWoD: Seeking 1-4 Players]

In the body of the post, this information is required. Use this format please!

Game Title: The title of your game.
System: The game system y0u are using.
Players Wanted: How many players you need.
Posting Rate: How often you expect players to post.
Special Rules: Any special rules you are using.
Advancement Rules: How you handle advancement.

When you have enough Players for the game you intend to run, please let one of the Moderators know, so they can close the Recruiting thread, and un-sticky it.

Also, when we have a person that wants to run games, I'm going to set up a category with just their games in that category, to keep it simple. There won't be any mixing of posts on this board. Then that GM can put however many forums he wants in that category detailing his games.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2010, 10:43:48 PM by Arje »
My new goal in life is to play D&D with Judi Dench